Chapter 17: "Chase, are you okay?"

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Friday, February 9, 2018 – Daytona International Speedway

Chase makes his way through the garage, giving a couple waves along the way. Surprisingly, he had managed to sleep in that morning. It seemed impossible with the ARCA cars on track bright and early, but it had happened. He didn't mind it, though, knowing sleep was at a premium with his mind heading in a couple different directions as he tried to piece together the latest events. But he also hated missing Sarina's lone session before qualifying later on that afternoon.

It wasn't long before Chase was cutting up with the guys, sharing jokes and stories, without a single care in the world. It seemed everyone had a tale to tell about their winter, and everyone had a joke about Sarina and him together.

"Has William said anything to you, yet?" Jared Seate wonders, referring to the bubble wrap incident. Chase chuckles, shaking his head no. It was a bit of surprise, actually, as he thought William would've at least inquired if he knew something by now. "I can't believe we pulled one over on the kid..."

"He's young – that's when they're most vulnerable," Chase comments. "Jimmie got me good my rookie season. I'm just returning the favor." Jared laughs, remembering the prank that Jimmie had put in motion during Chase's first couple of weeks at the Hendrick shop.

"What are you going to do when he finds out?" Chase shrugs his shoulders as to be honest, William didn't scare him. He had been chased by worst people lately.

"He'll probably just yell at me, and I'll just give him the welcome speech, and we'll be done. Meanwhile, we get the final laugh because we had the fun wrapping the car and watching him tear it off." Jared couldn't argue with his driver's revelation, knowing that was how it normally went - unless the other person sought revenge which didn't seem to be possible with William.

"You guys are mean," Jordan Allen comments as he walks over with an envelope in hand. "By the way, when we got here this morning, this envelope was lying by the garage door with your name on it." Chase slowly takes the envelope from Jordan, glancing at the type of font used for his name on the outside. He immediately freezes up, knowing it matched what he found in California, in the shop, and at the airport. "Chase, are you okay?" Chase immediately snaps out of it.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he states as he shoves the envelope in his jean pocket. There was no way he was going to allow the crew guys to see anymore reaction, knowing he'd already offered enough satisfaction to the person by the initial reaction. "I'll take a look at it later. Thanks." Jordan slowly nods his head, accepting, but wasn't set to totally back down yet. He had noticed the freeze up from his driver, and remembered the discussion at the shop from Alan.

"If anything is going on, I could go get Ala-"

"I'm fine, Jordan." Jordan could tell by his tone he wasn't going to get anywhere as he turned around and walked back into the garage stall, focusing back on his job.

He thought about going to Alan, but he didn't want to break the trust between them as they had grown the closest amongst all of the team members. He thought about forgetting it totally, and was almost set to do so. Though glancing back to Chase as he talked to one of the other guys about something, he could tell it was like the envelope was burning a hole in his pocket. Clearly it had set something off, and Jordan knew his mind was headed down the worst paths possible. He hadn't been there at times with Alan and Josh, but he knew what was possible.

He waits until Chase is alone again, before making his way over, taking a deep breath along the way. He knew it was all or nothing, and just hoped it didn't pull away from the friendship they had.

"Hey," he says as he walks over, nervously putting his hands in his pocket. There was no looking back once the next set of words escaped his mouth. "Look, whether you want to admit it or not, I know the envelope caught you off-gua-"

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