Chapter 38: "Shelley Dryer?"

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As originally discussed, they made their way through the garage area about a half hour before practice, letting her have a good talk with Rudy about their attack for the session, as well as the weekend as a whole. Chase, minding his Ps and Qs, hung around outside of the lounge to not overhear "sensitive information" before making his way out of the trailer and following her to the garage.

Giving her a quick final kiss before she got buckled in and set to go, he was set to return back to the trailer and stand on top as he had done many other practices before. It was one of the best vantage points as the height allowed you to see the majority of the track. It was also an area he could concentrate without someone interrupting him. 

"Chase Elliott!" He hears being yelled, half-expecting it to be a fan or crew member from another team. He'd just sign the autograph and take the photo and continue his way, or have a quick conversation and continue on, and there'd be no problems. It was just another day at the track and part of the usual practice now. Though glancing over his shoulder, he almost froze in stone immediately.

"Shelley Dryer?" He questions as she closes the gap that was between them in the middle of the garage. The behavior from Chase caught the attention of some of the KBM crew members, who began to make their way over to where he was standing. They would do anything to take care of their driver, and they knew how much Chase meant to her. That meant the offer always extended to him as well.

"I want to talk to you, please..." He immediately rolls his eyes as she closes the gap between them, only to be faced with a pair of crew members over his shoulders. Was this really happening? Did she think that would easily be able to happen after everything?

"Considering the fact someone has been dropping anonymous notes off throughout the garage, and Alison kidnapped Sarina last week, I wouldn't be randomly asking for a discussion. There's also the fact you filed your request for a change on Chris' standin-"

"I want to talk to you about tha-"

"I'm not open for discussion with you about that, Shelley. Any discussion you want will be through my lawyer." He had seen enough movies and TV shows to know the line should silence her immediately. He gives a quick nod to the crew members, as a thank you, before going to walk between them and walk away. There was nothing else that needed to be stated.

"Alison came to me and told me about her plan before she dropped the first note in your lap. She told me she played a role, almost breaking you guys up. She said she had been able to visit Chris and Bethany despite not being allowed visitors due to having her ways. She had a plan in mind against you and Sarina that would eventually get Chris out of jail." Chase freezes immediately, spinning around to face Shelley. Now knowing the papers had been dropped off, awaiting for a court decision, he immediately found himself back at reading the note of having to make a decision about someone he loved. As the pieces twirled in his mind, there was only one thing that remained - and his silence may turn into a fist quickly if that was the case.

"Does Alison know you submitted the papers?" Shelley slowly shakes her head no. "She doesn't know you came to me today, does she?" Shelley again shakes her head. It was easily be understandable to want to involve her beyond today behind the scenes. However, that wasn't the route Shelley was taking - whether Chase wanted to believe her or not. 

"I want to do this by the book because I properly want to give Chris the chance, even if you and Sarina are beyond done with him due to everything – which I understand not wanting redemption because of the feelings involved. I have no way or association with her pla-"

"Why didn't you say something sooner?" Shelley takes a careful deep breath. There honestly wasn't anything that she could say which would probably make up for what Chase was feeling.

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