Chapter 53: "Someone doesn't look happy."

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Friday March 23, 2018 – Martinsville Speedway

Staring at a pair of big brown doors and taking a deep breath, Chase knew procrastination would get them nowhere. It would not make the day, or the proceedings inside go easier. Even having the comfort of Josh and Alan with him didn't seem to be making his thought process any easier to deal with. 

The group quietly takes their seats together, as Chase takes a deep breath. They were only there to hear a couple words from a judge, but it felt like the whole world rested on what he had to say.

He stands up as the judge enters, focusing his eyes forward, not allowing himself to begin to even wander towards the left. He didn't want to see Chris, or really Shelley for that matter either. If it was up to him, he would leave all of this – and Alison – behind as quickly as possible.

Taking his seat, he feels a hand on his shoulder, glancing behind with a small smile towards his parents, before focusing his eyes the same direction as before.

"As requested by Shelley Dryer, the entire case pertaining to Chris Dryer was reviewed – with a focus on whether a psychological evaluation is valid and the surrounding steps," the judge states as he focuses his eyes forward. Perhaps if he focused on the judge alone it would make these moments go by faster. "The purpose of this was review was to determine whether the sentencing regulations were fairly according to the charges and happenings of events.

"It is no secret that the amount of documents to review was lengthy, from Mr. Dryer's own testimony, to victim testimony, victim impact statements, hospital and medical records, along with previous psychological evaluations. I thank all parties involved for your patience over the past couple of weeks.

"After reviewing everything extensively, I have reached my reasoning and it is final as of today in this court room. All parties are expected to accept the reasoning within reason, and not act out or against it.

"Following a review of Mr. Dryer's court documents, I will allow him to be submitted for psychological evaluation by a psychiatrist of this court's choosing. That psychiatrist works for the legal system here in California, and is an independent from all parties involved in this matter."

Chase immediately saw the red flags with this situation. There was only a 5% chance of this door opening per the lawyer, but yet this judge was going to do that anyway. If it was opened this far to even allow for an evaluation – that could mean being forced further and a possible release. Alison was enough to deal with, but both her and Chris? That'd be mission impossible.

Furthermore, he wasn't about to have confidence in the court's mental institution policy given Alison's escape, either. Who was to say that Chris wouldn't follow her route?

"Following Mr. Dryer's session, I will consult with the psychiatrist about his findings," the judge continues. "If Mr. Dryer is found mentally unstable, he will be submitted to the mental institution for rehab. At the completion of the rehab, a trial will be held to determine whether his sentence is reduced. If he is found stable, then there will be no change in the given amount of events." The judge closes the file as he looks towards Chris. "Do you understand the findings today?"

"Yes sir," Chris states as a small smile forms on his face.

"Does the defense have any requests or questions?" The lawyer shakes her head no. "Does the prosecution have any requests or questions?"

"Recently, Ms. Alison Reynolds escaped your mental institution after being found mentally unstable in relation to her charges connected to Mr. Elliott and others," the lawyer begins, causing Chase to smile. He was glad he wasn't the only one feeling the pressure there. "Can we make sure that this time the court system actually upholds their end of the bargain and watches Mr. Dryer to make sure he doesn't escape like Ms. Reynolds?"

"I will make sure extra security is in place for that matter," the judge answers, which earned a simple nod from Chase. As long as they were aware and did something about it so nothing happened, he could sleep at night. Now he just hoped the psychiatrist saw what they saw before. "Is there any other requests? If not, court is adjourned for today."

Chase slowly gets up, ignoring the glance his way from Shelley, as he heads out through the door. The faster he left and got to Martinsville, the quicker he could change his thought process.

"Chase...." Alan says as he follows him, earning a glance back. "Are you okay?" Chase nods his head.

"At least they're using security better this time, right?" He questions as he lets out a sigh. No matter how he tried to stop thinking about things, they just seemed to grow larger in his mind. "I can't believe that for a third time, Chris may just find his way out of jail on a psychological loophole. I mean, sure, he's probably a little crazy, but you can't tell me that's the sole reason for what he did. He even uttered the words of revenge against Sarina, Alan."

"I know, I was there...." Chase lets out a sigh as he leans back against the wall, taking a deep breath. It seemed like he was stuck in a nightmare that would never end, no matter what was said or done about it. 

"I told Sarina and I've told you that I'm not going to let Alison run my life, but here I am...." Alan places a hand on his shoulder, having grown to understand the frustration he was feeling. 

"Anybody in your shoes would have the same reaction. If the shoe was on my foot, hell, I'd be freaking out right now. Give yourself some credit as you're doing a good job, but also recognize it's not going to be all peaches and talk if you need to." Chase nods his head as he glances over at Alan. It was why he was possibly letting down his guard some right now and allowing the thoughts on his mind to escape for a change.

"I just can't get the words of revenge out of my head, Alan. He said he would do whatever it took to make sure Sarina understood he wasn't happy for what happened then. He was set on tearing her life apart, piece by piece, not caring who was in the way. How can someone who says that be allowed a third chance? How can someone who knows how to sneak around the system – and told me damn well so – be allowed a chance to do so?" Alan nods his head, sympathizing with his driver.

"I don't know bud. All I can tell you is they will figure it out before he has a chance to get to you guys, and Alison is going to be found as soon as possible. The whole country is looking for her so she can't hid-"

"She hid in plain sight for three mon-"

"Trust me, Chase – they will find her. Have I ever let you down before?" Chase raises his eyebrows. He knew this may not be the right situation to do this, but he couldn't hold it back. 

"There was that one time when you promised me that perfect adjustment and it flipped the car's handling right the wron-"

"I'm serious, Elliott!" Chase chuckles and shakes his head no. It was nice to get a laugh, though. 

"I believe you, okay. We're going to be okay....."

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