Chapter 49: "It's nice to see you again, Chase."

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"How did you get in here?" He questions without moving a single inch. 

His eyes immediately focused on the brunette that stood in the doorway to his hauler. His eyes scanned over every single one of her features, knowing he didn't need to as she haunted every single one of his nightmares. 

However, he could care less how she looked - but rather what she was thinking. If she had been able to sneak in here unnoticed, that was a very concerning thought. It could also lead to a ton of trouble. It was why he was already eying a couple different ideas, ranging from where his phone was placed to the doorway and her location.

"I have my ways, right?" She questions, flashing the familiar smirk he had grown used to. "It's easy to sneak in here when nobody is around during the practice session." He immediately wanted to curse the lack of security or people, or the fact the doors had been left unlocked. If everybody was on the same page and not willing to leave anything to chance, why wasn't that taken care of? Besides, where were the guys right now? Shouldn't they be there going over notes and grabbing some grub? "Besides, there's more important questions at hand that need to be answered."

"Like what?" He hated to entertain her, but figured it was worth buying some time as the guys should be on their way soon. They'd be able to save him before she did anything dangerous, right? 

"Have you seen Sarina lately?" His breath immediately hitches in his throat, but he tried to ignore the worry. She was just trying to play games with him. If she was here, that meant that she wasn't where they were. If something was wrong, he would've heard something from Samantha and Kyle already – unless....

"She's taking a fun day to hersel-"

"With her boss and Brexton. How adorable, right? It almost sucks to ruin it." Chase felt his heart drop immediately in worry. He knew Samantha and Sarina could take care of himself – he could honestly see Samantha sticking a heel up someone's ass. However, it didn't seem fair for Brexton.

"This is obviously between me and you – as you've made it from the beginning. Let's try and keep it that way, alright?" He keeps his eyes closely locked on her as she makes her way around the small table closer to where he was sitting on the couch. Eyes locked on his phone, objects around him, a couple different ideas began to form immediately. Why couldn't he find it in himself to do something?

"I'm glad you see it that way. Decisions, right? As long as you make the right choice here today, we won't have to do anything..." He was almost set to throw the book off the table, when he watches her load an image on her phone of Sarina with Samantha and Brexton at the park. His hand immediately lowers as he knew if she had images, someone was there and something was possible. He didn't want to be the reason something happened to them. He just needed to buy some time....

"What do you want?" A smirk forms on Alison's face immediately as she sits down on the couch beside him. That didn't seemingly mean to spell anything good in his favor as something she enjoyed wouldn't suit well with him.

"What have I wanted from the beginning? What did I ask you for at India-"

"Go to hell." She breaks out laughing as she reaches for her phone, set to push a button upon his words.

"Like I said, decisi-" In an instant, he felt every nerve rise inside of him, almost like his stomach flip flopped with worry and panic, as he reached over and placed his hand on top of his. The crew guys would be there soon, right? They always came back to the lounge. He just needed to buy a couple more seconds. He could stall her long enough to allow that to happen.

"As much as I hate you and despise you, I'm willing to deal..." Her smirk widens immediately, only making him feel sicker in the process. That spelt even more worry than every smirk he had witnessed before.

"I know that this can be hard on you to do, so let's just take it slow – one step at a time per meeting that we are going to have." In Chase's eyes, this was going to be the last meeting ever because she was going to get caught and this nightmare would be over. "Kiss me, or else I will send the message that you're dreading."

"Kiss you?" She nods her head as he takes a deep breath. He knew he was going to hate every minute, and cursed the guys for not coming around sooner, but what else was he supposed to do? He watches as her finger lingers closer towards the 'send' button, placing his hand more firmly on hers to hold it back. Against every wish and thought, he brought his lips close to hers, letting them brush across lightly as possible, before pulling back. "Happy?"

"Such a tease, Elliott...." He actually hated the thought that it seemed she got off on it. "It almost makes me want to take charge and have my wa-"

"That's not happening." She then laughs as she brushes his hand away, holding up the phone with pride.

"You'll do anything for her, and I know you wouldn't want to be responsible for something happening to Brexton..." She then stands up, standing over him as he glances at her, closing his eyes as he says every prayer imaginable that Alan would burst through the door already. "So what do you say, Chase?"

"I'm not betraying Sari-"

"Then I guess I can send the messa-"

"Don't you have another trick up your sleeve?" She laughs even harder as she reaches for her pocket. His eyes catch a glimpse, only picking up his nerves that much more. He had half-expected a needle or something else, but certainly not that. "Okay, I get it, you're not playing games." He places his hand on top of hers, pulling it away from her pocket.

"So you accept my offer?" He hated he was going to do this, but what other choice did he have? At least this way he would still be apart of the land of living, and knowing everybody else was okay. It was why he simply slowly nodded his head, closing his eyes, not believing that this could be happening. "I knew you'd co-operate..." She straddles herself over him, reaching for the zipper on his firesuit, slowly bringing it down. "I just hope you enjoy watching how a real woman works..."

"What the hell?!?" They both hear as the door slides open with Alan standing there.

"Duck!" Chase yells, catching the crew chief off-guard but he does as requested and luckily so, as Alison spins around, grabbing the gun out of her pocket and letting off a shot. Chase uses it to his perfect advantage, grabbing her leg and causing her to fall on the ground. With her caught off-guard, he slips the gun out of her fingers, throwing it on the table. "Alan?"

"I'm...." Alan slowly stands up as he glances over himself, before looking at his driver. "I'm okay. I'm okay. It totally missed me.." Chase lets out a long sigh as he places a foot on her to keep her held down as Alan grabs his phone, calling for help. "What about you?!?"

"I'm" Alan simply nods his head as he rambles off some details. "Call Sarina and tell her to get back to the track immediately with Samantha and Brexton, please. Just tell them something is up."

"Sure, I'll do that, whatever you say – whatever you need." Chase takes another deep breath as he tries to relax back, but not letting go of his hold on Alison.

It didn't take long for the right officials to get there and take away Alison in handcuffs, before getting a statement from both men as they sat in the trailer stunned. It didn't even bother them right now that the car had failed tech inspection twice and there was going to be no attempt to qualify because quite frankly, that probably wouldn't been possible with what had just happened.

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