Chapter 4: Vacation!!

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Tuesday, January 2 – Secrets Papacayo, Costa Rica

Sarina lets out a sigh as she shifts a little in the chair, getting comfy as she looks out onto the water. They were certainly right – the change of scenery was a nice. How could you complain when you were looking out to crystal clear water on the perfect sandy beach?

"Hey," she hears, glancing up with a smile as she takes the bottle of water, along with a pain pill from Chase. She hated that had become the usual routine for her, never one to go popping pills for random reasons. However, she knew she wouldn't be able to survive these next couple days without it. "How are you?" She looks back out to the water with another sigh. 

"Sore, still cramping, still bleeding a little," she comments as she takes a sip of the water. It was the same response that he had gotten repetitively since the night at the hospital each time he asked, at least once every two hours, sometimes more often. "I just wish it was over already." He then kneels down to her level, placing a hand on her leg. 

"It will be soon; just hang in there. They said it can last up to two weeks, but most times it's less than that. We're only a couple days removed, remember?" She nods her head as she looks back out to the crystal clear water. This vacation was supposed to make the process go quicker. This vacation was supposed to be about making her feel better. Why were they still talking about what happened?

"So, what's on the docket for you today?" He knew her question was a simple diversion because she didn't want to talk about the pain, or emotions – exactly what he expected to happen once they decided to take the trip. He knew eventually they would have to face it head on, and deal with the emotions. He just hoped that came smoothly, rather than a repeat of the past.

"My plans? I thought my intentions were made clea-"

"You're not just going to lay around on the beach catering to me for the entire time we're here. There was a reason why we planned this trip – certain sights and things to do. Like I told you at the house, I don't need to be catered or babied. Enjoy your vacation as intended." He knew she meant well, but to him, that didn't matter right now. All that rang through his mind was the words the doctor said on New Year's Eve, and the pain he could see written on her face in-between doses. 

"We just got here a couple hours ago, so I was looking for some time to relax first anyway. But, to your point, I'm enjoying myself. Any time I can spend quality time with you, that's special to me. I want to take care of you, I want to be here for you, and I have no issue just relaxing right here beside you." She smiles, knowing he meant well with his words – and probably was truthful, too. But, she wasn't accepting it. She'd regret it later if she did, even if she appreciated the comfort.

"Fine, you can do that for today. But you better damn well promise me that tomorrow you do what you were originally planning to do while you were here – something anyway. I mean, what about the mountain bike trail? What about the national parks, or snorkeling, or even the surfing? You're not just going to become a beach bum for me, Chase, and you're going to damn well promise me that's not happening." He smiles, already having a plan in mind already. He just hoped everything fell into place as it was supposed to. 

"I promise you that I will take some time to have some fun with Ryan doing those things. By the way, you're not going to be our beach bum either. I know how excited you were about seeing the animals, so we're going to make it work to where you can come with us." She then looks at him with a glance of surprise. She was really intrigued to hear what he had in mind, knowing how she felt with each passing moment.

"Seriously? I can barely move right now at times." Chase nods his head, feeling absolutely terrible for her. It was a simple reminder of why he wanted to focus his time on her, and erasing what she was feeling. 

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