Chapter 15: Winter Showdown

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Saturday, February 3 – Kern County Speedway – Winter Showdown

Sarina walks out of the bathroom, putting her hair up in a ponytail as she takes a glance at herself in the mirror.

"You should've woke me up," she hears, turning around with a smile. A simple glance at him brought happiness to her. He always did that for her, and perhaps even more lately considering everything they'd been through. 

"I figured you could use the extra sleep," she comments as he stretches out a little, instantly regretting it as he feels the familiar pain in his knee. So much for feeling like a new man in the morning. "And you should be relaxing, considering...."

"But we could've gotten a shower together. After all, I'm going to need a little assistance." She couldn't help but chuckle at the grin that had formed on his face in response. Of course he would try and find some way to gain any advantage in this situation. 

"Oh but Chase, that would not follow along the guidelines of being careful because gloves slip in the shower." He wanted to stay serious and flirty, but couldn't help but bust out a laugh in response - even if it was slightly disturbing where the comments originated from. "So how sore is your knee, truthfully?"

"About the same..." He then lets out a sigh as he goes to stretch a little more once again, sitting up in the bed. "Really, everywhere hurts now..." From his shoulders to his back, to his legs, it seemed every spot had grown sore over night. If there was a muscle to be found, it was sore.

"Well, what can you say? You fell down a flight of stairs after all." He nods his head with a sigh. It wasn't like he needed a reminder as his body told him with that every passing minute. "If you want to just stay back and relax all day, I'd be fine wit-"

"Are you serious? Do you really think that I'd miss your race because I'm a little sore? Clearly, you don't get me sweetheart. I'll be fine. I can come out to the track, and relax while watching you kick some ass." She smiles back in return, walking over and leaning over the bed as she kisses his lips.

"How about I run you a nice warm bubble bath to relax in while I go get us some breakfast? Then maybe before we head out to the track, I can give you a nice massage..." He couldn't argue with that as anything that'd help the pain right now would be worth it.


"I can't believe this..." Sarina comments as they make their way through the infield – carefully, as she didn't want him to further stress himself out. She would've preferred with him staying relaxing after everything that happened.

A glance at the time had told her she was running late, knowing that she'd be showing up to the trailer for the pre-race team meeting a couple minutes late. But, seeing how much the massage had helped Chase, she wasn't about to complain. She'd just flash a smile and Kyle would get it go, right?

"You're late," Rudy states as she walks over and she immediately nods her head in acceptance. Considering her and Rudy were just starting off their relationship together, this was now the second time she was late in a couple of weeks. It was either going to be a good way to get the hiccups out of the way, or proper training for handling crap while during the off-season.

"I know and I apologize," she immediately says as she helps Chase sit down. "I was giving him a massage as he was sore after yesterday and I lost track of time." She watches Rudy just roll his eyes as Kyle watches the pair closely.

"Is that all you were doing, Ms. Ott?" He questions as her jaw drops immediately as Rudy couldn't help but chuckle at seeing her cheeks go red in front of all the crew members. It was better than any punishment he could have offered for her tardiness. 

The Tale of Love & Racing: Sarina's Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن