Chapter 33: Creating Distance

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Friday, February 23, 2018 – WellStar Spalding Regional Hospital – Griffin, Georgia

Alan and Chase walk down the halls, double checking the directions. Kyle had been doing a good job thus far, keeping them both informed on their way over as to where Sarina was so they would know upon arrival at the hospital.

Reading the room numbers down the hall, they stop at the room as listed in the last text message from Kyle, entering together slowly. Alan and Kyle share a simple nod back and forth in return, as Chase immediately goes over to Sarina, taking her hands into his.

"I'm so glad you're okay," he tells her, pulling her into a hug as she lays her head against his chest immediately. Their hugs always meant a lot to both of them - but this one felt so much more special and needed after everything. "She didn't do anything too terrible did she?" Sarina shakes her head no.

"One minute I'm walking with Rudy, next minute I woke up there alone," she recalls. "Kyle showed up about three minutes later." Chase just quietly rubs her back, saying his thankful prayers under his breath, as he glances over at Kyle. He knew he'd probably be repeating these words for the whole month. 

"Thank you..." Kyle nods his head, accepting. He didn't need to praise, or thanks. After all, he cared about Sarina's well-being as well. 

"You don't need to thank me because I'd do it over in a heartbeat," he tells Chase.

"Chase, I'm fine..." Sarina repeats, feeling his nerves against her as he stayed there, rubbing her back, taking a couple deep breaths as he calmed himself down. "Easy baby..." She reaches up, rubbing his side as he looks into her blue eyes.

"You don't get it, do you?" He questions, causing confusion around the room. Everybody understood there was fear and reasons to be afraid. What were they missing? "She went after you to get to me. She went after you to mess with my head and get under my skin. The notes weren't enough that now she's resorting to going after those who are closest to me to bug me. It's because of me that you're in this mes-"

"It was Bethany that got her involved with the plan initially, and that'd be my cousin, Chase." Chase lets out a sigh as he knew that was true, but that didn't excuse what happened. There was no way that she could convince him that this wasn't a direct cause of him. 

"But this incident, what she's been doing, it's solely focused on me and me alone, and now this was meant to get under my skin. I hate to watch you get hurt because of someone going after me-"

"I'm fin-"

"What if this would've turned out different?" Sarina felt every fear he was expressing as she reached for his hand, gripping it as tightly as she could. She had seen everything flash through her mind from the moment she woke up, to the pure silence of the room and inability to move. Even when she began to hear Kyle's voice, there was still fear of an evil trick. 

"But it didn't, Chase. I'm fine. Let's be thankful about that, and focus on the future. Let's focus on being more careful, watching our boundaries, doing the right thing, and not letting it happen again. We can't change what happened, but we can plan for the future." Chase knew that, and it was why he had set on a plan before coming over to see her. Taking a deep breath, he knew saying it would be harder than coming up with it. It hurt no matter how he thought about it, but he knew it was for the best. He couldn't deal with repeating this incident. 

"I think until everything is sorted out and she is caught, we need to stay apart. I feel it is the only way to keep you safe so that way she comes straight after me and not those around me..." Shock came over the whole room in his revelation, as both Kyle and Alan fought against interrupting the pair's discussion. What was he thinking? 

"Seriously?" Chase slowly nods his head yes, holding back the tears. "Do you honestly hear yourself right now? I can't believe you said that to me at all. After everything we've been through, this is what you have to tell me?" Chase knew it wasn't going to be pretty, but it was the only thing that he could think to do in his mind. "Remember when Chris started to go after you to get to me? Do you remember that hell we went through and survived to get to here? I remember a time that I wanted to walk away from you to save you in my words, but you wouldn't let me. You told me that no matter what, you loved me, stood by me, and wanted to help me. But now you expect me to walk away from you? Like hell! I could never ever do that, nor will I ever do that. I'm in this for the long haul. I'm going to help you just as much as you helped me." He takes a deep breath, trying to find the energy to fight against it. Why was this so hard when it was the right thing to do for her safety? Why were they at this point?

"I don't think that's a goo-"

"I don't care. Listen to me, Chase Elliott. I accept the danger that comes in being with you and facing the likes of Allison, just like you accepted the danger of facing my brother. You dealt with being poisoning, almost killed in a plane crash, all because you loved me and wanted to be there for me. I can't walk away from you now. I need to do this for you." He slowly lets out a sigh as he lets her lean her head back against his chest, wrapping his arms around her again. The fight he entered the conversation with has faded away, only to be replaced by a different set of emotions that potentially hurt even more. 

"Thank you, I guess. I just..." He takes a deep breath, once again forcing the tears back. "I'd just hate for something to happen to you because of me. I'm more afraid that I realize, and frankly, she's doing a damn good job screwing with me because I can't even think straight about this..." She looks up into his brown eyes, wiping away the couple of stray tears. It was actually relieving to see him show all of these emotions for a change, rather than playing it safe for everyone else's sake. It didn't mean she enjoyed it one bit and hoped to erase it away for him. 

"Nobody blames you for feeling scared, worried, confused, whatever. I would feel the same way in your shoes, Chase. I know it's hard to withstand giving her that power. That's why you need me, and Alan, and everybody in your corner. We're going to do whatever it takes to make sure she goes down, okay?" He slowly nods his head as he pulls her back close to him. It was clear neither were going to be moving from this grasp for anytime soon, and that was perfectly fine by Sarina. "I'm okay, Chase..."

Thankfully, she was cleared with no further issues from the incident, set for tomorrow's truck race without issue. Just in case, Kyle had assured her that both Christopher and Erik would be around if needed.

The pair retreated back to the motorcoach that night, solely focused on cuddles together as neither wanted to let the other go from their arms. Closing their eyes for the night, they could only hope Saturday went better.

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