Chapter 52: "Are you flipping kidding me?!?"

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It was only moments after she had heard the outburst, but her heart was already beating faster than it should as her mind raced with a mixture of thoughts. None of them were anything good, or anything she wanted to think about as she slowly walks into the kitchen slowly, finding him sitting at the table with his phone in hand. 

"Chase?" was the only thing that escaped her mouth as she tried to catch her own breath, feeling nerves in watching his behavior right now. 

"The minute that I start to believe in the legal system, it screws me over backwards." She then looks at him a little confused as she continues to make her way over. What would make him believe that? Did this deal with Alison, her brother, or someone else? She couldn't help but feel the worry increasing as new theories began to form. "Alison Reynolds was found certifiable insane by the physiological evaluations, and set to be kept at the mental institution until the next court date."

"You just said was as past tens-"

"That's because she's not there anymore." Sarina wanted to assume that meant back in jail, but why would Chase flip out over that? That would've been great news! That could've meant one step closer to finally ending this nightmare. Why would he be angry about that? "She escaped about two hours after being delivered. The psychotic witch is back on the run again." He sends a quick text message to a bunch of the crew members as Sarina walks over, rubbing both of his bare shoulders.

"They're going to be find her, Chase. They know she's crazy and know who exactly she is, so they will find her and it will en-"

"It took them three months to find her the first time, Sarina." He then takes a deep breath as he glances back at her, nerves and worry written on every facial feature, "What makes you believe that they'll find her so quickly this time?" She shakes her head as she didn't even know what to say. 

"I know you're afraid, and I know this bugs the hell out of you. But Chase, you have to believe me for your own sanity. She's going to be caught, and before she is able to do anything ever to you or anybody else again. Everybody is on the lookout and she will be stopped, okay?" He takes a deep breath as he sets his phone down on the table. He was trying to follow his own advice. he was trying to believe the words being spoken to him right now. She was just a little girl. So why was he going nuts right now?

"I told myself that I wouldn't let her run my life anymore, but look at me right no-"

"You went through a lot with her, from the notes to what happened in the trailer. Your response is to be expected. Don't beat yourself up over it." He nods his head, accepting, as he glances back down at his phone. It seemed surreal to be sitting here in this situation. It was like the horror movie that would never end.

"I thought this was over. I'm not afraid for me because trust me, I can find a way to take her down in a single moment. But I'm afraid for you, for the guys, because she's crazy enough to go after everybody..." Sarina continues rubbing his shoulders, feeling her own nerves begin to grow with his sentiments. She knew he wasn't lying based on what had been accomplished thus far. What if she tried something? Who was her next target, and what if they weren't ready? While she was set to be calming him, she was going to need a way to calm herself soon. 

"You don't need to be worried for me, Chase. I can protect and take care of myself. I can kick her ass if I need to. I've also got my guys, Kyle, Sam – just like your guys have each other and the rest of your teammates. We have strength in numbers, Chase. Relax, it's going to be okay..." He takes another deep breath as he picks up his phone to read the newest text message. Maybe it'd be something that'd help take the edge off the situation. 

"I love you..." He then glances up at her as she reaches down, kissing his lips lightly. "I will always love you..."

"I love you, too, and I'm always here for you..." She then sits down at the table, planting her hand firmly on his, totally forgetting Lindsay was in the other room. All that mattered to her at that moment was him.

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