Chapter 47: "I'd do it all over again."

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Wednesday March 14, 2018

Chase wraps his arms around Sarina, pulling her close, as they curl up on the couch, watching a movie together.

"Chase, why was I so afraid?" She questions, catching him by surprise. That was certainly not the conversation he expected to be having on their relax getaway. 

"Of what?" He wonders as she holds her hand up, with the light bouncing off the small pink diamond. He couldn't help but smile in seeing that ring securely on her finger as it meant more than words could express. It a symbol of everything they'd been through, her growth as a person, and more for them together. "I don't know...."

"I mean, sure, things didn't work out for my parents, and sure, there's been so many horror stories. But I don't get why I didn't believe in our love story enough." He takes a deep breath as it hurt on some levels, but he also knew it wasn't something to take personally. There were plenty of layers to Sarina at the end of the day. 

"Because you were afraid, and for the right reasons. You've laid your heart on the line to people before, and they've just stomped on it. It takes you some time to open up, and trust – and that's what happened here. I'm glad that I was patient enough to wait and let you find a way to trust me, because it's been so worth it." She glances up at him a little surprised. She wasn't sure if she'd call all they endured the same thing, knowing it had to grow old and seriously painful enduring multiple times. 

"Even all the pain that you've gone through?" He sighs, as it was obviously not the funnest experience and he couldn't wait until the last bit of nagging pain from his ribs was gone. Hopefully he wouldn't be met with a new challenge ahead.

"I'd do it all over again if it meant being able to be with you." Her heart felt like it swelled immediately as she shifts a little in his arms. Why was he so charming and perfect? 

"I'm seriously spoiled..." He chuckles. "I'm serious. There are only a few guys in this world who would have the amount of patience, and go through what you've gone through for us. I know you keep saying that I make a bigger deal out of this than I should, but I'm serious. I feel like I've hit the lottery when it comes to you in seeing what you'll do for me. So please, Chase, shoot me if I take that for granted ever."

"I'll be sure to remind you – not that you ever could." She rolls her eyes.

"There you go again...."

"What do you want me to say?" She smiles as she rolls over so their eyes are locked together, stomachs touching. She knew nothing that popped out of his mouth could match the love looking back at her in return right now.

"Nothing. This is perfect just like this." She leans in, lightly kissing his lips as he wraps his arms securely back around her. "I could literally handle doing this every single week."

"As much as I like our cabin and enjoy hitting the slopes, unfortunately we cannot do it as much as you would hope for. But I can promise you that we'll spend our time here when we can, and if we really need to getaway, you just let me know and I'll lead us here." She smiles as there was certainly some perks in him being a pilot. They then hear his phone go off, causing a sigh from them both as they knew that was a reminder the real world was just a phone call or text away. Perhaps shutting their phone offs would have been a good idea.

"Please tell me you don't have to go to a meeting or something tomorr-"

"Alan knows that I'm taking this week for us. He actually encouraged it as he said that I was in a much better mood and place this past weekend." She rolls her eyes, having expected comments like that with the word of the engagement spreading. It didn't help the crew and Samantha both gawked over the ring for a good half hour each. Then it also didn't help Samantha made her sit down and divulge every single detail of the proposal. That was fine by her, though, as she could recount that moment 100 times over if needed. "Lovely...."

"What's wrong?" He lets out a sigh, handing his phone over so she could read the text message. Alan had messaged him to inform him about a penalty from NASCAR coming out later on that day following Phoenix, with their intentions to appeal. But why? "Do you think there's anything to it?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't know what Alan and Josh and the team did, and why NASCAR doesn't agree. It's not like I sit there and make them divulge every single detail of what they're doing." He lets out a sigh as he takes the phone back, sending a message in return. There were a ton of different things he could say, but he knew the art of racing and the rulebook. It only left one thing left to be said in response here.

"No matter what anybody says today, I just want you to know that you should ignore them and they're wrong and your guys are aweso-"

"Racing is all about pushing the envelope, and finding that grey area in a black and white book. Sometimes you get caught, right? It sucks, but we'll overcome it like we always do. We just need to get a win and all our troubles are behind us." She nods her head in agreement. A win fixes everything from your championship chances, to your confidence in erasing the bad days.

"And you're going to get that win, like this weekend probably..." He chuckles as he almost had Kevin Harvick pegged for another win, especially how they ran at Atlanta and Las Vegas. But, he wasn't about to give up as seeing the progress they'd make in a short bit of time gave him hope. 

"I'm surprised you're actually going to be there." She then looks at him now shocked. They had just gotten engaged. He obviously knew how much she loved and cared about him. Why would he think otherwise? "I thought you would've gone and ran the Rattler..."

"Are you sure you don't want that pet snake after all?" He shakes his head no immediately as she breaks out laughing. She actually wouldn't mind the reptile herself. "I don't know. The way you keep talking about this ra-"

"Don't even think of bringing that snake even near me, or even within arm's reach or anything." She breaks out laughing even harder. "I just thought you'd want to get some time in with the late model."

"And not spend time with my awesome fiancé?" He shrugs his shoulders. He wasn't used to this response from her, honestly. He was used to racing every single moment of the day. What was happening? "I thought about it, okay? I thought it'd be fun, a great way to spend the off-weekends, and get back my roots. I also thought it'd be a great stress relief at times for everything going on. But with everything going on, that actually draws me closer to you, and wants me to not waste away anytime we can get together before our schedules go insane. Besides, have we honestly had a chance to put that car back together?" He shakes his head no. "I want to do it right when we go back down that path and rushing isn't doing it right. So I'm ready to take my lumps, and have fun with you this weekend in California."

"I'm glad that you're going to be there. I actually prefer that." He then kisses her lips. "Besides, we know that Chandler and Ricky are going to kick ass this weekend."

"Oh really?" He nods his head, feeling very confident in his boys. There was never a late race model race where he took Ricky off his radar. "Yeah, I'm going to have to call you out on that one. As much as I admire Ricky and we know he can damn well get the job done, my money is on Bubba Pollard. That man is going to be looking for some strong redemption this weekend."

"And he's going to come up short – finishing behind Chandler. I'm actually surprised that you're not giving your own teammates some love here." She lets out a sigh, as it did seem a little rude.

"Harrison and Raphael will be strong. I have my doubts about Raphael because of how his debut went, but Harrison will be right there with Chandler and Bubba. My gut just says Bubba because we know when you knock that man down, he comes back 10 times stronger, and he vowed redemption." Chase nods his head in agreement.

"Is it a bet then?" She looks at him surprised.

"Didn't you lose the last bet? And oh wait, don't you still owe me for that one?"

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