Chapter 35: Healing Cuddles

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Sunday, February 25, 2018 – Atlanta Motor Speedway

Sarina smiles as she cuddles up closer to Chase, taking full advantage of the extra hour together before he was off to start his busy day full of appearances, followed by the race. With the weather, Morgan had texted him the first couple appearances would be delayed.

"I am beginning to realize something," he starts, catching her attention. She wasn't expecting anything to be said given the silence in the room, or how comfortable they had become. "I was really stupid to think that we'd be better apart..." She lets out a sigh, not wanting to remember that discussion as she intertwines her fingers with his.

"You were afraid," she replies. "That was your fear coming out in the form of desperation to do something." He nods his head, taking a deep breath. It had honestly caught him off-guard and felt like a total out of body experience, however understandable as he thought about it. It was one thing to do something to him, but it was a total step up in fear in realizing that it was against her. Every bit of love and passion he had for her came out in that moment. Now, taking a step back, reality was beginning to show.

"I admit – I hate to see anything happen to you because I love you so much, and you don't deser-"

"You don't eith-"

"You've been through a lot more than I have, Sarina, and you deserve a second chance where you don't have to deal with stuff like this. Maybe I went overboard, but I meant what I said and doing whatever it took to protect you." She nods her head, accepting. However, she wasn't backing down from her stance as Alison never would've found their world without her. 

"I meant what I said back in return that I'd do whatever it took for you, too." He glances down at their fingers intertwined together, closing his eyes as he puts some pieces together. It was best to understand what you were up against, right? 

"Alison has been jealous from day one, so we know her end game is centered based on that. She wanted me to herself that night at the pageant, and tried to get me at Indy when I refused. It's clear she's upset about that, among other things. So right now, she's lashing out, by tormenting me and going after you and the guys because she knows how much that tears at me." He takes a deep breath as he thinks it over once again. There was only one thing left to say. "I'm done playing gam-"

"Chase, you don't need to put on a strong face or pretend to be strong or shed away from your fea-"

"I'm not, Sarina. I'm being straight up honest. The only way she wins is by me letting it control me. The way she wins is by what I almost did Friday night. The way she wins is by me thinking about this day and night. I'm done. I don't care what note or package she drops off, it's not going to be part of my thoughts anymore. And next time she tries something, we're going to stop her and this is going to be over." Sarina nods her head in agreement with a small smile. It seemed like a dream come true if they could accomplish that together.

"Just promise me you'll be careful regardless." Chase kisses the top of her head. He knew he could say the words, but following them? It'd all depend on what they faced moving forward.

"Of course. Besides, I have better things to focus on – like some great company that I have beside me." She smiles, as she turns around to face him. That was something they could both agree upon. 

"I have no complaints about that at all. Besides, is it wrong for me to say just how turned on I am right now by you?" Chase looks at her with surprise, a small giggle slipping out. It was certainly a change in topic he wasn't expecting, but wasn't complaining about either.

"That came out of nowhere...." She shrugs her shoulders. She didn't think it was so random herself based on what was before her eyes.

"What can I say? A cute sexy man in my bed, and it's a natural thing. Actually, let's try sexy man who shows every bit of strength despite staring danger right down the tube..." He smirks a little as he keeps his eyes focused on hers. There was only one way to match what she was saying.

"Well, then I guess I'm looking at wonder woman, because for you to be standing as strong as you are after everything, that says a lot." She twirls their fingers once again together, already knowing what she was going to say. She meant every word, too, based on what had happened.

"That's because I have an amazing man that has my back no matter what beside me. I wouldn't be able to do it without you." He smiles back in return as the feeling was mutual at this point between them.

"I wouldn't be as sane as I am right now without you, either." He then kisses her lips lightly, barely running his tongue along them as they separate. Now she was ready to throttle his ass, knowing the time was ticking away with each word spoken. 

"You do realize what you do to me, right? You're like the worse tease when you want to be!" He smirks back in response as she rolls her eyes. "Of course you realize it as that's why you're doing that right now. So how about instead of teasing around, why don't you just come to me?"

"You really think I should right now?" She nods her head, wrapping an arm around his neck to bring his face right next to hers. Wasn't it obvious what they both wanted right now? 

"I need some loving so I'm not feeling lonely and left out after that..." He runs his fingers along her chin. He was actually surprised by the approach, having been prepared to live up for more sympathy himself to make it happen. 

"Oh, so you want me to take care of you now?" She nods her head once again as he just shakes his head. "I thought you were supposed to be taking care of me..."

"I thought you told me that they weren't hurting that ba-"

"They aren't, but I don't want to overstrain myself after all." She rolls her eyes once again as she reaches over with other arm, rubbing his ribs lightly. She knew he was probably hiding more than he wanted to share in what he was feeling there. It was normal for him. 

"I guess we'll just have to be careful, huh?" He nods his head back in response. "Now, do I get what I want, or am I going to have to beg?" He chuckles once again as this could get very interesting in his favor. 

"I may want to see that..." She almost wanted to smack him as he rolled on his back with her climbing on top. "Don't forge-"

"I'm prepared, remember?" She reaches over to the night stand, grabbing a condom and laying it beside them on the bed. It certainly didn't feel natural following that step, but knowing their history, it was certainly necessary. "I love you so much, William..." She then brings her lips down to his, kissing them with every inch of passion she had as he wraps his arms around her.

"I love you, too...." He slips his hands underneath her pajama shirt, slipping it off. "I'll always love you, no matter what..."

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