Chapter 44: Pennzoil 400

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Sunday March 4, 2018 – Las Vegas Motor Speedway

After being released earlier that morning, Chase makes his way into the garage with Sarina, fingers locked together as they make their way to the trailer. They go inside and up into the lounge, sliding the door closed behind them.

"Do you need my help?" She questions and he shakes his head no, slipping his pants off. It was just getting changed. That was something he could do easily by himself, right? "Chase, if you're not feeling good, let's just go tell Alan and let Just-"

"I'm fine," he cuts her off as he slips the bottom of his firesuit on. He pauses, taking a deep breath, as his eyes locked with hers. Maybe it wasn't the full truth, maybe there were still some ill-feelings there. However, he wasn't Alison change the course of his life or ruin things for him. He was going to do this fully today without any issues. He just needed to make Sarina believe his words. "I'm fine, okay? I'm ready to go today with full certainty."

"Just promise me that if something comes up, you will let Justin take over." Chase nods his head, accepting, as he slips off his shirt. Perhaps he could agree to do that. He then pulls his firesuit, biting his tongue in the process, as he slips it on. "I just don't want you doing this because you think you need to impress everybody, or hold up to this standard, or do it because of Alison. You need to take care of yourself."

"I told you that I was fine, and I am fine." She lets out a sigh, as she wanted to believe in those words. However, she couldn't let go of the fact what had just happened not even 24 hours ago, and felt every piece of her heart cringe in watching him go through that again. She felt everything flash before her once again, and almost wanted to run and cry somewhere. It certainly had her entering today's race on high alert.

Changed into his firesuit, he makes his way to the garage, watching the crew went about their normal pre-race routine before heading over to technical inspection. Taking a deep breath, it was certainly a nice sight and a good distraction from everything. For Chase, escaping any reminder of Alison was a welcome sight right now. While he had let off Emma easy with having been part of Alison getting away, it was certainly back to eating at him more than he had wanted. He kept wondering where the next decision would come.

"Please tell me you didn't escape the hospital this morning without permission," he hears and immediately chuckles, holding up the release papers he knew NASCAR would want if they had gotten word about what happened – which was likely. He had actually been lucky it wasn't all over the news considering it happened in a public place. Jordan takes the paper, reading over it, before handing it back over. "Okay, that's great you're fine and released. But seriously, why are you here?"

"I'm ready to go today," he answers, causing the interior mechanic's jaw to drop. Jordan had been all set to get Justin over there in the car, and everything fitted as closely as possible, believing there was no chance that Chase would be set to go after hearing the news from Alan. However, now his driver stood before him? Was this really happening? What was going through Chase's mind?

"Seriously?" Chase nods his head. Why was it so hard to believe? The doctors had released him from the hospital in saying everything would be fine. Isn't that all that was needed to be said? "Dude, you just spent the night in the hospital, and I bet there's still lingering effe-"

"Feeling nauseous was talked about this morning," Sarina throws in, actually welcoming the third degree from Jordan. It was fitting everything she had been feeling since they arrived at the track that morning. She knew she could try and do something about it, but those messages had gone over his head. Maybe if others chimed in a lightbulb moment would happen.

"So the fact you could throw up or have something lingering, plus the fact that we're only now what? Three weeks removed from crashing into Daytona beach and bruising some ribs, on top of crashing a racecar at 180 mph? But yet, we're going to stand here and say we're ready to go today?" Chase nods his head as Jordan crosses his arms. He already could see the only reason Chase was doing this, and knew it was nowhere near healthy to be doing so this way. It was like they had learned nothing. "Throwing yourself in that car today as a distraction isn't healthy, or a welcome sight. I know you don't want to think about it, but using this as a distraction when you're not 100% is not right."

"So that's why you think I'm doing this?" Chase questions and Jordan nods his head. Chase could only let out a sigh as there was no way he could lie to those closest to him anymore. They'd just see through it anyway. "Maybe you're right, but can you blame me after everything? How would you feel if someone was constantly tormenting you every single damn week of your life?" He takes a deep breath, realizing more of his emotions were coming out than warranted.

"Chas-" Jordan starts, but Chase puts his hand up. Even with that thought in mind, he wasn't about to have this discussion right now. There was only one thing left to do today.

"I'm not denying what you're saying, Jordan. You know that better than anyone here, actually. but that's not why I am fully committed to today. Sure, my ribs are sore as they've been for the past couple of weeks. Sure, there may be a lingering effect or two, but that's why I took two Gravol this morning. I know myself, I know my body, and I know what I can handle. I will be fine today." Jordan takes a deep breath, hating to have a confrontation like this with him, but it was only out of caring for him that he threw it back in his face.

"Just promise me that you'll do somethin-"

"Justin will be on the pit box as back-up if needed, and I already promised Sarina. But, trust me, I'm fine." Jordan nods his head, accepting.

"By the way, we know enough doctors around the country now. Let's stop meeting them, okay?" Chase couldn't help but agree as Jordan walks away.

The Pennzoil 400 started off smoothly, as Chase ran in the top-10 throughout the first two stages, feeling confident that they had a solid base moving forward into the second half of the race. A couple more adjustments and they'd be good to go.

The third stage started off even better, as he was even able to break into the top-five a little, before the caution flew for Jamie McMurray blowing a tire.

The restart brought forth the usual expected chaos, with three-wide racing throughout the field. The second lap afterwards, Kurt Busch made a move underneath Chase off of turn four, ready to try and snag the position. However, to the surprise of everyone, he got loose, turning up across the track coming onto the front straightaway, taking Chase up into the wall with him.

Once back in the garage, Chase made the mandatory walk over to the care center, easily getting checked in and out despite everything going on. After a reminder about breathing exercises, and possibly wanting to ice those ribs, he was allowed to go without reservation.

The trip also allowed him to cross paths with Kurt, who apologized for the contact. It didn't mean much, nor did it really make up for what happened, but at least it was nice to see a guy admit something for a change.

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