Chapter 30: "He's okay..."

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Jordan continues rubbing Sarina's shoulders, as he glances up at the monitor. He could only shake his head at the events that had transpired, and he could kick Brad's ass right then and there.

"He's okay..." Jordan reminds her once again as she takes a couple deep breathes. Upon the wreck beginning, she instantly freaked, panic consuming her. It was Jordan that reacted immediately, wrapping his arms around her to hold her and offer comfort, certainly caught off-guard by how hard the initial impact was. "He's climbing out..."

"I can't believe this..." Sarina lets out as she takes a couple more breathes, watching on the monitor as Chase sat on the window ledge, laying his head on the roof for a little bit as he waited for the medical staff to come over. Her heart sank in watching the scene unfold, knowing herself all too well from experience what the reaction meant. "He's sore..."

"I'd be sore, too if I hit a wall that hard. Come on..." He slowly helps her stand up and make her way over to the ladder. He climbs down first, before watching closely as she followed, making sure she didn't slip.

The pair of them make their way through the garage to the infield care center, sneaking in through the back door as they wait for the ambulance to make the trip back.

It wasn't long after before he walked in, helmet and HANs in hand, with their eyes connecting immediately. Every tinge of worry she had showed, and he saw that right away. In return, being sore didn't help anything and any comfort she could offer was a bonus. He walks over to her, wrapping both arms around her, as he kisses the top of her head.

"I'm okay," he tells her as he gives her another kiss, knowing that's what she needed right now. It was all he could offer, but it was the assurance that was necessary. "I'm okay..."

"I know," she replies, glancing up into his eyes. Her brain told her that based on the fact he was holding her right now. Her brain told her that based on the safety built into these cars. However, it was teaching her heart to match that logic. "I knew you would be, but I just couldn't help but worr-"

"It's okay..." He then takes her hand into his, letting her come with him as he goes into one of the cubicles as directed, sitting up on the bed. He lets out a small grunt as his hand immediately goes to his side, rubbing it. The reaction surprised neither of them, having unfortunately been here before.

"Sore?" He nods his head as he continues to rub his ribs, taking a couple breathes. The answer should be obvious once again. "Worse than earlier?" He nods his head as she lets out a sigh. She could already hear the results being aired without them being said. "I hope it's not worse..."

"I'll be fine. You don't need to worry about me." She could only let out another sigh as she walked right over, leaning against him as he wrapped his arms around her. He may say those words, but they both knew that'd never happen as it was a product of the love they had for each other.

"I'm never going to stop worrying about you, okay?" He smiles as he kisses her head once again. "On the bright side, you have someone to look out for you tonight, and tomorrow. I suggest you take two Tylenol and a nice, long hot shower tonight or you'll be regretting it tomorrow. Maybe I'll even give you a massage, if you're lucky."

"If I'm lucky?" She nods her head as he thinks it over. Normally, comfort was the automatic diagnosis after a wreck of this nature. What was happening here? "I thought I meant enough already to deserve one..."

"You're probably right. Besides, I need to take care of you so you can spoil me." He chuckles as they watch the doctor come in. 

He goes through the usual questionnaire, answering everything accordingly, before slipping the top half of his firesuit off so the doctor can take a closer look at his ribs. Feeling them, pushing lightly in a couple spots, a couple grunts could be heard. Words didn't need to be spoken to know the pain that was there.

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