Chapter 22: Beach Crash

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Thursday, February 15, 2018 – Daytona International Speedway

With the night going later on than intended, Chase had gotten back later than he wanted, and was shocked when the alarm went off at 4am, knowing he had to go pick up Lindsay from the airport for Sarina. It also didn't hurt it had gone off a half hour later than he wanted, either. Perhaps he had hit snooze twice.

Why hadn't he thought about that the night before? Why hadn't he put his safety paramount? He should've known that he had to be in the top shape at this ungodly time that it was. Perhaps he should've asked his father, or a friend to handle this instead. Why did he agree to do this? 

Despite the thoughts flashing through his mind, he carefully sneaks out of the bed without disturbing her, quickly texting Ryan in the process. Ryan had asked to come as he wanted to see Lindsay as quickly as possible - even saying the extra minutes of the flight were too much. It only left Chase wondering why she hadn't come down with them originally. Again, that'd be another way to get out of doing this right now. 

"So she landed in Miami because it was cheaper?" Ryan questions and Chase nods his head yes as they pull into the parking lot. He had explained it multiple times, even dating back to when Lindsay made these absurd planes originally. Wasn't it easy to understand? "So we're going to fly down there, pick her up, and come back?"

"That's the plan," Chase answers as he parks the car. Again, he had said it enough times that there should be no reason to expect a change to have been happening. "Are you excited to see your girl?"

"I would've honestly preferred a couple more hours sleep..." Chase couldn't help but agree as the pair made their way to the plane. It was just another reason added to the list. It almost had him freeze in his steps on the way, still wondering if he should bow out. After all, some more sleep would've been ideal. 

Glancing at the time, seeing that they were running late, he could only shake his head though. There was no way he could go back on things now, and it would just put them in a bigger bind if he did. Besides, how was he to ruin Ryan's excitement of seeing her? 

Knowing the plane had been locked up, he was confident in no issues, forgoing the usual checklist. Though once in the air for awhile, he was beginning to regret it as he saw something wrong on the dials.

"We need to land ASAP," he tells Ryan, who looks over a little concerned. Ryan knew there was reason to be worried if Chase was saying that. There was never a time he had been with him and heard comments like that. He also heard enough plane stories to know an immediate reason to land was never for a good reason. "Either we turn around, or we land up here on the sand. But this..." He points to a couple of the dials, re-reading the numbers, thinking back to every second of training he had gone through. Was he just messing with his thoughts due to the lack of sleep? What if this was a real bad idea now? "...just doesn't seem right."

"Do what you feel is right," Ryan instructs as he unintentionally makes sure the belts are done up tight as they can. He believed the next words to escape his mouth, but all those times glancing at plane crash videos caused the butterflies to stir. "I trust you. Just let me know if I can help."

One eye on the dials, one eye on the sky, Chase tries to get himself turned around to head back to the original airport. Though as he turns, a big sound can be heard, causing both of the young men to jump out of their skin. That certainly was something they'd ever heard on a plane together. That was certainly something a plane wasn't supposed to do.

"Hold on tight!" Chase instructs, keeping both hands locked on the steering wheel as he pulls at the wheel as hard as he can. It was normally easy to control - it was why he bought this plane. Why wasn't it coming back to him? Where was his strength right now?  "Damn it, come on!" Despite the efforts, it wasn't long before water was in their full view as Ryan closed his eyes, counting his blessings. This wasn't how he expected everything to end...

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