Chapter 23: "Are you sure we went the right way?"

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Thursday, February 15, 2018 – Daytona International Speedway

Sarina heard her phone go off for what seemed like the hundredth time, and was almost set to chuck it across the room. If anybody knew her, you didn't bug her sleep as it was already hard enough to make that happen some nights. Someone was about to get their ass throttled....

"What time is it?" She wondered, half-asleep, as she reached over for her phone. Seeing that there were eight missed text messages from Lindsay, she couldn't help but feel concerned as she opened them. She couldn't help but think of every theory in her mind, the past year flashing through her head - but more specifically the most recent months. This wasn't adding up well for her. "What the hell?"

She calls Chase's number twice, before hitting Ryan's twice afterwards. She then resorts back to Chase's number, dialing it over and over as she gets out of the bed, throwing a sweater and pair of pants on quickly. She makes her way out of the motorcoach, continuing to hit the number, as she makes her way down a couple more. If there was one person that could bring her any calming right now, this was the only individual. He was the only person who would understand the panic she was experiencing. He also seemed to know his son better than most. 

She knocks on the door, panic slowly building, as she was getting no answer, or sign of return from him. Those moments she thought of previously were only becoming more crisp, including a full description of the mastermind Allison herself. 

"Sarina?" Bill questions as he opens the door, confused. It wasn't like her to come knocking on their door in the middle of the night. 

"Have you seen Chase or Ryan?" She questions and Bill shakes his head no, now intrigued. This would certainly be a reason to be woken up in the middle of the night as he assumed Chase would be with Sarina right now. "He was supposed to fly down to Miami, pick Lindsay up, and bring her here. But I haven't seen him, or Ryan, and Lindsay hasn't been picked up yet." Bill felt concern forming as he goes back in his motorcoach, grabbing his phone, looking for any messages or missed calls.

"Have you trie-"

"I've been calling his number over, and over, and Ryan's too!" Bill didn't want to panic because who knew, it may be a simple issue like he left late due to a problem, or there was still a problem at the airport. However, that thought was also accompanied by the reason he had come down there early. He was there to comfort his son and be there in case of something. His mind couldn't help but wonder about the possibilities. 

"Stay here with Cindy and explain to her what's going on, and I'll be back. It's probably nothing, but I'll go by the airport and see if he's there..." Sarina takes a calm deep breath, nodding her head as Bill walks over up to her. He wraps an arm around her shoulders. No matter what he was feeling, he truly believed these words himself. He just hoped they were the full truth and not a fluff. "He's going to be okay, relax..." He then heads off as Sarina enters the motorcoach, ready to see Cindy.


Thursday, February 15, 2018 – Daytona Beach

The pair had been walking for what seemed forever, but it seemed to be leading them nowhere. They had passed by a couple buildings, but there weren't open so there was no way to find people there. Why was it so hard to find help? You'd think in a major city that'd be an instant 

"Are you sure we went the right way?" Ryan questions as he stops to take a small break. Chase shrugs his shoulders as he glances around. He couldn't help but repeat the familiar words of survival tactics in his head over and over, knowing they'd be learned in case of worst case scenario. He never thought he'd be living that experience but here we are. 

"The sun always rises in the east, and sets in the west," he recalls a saying he learned during pilot training. "The track is west of the beach, so therefore if we walk away from the sun, we should find the track." Ryan looks over a little concerned by the theory, as he glances around. He had expected they would've been there already - or at least seen a human that could do something. 

"Meanwhile, we've been walking for a while and found nothing!" Chase lets out a sigh as he looks over at Ryan. 

"I didn't say it was a short walk, did I?" Ryan shakes his head, knowing the distances were always longer walking than they seemed to be doing anything else. There was a reason it wasn't advised you walked from the track to the beach. "Besides, are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm not the one bitching that my side hur-"

"You're also not in perfect shape, either.." Ryan knew Chase was right as he tries to stretch a little. Given everything that happened, he couldn't argue with how he was feeling in knowing it could've been much worst. 

"I'm not a big swimmer, man. That was probably the most I've gone, and will go, swimming in my life. I'm just sore everywhere." He then stretches a little bit more before continuing to walk. "But standing around isn't going to get us anywhere, so we better keep going..."

"Yeah." Chase then continues walking behind him. While he didn't want to admit it, it was certainly not the greatest feeling wondering here.

"Are you good to keep walking?" Chase nods his head as he catches up alongside.


Thursday, February 15, 2018 – Daytona Airport

Bill walks down the airport tarmac, surprised by the sight before him as there was no plane, bags, or anything to be found. It was clear Chase wasn't there, having taken off, now somewhere between here and Miami. It added a new level of unease, as it just created more theories in his mind as to what could have happened. At least if he was there, that would've offered comfort in getting to hold him.

"Where are you?" He questions as he looks at his phone once again. He had followed Sarina's lead, also dialing Chase's number a couple of times, demanding an answer.

He goes to where the plane was parked and was almost set to walk away with no signs of anything, but stopped when he noticed an envelope. He walks over, picking it up, and quickly ripping it open. Before even reading the contents, he figured what was coming.

"You should be more careful as you know I'm always watching," he reads, letting out an aggravated sigh.

Taking a deep breath, he pulls his phone back out, calling the phone number Chase had given him for the investigator. His heart was panicking, but he had to do what was right. He just didn't know how he'd tell Cindy and Sarina what he found.

The Tale of Love & Racing: Sarina's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora