Chapter 26: Can-Am Duels Part Deux

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Thursday, February 15 – Can-Am Duel 2 – Daytona International Speedway

Sarina climbs the usual steps, taking her seat as she glances between the boys, flashing a trademark smile. It then immediately fades as she looks down, crossing her fingers together, closing her eyes, just hopeful that everything went smooth as possible. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Alan questions as he glances back at her. This was something he hadn't grown used to seeing on the pit box each week, even if she simply nodded her head back in response. "You don't need to be nervous."

"It's Daytona," she tells him. "Whether you like it or not, I'm always nervous at Daytona because anything and everything can happen. Given this morning, you could say I may be on a little edge.." Alan nods sympathically as he reaches back for her hand, giving it a squeeze. He didn't need a reminder in remembering the initial shock he felt when learning the news at the hotel. It wasn't far fetched to say a mix of thoughts had flashed through the mind.

"You know I wouldn't give your boy a bad car to work with, so you know he'll be fine that way. But, I do understand that worry. Just try and focus on the good and remember that if he feels confident that he's okay, the-"

"Everything will work out as planned." She then takes a deep breath, having tried to repeat those words over and over. She wanted to believe he'd stick to his guns, too, in remembering the conversation they shared together. "I keep reminding myself of that, Alan. Thank you." He simply smiles as he lets her hand go, focusing back on his job at hand.

The race started off smoothly as Chase put himself in position at the front of the field. That didn't allow Sarina to relax, though, as she felt every bit of heart-pumping action eating at her core. She almost let out the first yell of the evening in watching Erik Jones slide across Chase's bumper, getting him loose with Jones going around for a spin.

"Did he touch you?" Alan questions on the radio as Sarina works at calming herself back down with a couple deep breathes, glad they're still in one piece.

"No, he was sideways the whole frigging time," Chase answers, knowing his bumper had not made any contact with Jones to trigger the incident. That was not something he did, ever, especially this early in the event. 

Alan brought him down pit road, choosing to go with fuel only, before sending him back out. Of course, the jubilation was shortly lived as they were penalized for the crew going over the wall too soon. Knowing they were restarting at the back, Alan called him back down to put four tires on it.

If Sarina felt her heart was going to come out of her chest before, then she couldn't describe her current stage of emotions as she felt even more freaked out in watching Chase dice his way up through the pack, using whatever lane would move. Remarkably, whether due to tires or just a strong car, she watched him move back up into the runner-up spot at Lap 25, just seven laps after the incident.

She felt like she was going to jump out of her seat two laps later when he pulled underneath Denny, sliding by him and back up for the lead.

"Oh my gosh...." She lets out, trying to keep herself calm as possible, despite the drastic blocking before her. It was nice to see Chase in the lead, but she knew this was just beginning now.

Her nerves got a break through the middle portion of the event as once again, they ran single file like they had done the previous Duel. However, as the laps counted down – 10 to go, eight to go, six to go – her heart began to pound harder and harder, knowing everybody was planning their move. Fingers crossed, toes crossed, she hoped Chase could pull the bocks necessary.

With two laps to go, the move came as Kevin Harvick broke out of line, set to make a run. However, at the same time, the lines broke apart behind him, slowing the lanes, with Chase making the moves necessary.

"Come on babes...." She says quietly as they come to the white flag.

Eddie D'Hondt perfected his job on the radio, giving him the necessary information, as she watched him hold the gap perfectly, leading the field back around for the win. Immediately, high-fives and hugs filled the pit box as everybody joined in complete excitement for the victory.

"Was that worth the nerves?" Alan questions as he gives her a hug.

"I'll handle it any day if that's the reward," she answers.

It wasn't long before the whole team was in victory lane, fists pumped in the air with pride for the win. After standing up on top for photos, Chase hops down, immediately wrapping his arms around Sarina and giving her a kiss, before going through his post-race interviews. That was followed by photos on stage, which culminated with Chase and Sarina taking one of their own together.

"You were absolutely amazing out there," she starts as she glances into his eyes. Even with the nerves, it was something she had to admit in having admired what she had just watched. "I mean, for the man that says he has to practice and get better at plate racing, that was beyond spectacular. I say you, Ryan, Ricky, Brad, Joey, Denny and Kevin are the only ones that can make moves like that. I can't wait until Sunday!" Chase leans in for another kiss, soaking in every bit of her compliments. 

"Alan built one great hot rod," Chase states, before the pair take a photo together. They then look back over, as she rubs his side. No matter how high they were both over the victory, her heart couldn't help but wonder in knowing what he was possibly dealing with. 

"Tell me the truth, please..." He takes a deep breath, squinting a touch as he lets it out. There was no way he could hide it from her if he tried. 

"It's tender, a little sore – but I'm fine. It's nothing that I haven't handled before, and it's actually not as bad as last year." She nods her head, accepting, before leaning her head against him. He immediately wraps his arms around her, just holding her. The words didn't need to be said to know the emotions she was probably feeling right now. "I know I scared you this morning. Trust me, nobody knows that more than me. I've stated my fears of Allison before, but I can tell you right now that what she's done has upped the game big time. I can't stop looking over my shoulder, can't stop wondering, can't stop thinking, trying to figure what she'll do next. So I get it, Sarina, and it's okay to be afraid..."

"I'm not afraid, Chase." She then looks up into his brown eyes, confidence laced in her own. Given everything they'd been through together, she believed in these words. "I know how strong you are because of what you've done for me, whether being there, or dealing with my brother's crap. I know the type of character you are. I know that no matter what she throws your way, you're going to be okay because you're stronger than I can put into words. Right now, though, I am thankful..." 

"Me too." He then lets out a sigh as he rests his head on top of hers, thinking things through. He wanted to stand tall and believe in those words that she was saying, but how could he do that when his world was constantly flipped upside down? The little fear that he had told Kyle, Ricky and his dad in the past about – that had grown to the point he didn't know if he could keep it under control.

"You're still here?!?" They hear, glancing down to see Ryan and Lindsay standing there together. It was obvious the pair had gotten changed, and Lindsay's hair being messed up a little had a smirk on Sarina's face immediately. Clearly their first win together had gone well. 

"I'm about to head to the media center for post-race intervie-" Chase starts, knowing he couldn't stay there forever in her arms, despite not wanting to move a single inch. There was something special about the comfort only Sarina could offer.

"Not yet!" Ryan and Lindsay then come up and join them on stage with a smile of their own.

"Group photo!" The girls let out together as they both wrap their arms around the guys.

"Dude, you're wearing one of my shirts?" Chase questions as he looks over at Ryan, seeing the shirt that he had changed into.

"I'm your number one fan now!" Ryan lets out as he wraps his arms around him, causing a series of laughs.

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