Chapter 43: Alison Afterthoughts

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Alison's appearance played into the hands of the second half of the line, as it was clear Chase was off his game with her in his thoughts, giving up more rounds than anticipated. Despite that, though, the rest of the experience went accordingly, with smiles all around for the fans.

Least he had done his part in not letting what happened show, and giving the people that mattered the time they paid for.

"Chase, I'm sorry that we were unable to stop her, or do something," Emma comments and Chase just nods his head back in return. It was the same thing he had heard from everyone else for months. With learning to accept the authorities' excuses, he couldn't fault Emma for the same.

"You did what you could," he replies. "I'm glad that you caught what I asked Sarina for."

"That's why we have the policy in place. I just regret not doing somethi-"

"Don't hang your head. That's how she is. She can play anybody the way she wants to the best of her ability. It's just another chapter in her book." He runs his hands through his hair, letting out a long sigh. It was just a reminder of everything that had happened so far, again. "It's another thing for me think about over and over, on how easily she can just manipulate anything to her advantage."

"Chase, what did she say that's got you flustered?" Sarina wonders as Emma walks away. Each appearance by Alison got under his skin, but always for a unique reason. She could tell in watching his behavior since there was something other than just showing up this time.

"She has something coming to offer me," he reveals as Sarina glances at him worried. Nothing with Alison spelt good news so this was an offer she wanted to make disappear immediately. "She told me, 'just wait and see what I have to offer you.' I mean, that could be anything, right? She also harped on the decision factor, and making the right choices. She repeated the fact that she can get to me whenever, wherever she wants. I don't know. Maybe I should've damn well caused a scene." Sarina wraps her arms around slowly, laying her head against his chest.

"You could've done that, and maybe it would've turned things in your favor. Maybe it would've turned out worse. But you, being the big kind-hearted soul you are, thought about the 100s of people in this room and that means more than anything. Don't hang your head, either." He nods his head slowly, kissing the top of her head. Those words were the words he needed to hear. The reminder of why the decision he made was right on point.

"I don't know what I'd do without you sometimes...."

"I'm the same way. I wouldn't be here, this confident, this ready to take on the world, without you. Like I told you, I'm ready to pay you back in every which way possible with her..." He smiles, kissing her lips. "Ready to get out of here?"


They then thank everybody for a great time, before heading out to the parking lot together. They walk across to the car, set to get in, with Chase driving. As he pulls the keys out of his pocket, he feels a sharp pain in his stomach. His left hand immediately goes to his stomach as he bends over, holding himself up with his right hand on the roof. 

"Oh man...." He lets out, taking a deep breath. If pain could feel like it was engulfing you at once, that would describe him right now.

"Chase?" Sarina immediately rushes over, wrapping her arms around him, as he bites his tongue, resisting the urge to let out a scream. Why was it hurting so badly all of a sudden? "Chase?"

"Oh man...." He takes a couple deep breathes, trying to keep his wits about him, as the pain threatens to pull him apart inside. He about doubles over as he feels another sharp pain, causing both hands to go to his stomach, as Sarina wraps her arms around her tighter. She had never seen him complaining this much about pain, no matter what had bothered him in the past.

"Chase, talk to me...."

"Pain..." He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes. He had been here before. There was only one other experience that compared to this one. "I took my eyes off my drink for one second...." He takes another deep breath as Sarina's eyes go wide immediately.

"Do you thin-"

"Go get someone, please!!" She hated to leave him – even if just for a second, but she knew they needed help. She rushes to go back inside, as he clutches onto his stomach, turning around to lean back against the car. He just needed to try and relax. There would be help by his side soon. Everything was going to be okay. "Deep breaths, deep breaths...."


It was no surprise sitting in the hospital room when he was told Alison had laced his drink, poisoning him once again like before. It was no surprise in having to get his stomach pumped out, the pain would remain for a couple hours, and he had to stay overnight for observation.

Taking a deep breath as he lays in the bed trying to get comfortable, he knew this was just an added bonus to Alison's plan. Everything about her game was to do with decisions.

He made the decision to be with Sarina instead of her, so she was going to make their life together hell. He was going to torture that love by teasing harm and pain for her to hurt him, hence the kidnapping.

He made the decision to not let her win the hand and get what she wanted, so she had punished him with another incident.

Taking another deep breath, he didn't want to think about what decision would be next and the consequences if he didn't play the game properly. He just hoped she was figured out sooner rather than later as he couldn't take much more of this.

"You're okay," Sarina tells him for what seemed like the millionth time as she curls up with him in the bed. She knew more than ever, he needed the comfort she could offer tonight. "I'm not going anywhere tonight. I've got you tonight, tomorrow, and every day for the rest of our lives. There's no more playing around when it comes to her."

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