Chapter 72: Finding Sarina

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Chase reaches onto the dresser, slipping on the t-shirt, followed by the jeans. Taking a glance in the mirror, trying to compose every bit of himself, he grabs his sweater and slips that on over the t-shirt.

He did not know they convinced him to go through this plan. He did not know they convinced him to leave his spot on the bathroom floor earlier. He almost felt like running back in there one again and vomiting again. The lack of food eaten in the past 24 hours was probably the only reason he was not. 

There was only one way he accepted this plan - his crazy want to be reunited with Sarina as soon as possible. 

"You're going to be okay," Alan comments as he comes out of the bathroom, placing a hand on Chase's shoulder. He knew Chase was not about to admit it right now, but he could tell his emotions were all over the place. It was why he was also questioning the validity of the plan and whether it was a good idea. "They're going to follow..." Chase nods his head as he takes the black box off of dresser, placing it in his jean pocket. "It's going to be okay, I promise..."

"I know..." Chase replies as he makes his way out of the hotel room, down to the lobby and outside. 

It didn't take him long to find the Camaro and he followed the directions to a key, climbing in the car and sitting in the passenger seat. It was easy to see how she got around given the tinted windows.

"You're such a good boy," Alison says as she reaches over, covering his eyes with a black eye cover. "Don't fight me or the deal is off..." Chase was glad she couldn't see his eyes to see the pain, the tears, the fear, as he tried to keep his breathing composed, knowing the plan and what was involved.

"Just do what I asked, please..." Alison chuckles as she grabs his wrists, tying them both together tightly. "Easy.." She just laughed harder as she turned the key on the ignition, heading out of the parking lot.

The drive may have only been a half hour, but it felt like forever for Chase. He had no ability to have a clue as to where they were going, along with no ability to move or relax. 

Once they arrived, he easily got out of the car, allowing Alison to lead him to where they were supposed to be going.

"Chase!!" Sarina's voice rang through the room as she watched him being voluntarily led in by Alison, her eyes locking to the pink diamond on his pinky. She had wondered where it had gone when Alison returned without it. It didn't surprise her, though, in knowing he'd do anything for her. She felt sick in wondering what he had to do to get it back. 

"It's time for some fun," Alison comments as a smirk forms on her face. She had an original idea with them both, but this new plan seemed like it could be more interesting for both her and the pair at bay here.

"Please let Sarina go...." Chase says quietly as Alison laughs in response. This is where the plan had shifted. She knew the reaction she was about to get from both, and it just made it that much more appealing. 

"I thought about that, but this will be more fun. Now, you're going to listen and goodbye goes your girlfriend." Chase felt every tinge of fear, worry, and nerves, but knew he just had to play along for a short amount of time. There would be a rescue coming, and that was his focus as he feels the tie around his wrists loosen, stretching out a little. "What did I say?"

"Sorry...." He wished he could see Sarina was okay for himself, but clearly that wasn't going to be an option. The fact he heard her voice upon entering, and it sounded like no pain was laced behind it, gave him hope she was totally okay. 

"Strip down..." He felt his breath clutch once again in hearing those familiar words, as he reaches underneath his sweater, slowly taking it off. He just needed to buy himself some time. "Faster or else...." He then undoes the buckle on his jeans, feeling them drop to the floor immediately, taking a deep breath. He wondered if the black box was defective and where the cops were. He also wondered what Alison had in mind. What else could happen now? He then reaches underneath of shirt, pulling it off.

"Chase..." Sarina lets out, knowing where this was going immediately having heard Alison reminisce of the fun times that she had with him. It was one thing to hear the stories. It was another to now playing a witness to what was happening.

"I hope you enjoy the present I left for him, as well as what you're going to receive," Alison says as she brings her body against his, pinning him up against the closest wall. "Let's give her a show..." Chase feels the hot tears returning as Alison's lips meet his once again, pushing every bit of her against him. She then reaches her hand down his boxers, stroking him slowly... "You're so hard, baby."

"Alison Reynolds!" The shout catches everyone off-guard as Alison immediately spins around. She then takes the rolling chair she had Sarina tied on, pushing it across the floor as the gun goes off from the officer.

"Oh fuck!" Sarina lets out immediately, glancing towards her shoulder, seeing the blood seeping down her arm as one of the paramedics rush over. So much for getting out of here without injury.

"What is going on?" Chase says, still frozen in the same spot. He feels hands wrap around, untying the mask immediately. He heard the gun fire. He heard the scream. His mind was already putting two and two together, and none of that spelled good news. If anything, worst case scenario was very apparent right now. "What happened?!?"

"Alison escaped out the back room after putting Sarina in the fir-" Alan starts, keeping his arms wrapped around Chase. He knew what was coming, having seen the reaction before in less scary situations. He knew the paramedics needed to do their job and a panicked Chase in the middle would not be beneficial.

"Sarina!!" Alan grips him even harder, not letting him get any closer. "Alan, let me go, please. I need to help her. She nee-"

"Medical services are already taking care of her. She's going to be okay." Chase keeps fighting against Alan as Alan maintains his grip. "Chase, calm down. We need to let them look at yo-"

"I'm fine! Let me see her, please!!" His breathing quickens as panic begins to set in against Alan's hold, as Alan keeps every grip possible, resisting the urge to break into his own panic.

"Chase, take a deep breath, please. Calm down. The worst is over...."

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