Chapter 42: Angel Shot with Lime

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Everything was going smoothly through the first half of the line-up as each fan co-operated with the rules, enjoying the interaction. Chase was also playing his end carefully, making it tougher than some expected to win a hand, surprising some of the fans. However, there were some winners who were able to advance for the party later.

As they got about halfway through the line, a red head made her way up to the table next as Chase reshuffled the deck.

"Have you ever played blackjack before?" He questions, eyes still focused down on the deck. It was the common question that he started off with each person, ready to explain the rules if they hadn't. It only seemed fair right? 

"No, but I know how to play a man the way I want," he hears, instantly causing his eyes to look up at her. He studies her eyes closely, knowing he had heard the voice previously. Why was it so familiar? Why was he almost transported to somewhere else?

"Well, that's an interesting way with your words, but I can let you know that we aren't playing that way today." She chuckles, eyes glancing over at Sarina, before focusing on Chase. There was only one person that was on her radar that night alone. After all, he was the prize everyone wanted.

"I know, but I still know how to play this right. I can play any game, anytime, anywhere. It's all about making a decision, and the correct one in that moment." Her words rang through Chase's mind as he takes a careful deep breath, putting the pieces together. Why hadn't he picked up on that as soon as she sat down? Why hadn't he picked up on certain facial features? Why hadn't he recognized the voice right away? And what was he supposed to do right now in a room surrounded by people?

"Absolutely. Do you know the rules?" He follows her eyes to Sarina, catching the approach immediately, as he re-shuffles the deck a second time. 

It was clear she wanted some time with him without Sarina present. That shouldn't surprise him one bit in knowing what her end game was from previous experience. He was almost set to say something, but knew with 100s of fans present, it wouldn't be best to cause a scene. After all, that'd just give everybody something to talk about and she didn't need that. 

"Sarina, why don't you go to the bar and order yourself a drink?" Chase suggests, thinking of the best way to go about this approach. "You can also get me a Mountain Dew refill, please. Oh, when you see Emma, ask her to let you try the angel shot with lime." Sarina glances between Chase and the female, almost confused and jealous, though taking a deep breath, she cleared her conscious immediately. She had nothing to worry about. He loved her. She was his whole world. They were tight together, and nothing was going to break that ever. 

"Yeah, of course," she answers, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking away. If she was going to be chased away, then she might as well leave a lasting gift for extra assurance. She reaches the bar, putting her hand on the ledge, catching Emma's attention. It wasn't the first time that day she had caught the bartender's attention. Actually, it was Emma that told her she'd be at their immediate service all night long. "One Mountain Dew refill for the driver, and I was hoping to possibly get a Caesar. Oh, and Chase says you should let me try an angel shot with lim-"

"Angel shot with lime?" Emma repeats and Sarina nods her head. That wasn't the request she'd be expecting to hear at all that night working this gig. "Do you know the meaning of the angel shot at a Hooters restaurant?" Sarina was now confused. What had Chase walked her into? "If a girl is here on a date and it's not going well, we offer them a way out by ordering an angel shot. If they order it neat, we will escort them to their vehicle. If they order it with ice, we'll call uber or lyft to get them a ride home. but if they order it with lime, they want us to call the poli-"

"Alison!" It was now Emma's turn to be confused. Why was Sarina shouting a random name? What would she have to do with this request? "She changed her hair and is probably wearing contacts, but that's Alison Reynolds. Now that I say it out loud, damn it, I recognize the voice. She's been sending him anonymous notes, and she kidnapped me last wee-"

"I'll alert security. They'll handle it, okay?" Sarina takes a calming deep breath, nodding her head as she glances back at them. Every bit of her was saying to run over there and smack the bitch across the head. But instead, she left him alone with the person that was driving their lives crazy. How was she a good girlfriend? "Just stay here. Chase made you leave for a reason – to alert us, and to give Alison what she wants to keep her calm. Just play with it..."

While Sarina stood at the bar, watching, Chase kept his eyes solidly locked in Alison as he began to deal the cards. He just needed to play this out long enough for security to handle the situation. Hopefully Emma and Sarina would figure out what was going on based on his request, and everything would be fine. 

"What are you doing here?" He questions as he peaks at his hand. He felt good about his chances if necessary, but hoped it did not get that far along.

"Force the win on me so I get to the afterparty," she instructs as he takes a deep breath. He knew he couldn't do that as the sooner he got rid of her, the better. He knew what she was capable of and did not need an innocent fan getting mixed up in her business. "I wanted to make it clear to you – I can get to you anytime that I want. I have my ways, Chase."

"And I'm done playing games..." She was a little confused as she glanced over her hand at him. There was nobody watching them closer than before. There was nobody coming their way. She hadn't heard him shout anything. What was he thinking?

"Then why haven't you alerted anyone?" He glances around at the crowd, before looking towards her. It should be obvious given where they were. "Of course, you don't want to cause a scene. So that's your decision – handle me, and not cause a scene. Are you sure you're up for the challenge?"

"You're not winning this game, or any game for that matter. I'm done playing with you... " They go through their round of blackjack, and Chase plays his hand perfectly, scoring a perfect 21 to beat her. "Like I said, I'm done."

"You just wait and see what I have to offer you..." She then blows him a kiss as she sets her cards down, walking away from the table, having caught a glimpse of the bartender's actions.

Emma instructed security to come to her aid, and follow her, and arrest her. However, by the time she got to security through the crowd, Alison was long gone without a trace found by anyone.

"Are you okay?" Sarina questions as she walks over, setting a Mountain Dew before him. 

"Yeah," he answers, taking a deep breath. He tried to push it to the back of his mind immediately, putting a smile on, as he got set for the next guest. However, there was no doubt he was playing the conversation over and over. She had been able to approach him that easily in a public place. What did that mean moving forward?

"We'll talk about it later, okay?" He nods his head, taking another deep breath.

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