Chapter 11: Qualifying Day

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Friday, January 26, 2018 – Tuczon Speedway

Sarina walks out of the hauler, stretching a little along the way, as she lets out a sigh. The nap had actually been better than she could've imagined at first, as she was actually refreshed. Thankfully, the pain pills were working, too, and the cramps had eased off.

"Are you feeling better?" Ricky asks as he glances back at his driver. He was just about to head inside to go grab her, knowing qualifying was coming up real shortly. He just hoped for the answer that his heart desired as he meant what he said earlier.

"Yeah, I'm good to go for tonight," she answers with a smile as she was glad to be answering truthfully.

"What's wrong?" She then hears, letting out a sigh as Chase makes her way over. Everything had been going smooth about this - until now. She wondered if Ricky would help in keeping things quiet for her, knowing what he'd bring on should something be mentioned. Then again, he always seemed to figure things out so maybe it was best to be honest here. 

"Mother nature's monthly gift," Sarina offers as Chase glances over at Ricky, before turning his eyes back to Sarina. "I went in the trailer to take a couple pain pills and catch a snooze, and Ricky noticed – well, that and the tampon out of the pocket." Even though he had insisted it was nothing, her cheeks burned up simply recalling the meeting in the trailer.

"Oh," was all Chase could manage as Ricky just shrugged his shoulders. A glance between the pair, and he knew they were making a bigger deal than necessary in his eyes. 

"It's part of mother nature – why make a big deal?" He questions. "Like I said, our secret. I won't say a word." He then walks away, set to focus on his to-dos, but knowing the pair needed some time to talk. Although Ricky cared deeply about them both, he was always fine with giving them their space.

"Why didn't you tell Ricky to come to get me?" Chase wonders as he would've skipped watching the modifieds practice and qualify for her. Heck, he'd do anything for her if that wasn't evident already. 

"You were enjoying watc-" She starts and he shakes his head.

"You matter to me more than tha-"

"I was fine, Chase. it was simple cramps. Besides, I ended up going to sleep anyway. I just need to go be quiet, and chill, and that's what I did. I don't need a babysitter. How many times do I need to tell Kyle, Marcus, Rudy and now you?" Chase closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, trying not to let it fully feel personal she was putting him on blast. He knew the known fact – girls were sometimes more cranky than usual at this time. There was also the fact that it seemed everyone was giving her these caring lines this past month - for good reason in his eyes, though. 

"I know you can take care of yourself, but I care about you, and knowing you're in pain, knowing what those are like for you, I would like to be there to take care of you. Even if you were sleeping the whole time, I would've been fine sitting there, rubbing your forehead, or your hand, and offering comfort." She knew she should immediately feel the 'awww' reaction in response, but that wasn't the first thought on her mind - just like when she had called Kyle earlier in the week.

"Offer appreciated, but not necessary. Like I said, I don't need a bab-"

"I know. But sometimes, it's okay to accept a helping hand to feel better. You don't need to be superwoman." She smiles a little as she lets out a sigh. Perhaps it was worth just giving up here or else this would be go on all night.

"I'm not winning this argument anytime soon, am I?" He smiles, shaking his head no. "So, did you learn anything from the modif-"

"Not willing to admit defeat?" She then sticks her tongue out as he simply laughs. "Actually, not really. They should put on a good show tomorrow, though." He then fixes the collar of her suit, before putting a loose strand of her hair that had fallen from her pony tail behind her ear. It never failed no matter where they were, he was always doing what he could to look out for her. "Ready to go?"

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