Chapter 46: Their Getaway

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Tuesday March 6, 2018

Chase glances over at Sarina, and all he could do was smile. Why couldn't life always be this simple?

"This was a great idea," Sarina comments and he nods his head in agreement. The pure bliss he saw on her face matched how he was feeling right now. 

"Absolutely," he replies. "I'm ready to ski, snowboard, maybe even go tubing if you want, relax, and just spend some nice quiet time together." All she could do was smile at that thought, as it was always tough to be able to get that quiet time he mentioned. Hopefully this would become more of a regular occurrence. 

"Everything sounds great to me, but are you sure you're up for it?" He almost wanted to roll his eyes as there was that same question she seemed to ask every single day now. Why couldn't she just relax? He had been able to get through everything thus far. Why would this be different?

"Are you always going to worry about me?" She gives him a 'really' glance back in return. It should be obvious how she feels about him, and how much she cares. 

"Do you blame me?" He sighs, shaking his head no, as he twirls their fingers together. Perhaps he should accept it, and go for the comforting approach. He didn't need them fighting to ruin their time together.

"I told you that I know how to take care of myself, and I meant that. I'm fine. I'm able to go skiing, snowboarding, whatever I please without a single issue. You don't need to worry." She wanted to believe those words, but images of Saturday flashing through her mind didn't let the worry disappear. Why was this becoming a regular occurance?

"It's so hard not to worry. I'm sorry if I get annoy-"

"I'd rather be annoyed by you, than not be with you at all." He then reaches over, kissing her lips lightly as she smiles. Perhaps he wasn't so bad after all. 

"Only you could make that so adorable..." He chuckles as he lays back while she checks the messages on her phone. "Oh, can you tell your mom that she doesn't need to send daily photos of Max? I mean, I get it – he's cute and adorable and just perfect, but I think she's going a little overkill." He chuckles as he looks at the latest photo of Cindy's new puppy curled up with her in bed.

"But just look at him...." She rolls her eyes, and could already see them getting a puppy of their own to match given Chase's reaction.

"I can't deny his cuteness. I can't even believe that you got your mom a dog for her birthday, either." He shrugs his shoulders. For him, it was a very easy decision as he knew she'd fall in love immediately. 

"What do you get for the woman who has everything? What do you get for the Momma who would do anything for you, always have your back, always be there to support you, and well, she even carried me for nine months? I knew she wanted a new dog, but was having a bit of an issue deciding which to get and from who, so I helped her out." Sarina smiles as she looks back at the photo. Maybe he could use this to his own advantage. "You know, Max is from a big litter. If you're so captivated by him, I could always get you one of your own..."

"Are you sure you're not just asking for a dog for yourself?" He shakes his head no, although it was probably pretty obvious that was the case. He had always been around and grown up with dogs so it'd make sense, though. "I like pets, but let's face it – our lives a little too chaotic that we may forget to take care of him or her properly."

"Yeah, you're probably right." He then slowly gets out of the bed, glancing out the window. 

He then turns around and walking back over to where he had dropped his bag the night before, setting it back up on the bed. Reaching through the series of pockets, he finds the small one inside, slowly reaching his hand in. He pulls the small box out, opening it and smiling. Maybe this was the perfect opportunity.....

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