Chapter 60: "So about this weekend...."

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Thursday April 5, 2018 – Charlotte, North Carolina

Chase walks in the house, freezing immediately by the door as he sees the familiar pair of cowboy boots sitting there. He was certain Sarina put them in her bag the night before so why were they sitting out now? What was she up to? This wasn't like her to change her packing pattern. 

He then makes his way up the stairs, hearing some noises coming from the bedsroom. He enters slowly, stopping in the doorway as he sees the open suitcase on the bed. He notices the items immediately – normex underwear, sponsor t-shirt, jeans, long socks. He then watches Sarina emerge from the closet with her firesuit, folding it carefully.

He smiles carefully as he knew exactly where she was headed, and couldn't find an argument against her going. In her shoes, he would've done the exact same thing; he actually did the same thing while running his limited truck schedule and the XFINITY Series. He was actually surprised nothing had been said sooner with this decision being made.

"So about this weekend...." Sarina starts as she glances up, noticing him standing there with his arms crossed. Even just a simple t-shirt and jeans, she found herself resisting the urge to prance right over and jump him. Why was he so hot?

"You're going to Nashville?" He questions and she slowly nods her head. She was worried about his reaction to her decision, knowing how much they were looking forward to originally spending a weekend together with just one of them racing. How would he take the news? "Kyle let you play with the late model this weekend?" She nods her head once again.

"He only gave me a heads-up about doing it today as he wasn't sure if the team would be ready to go. I'm sorry. I should've told you sooner, other than that false hope from last nigh-"

"Why are you apologizing?" She was now confused. She felt it was a fair apology given the late notice and circumstances. She was expecting him to be upset or shocked, not just so even-keeled about it right now. "You're a racecar driver, just like me. I know the first thought that goes through that pretty head of yours – going as fast as you can as many times as you can. I've been in your shoes, Sarina. There's nothing like a good late model short track event, and the Fairgrounds is great for putting on a show. I have no issue with it – as long as you bring me back a guitar."

"Don't you have one of your own that you haven't even learned to play yet?" He nods his head, remembering the exact year he won there. That was one of those late model wins he'd never forget. "So what you're saying is we need a matching set?"

"Exactly, and I believe in your talent." He then walks in the room, lightly kissing her lips. "I'm going to miss you being in my arms this weekend and supporting me, but my heart will be with you all weekend, believing in you, waiting to hear back some good news."

"I expect the same from you, too. I'm also going to be there for Sunday anyway. I already talked to Kyle." Chase couldn't help but smile as while he was willing to let her explore and have fun, there's no replacing having her there with him at the track.  "Oh, and Marcus is crew chiefing this weekend."

"A small reunion of sorts?" Sarina smiles as she leans back against the bed, keeping her arms wrapped around Chase's waist. She wasn't about to let him go yet in knowing the time apart was coming.

"Rudy is focused on the truck program, so Kyle figured it'd be fine to let me and Marcus have a fun weekend together for a change. He knows the friendship we have, so might as well have some fun. It doesn't change what I told you the other night, though. I'm willing to make it work with Rudy because I believe in him and we're getting there, together." Chase nods his head, having seen the progress firsthand at Martinsville.

"Like I said, I expect to hear that you got a guitar..."

"A guitar to play while I check out that cowboy hat on your head?" He laughs, nodding his head. "I still say you're absolutely adorable with it." He could only roll his eyes back in response, knowing she was only saying that to flirt and get her way right now. 

"You're cuter with one if that makes this discussion any better." She then just chuckles back in return.

"Two days apart, can we honestly survive?" He nods his head, knowing they had to get used to it with the summer Xfinity schedule. It didn't mean either was going to be a big fan of that experience.

"You promise to call and text, right?" She nods her head back in response, knowing she probably wouldn't be able to go a full couple hours without doing so. 

"Constant updates, just like I expect from you too. Alan and Jordan have my num-"

"Just like Marcus has my number. I love you." He then kisses her lips, wanting to get as many of those in as that couldn't be done over text message.

"I love you, too." She then glances down at their fingers intertwined together. "If Alison com-"

"You told me we were done with her and she wasn't going to hurt me again. I'm standing by those words as she's getting caug-"

"Chase, listen to me, please..." He could feel her voice quiver a little, immediately silencing his thoughts. He wasn't about to have their last day together before a couple apart end on a rocky note. He also knew that Alison was a sore subject for them both right now, and rightfully so. "If she does, though, please don't hide it from me. Please tell me what happened and the details, or at least get Jordan or Alan, too. I'm strong enough to hear about it and I want to be there for you – just like you're always here for me."

"I promise I'll be honest with you – but you have nothing to worry about." She nods her head, slowly, trying to tell herself that over and over, but feeling a tinge of nerves in being separated. Alison was almost the reason she had turned the idea down from Kyle in a fit of worry. "I have my guys, and you have your guys. Everybody has an eye out for her. She's going to be caught sooner than later and be locked far away with Chris."

"I know..." He then puts his hand underneath her chin, tipping her head up so his eyes could see into hers.

"You can tell me what's on that pretty little mind of yours. I know this hasn't been easy for you..." She takes a careful deep breath, as she tries to look away. "Sarina....."

"I've just got so many mixed thoughts about Chris, still. It hurts me as much as I mean it when I say that I miss my brother and I love him. How can I say that after what he did, Chase?" He rubs his hand slowly over hers as he motions them to the bed so they can both sit down.

"In your eyes, he's the same brother that you grew up with, played with, went to the playground with, shared fun times together, and all those memories that you talk about. Whenever you look at him, into those eyes, you see those memories. It's okay to miss those times and that brother you knew – it's understandable. I don't fault you for that, and it's okay. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way." She then takes a deep breath, trying to compose her thoughts.

"But he hurt us beyond anything we could imagine." She then slowly looks back into his brown eyes. "I could've lost you that nigh-"

"But you didn't, did you? All we can do is be thankful that we're still here and we're both strong as ever. We can carry those memories that you have, but also recognize that we've done the right thing for our future based on his actions. We also know that we tried to do right by him and give him a chance, and he failed to accept that." She slowly nods her head.

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