Can You Stay?

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TW: alcohol consumption

Jill's POV

From the minute that Leah walked in without Hunter, a little knot formed in my chest just making breathing that slight bit more of a challenge; like a hurdle you had to overcome with every inhale, then again with every exhale. 
Though Leah looked fine, seeming happier than she did at dinner as she sat besides Jordan and whispered something in her ear. Jordan smiled, pulling the blonde into a hug and both of them seemed at peace.

I wondered if I should go and find Hunter but I figured to give her a couple of minutes.

I always felt stranded between seeming overbearing and then not wanting Hunter to feel alone; like if I was always too close, I'd crowd Hunter, but if I never followed, she'd think I wasn't there.

Just as I'd finally decided to look for her, she walked right in, glass of coke in hand and a forced yet wide smile on her face, though to everyone else, it probably looked completely genuine. 

"Who's winning?" Hunter asked.

Beth pointed proudly to Danielle, "This one here."

"Not for long though," Leah chuckled. 

Hunter rolled her eyes, "Oh you need to deflate that ego of yours," She joked. Now I knew that Hunter and Leah hadn't fallen out, so what was it? 

Hunter sat besides me, though leaving a gap between us, I tapped her hand, "You okay?" I mouthed.

She nodded, "I'm fine."

"Really?" I quietly checked, the worry building up because I felt something was being hidden from me. 

"I'm good," Hunter quickly answered and then turned her attention back to the game, giving me the hint that she wasn't in the mood to talk. 

Charades continued, everyone bending over in fits of laughter as we all failed, apart from Jen who was surprisingly talented at the game. 
Finally it was Hunter's turn, she'd suddenly switched into a searingly high mood, it caught me a little off guard though I guessed it was better than tears and shouting. 

Hunter stood up, a little unbalanced like usual, and walked into the center of the room, the stage as she'd probably have called it. She picked up the paper and scoffed, "Easy," she commented. 

"Go on then," Leah chuckled, almost setting her to a challenge. 

Hunter sarcastically smiled at the blonde, before getting into the game she begun to think and then seemingly settled on her choice. Hunter held her arms up, looking like a complete fool and then quietly roared. 

Uproar was then created in the room, "You can't make noises!" Leah called, everyone being far too competitive. 

I just chuckled as Hunter realized her mistake.

Then there was a quiet voice of disbelief, "It's the Gunnersaurus," Jordan guessed.

We all slowly turned, our jaws hanging ajar.

Leah chuckled, a noise full of surprise, pulling Jordan into a tight hug, "Yes Jords!" She cheered. 

Even if people had missed out on points, everyone began to clap for the poor girl who hadn't guessed a single thing right the entire night. 

Hunter threw her arms up in the air, bounding towards Jordan before joining in on the hug and patting the girl on the back, "Finally someone on my level."

Jordan smiled, a little unsure as to why she was receiving such a congratulations for one correct guess, "Thanks guys," She nodded, a little dazed.

After a few more rounds of charades we all begun to grow tired, it was begining to get late. 
Though I looked to Hunter who looked completely out of it, her eyes almost watering as she laughed at Beth's awful attempt to act out the iconic Titanic scene alone. 

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