Chapter 9: Chilly Willy

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January 25, 2018 – North Carolina

Sarina glances over her bags once again, double checking everything was in there accordingly. Helmet was already downstairs by the door in its bag, along with her gloves and racing shoes. She had just packed her new firesuit in the suitcase, along with some pajamas, undergarments, couple t-shirts, socks, and jeans. Double checking that the clothes were all in there – throwing a sweater in for good measure, she makes her down the stairs with the bag in hand. There was no need to stop by the bathroom, because she had already packed the essentials already.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, she sets the bag down, before making a quick trip to the kitchen to grab a drink and snack to take with her. Cursing late notice, combined with having to fulfill morning photo shoot details at KBM, she hadn't had a chance to grab herself anything to eat – besides a bagel and coffee before the photos.

She returns back to the door, double checking everything was ready to go, set to head on out when the door opens before her. Chase glances over all the bags, almost taking count as to make sure she had everything with her.

"And where do you think you're going?" He questions, as she looks at him. She knew she never had to ask permission, or get his approval on something. However, they always had a good deal of keeping track of each other.

"Chilly Willy bound," she answers with a smile on her face. He almost met her back with a smile, but stayed serious instead.

"Really? Without telling me?" She felt bad as that hadn't occurred to her to do so in the midst of all the craziness since finding out the details in the morning hours. It went back to his original question, as they always told each other everything within time to make plans.

"Listen, I just found out about it and I've been going non-stop. I was going to text you after, I promise." He crosses his arms, even more caught off-guard. Where was his invite?

"So you were just going to run off to the Chilly Willy by yourself..." She nods her head, immediately feeling absolutely terrible and stunned. She should've known Chase would want to go with her.

"Bad timing on finding out, crazy mind – sorry for no thought in the process." He almost let his guard down with a smile, but figured that wasn't set to happen quite yet.

"So why are we running off to the Chilly Willy? Kyle decide to gift you a ride?" She shakes her head no, almost glad he hadn't anyway because this was a unique, special opportunity. Actually, it was odd to see Chase had no idea about it in her mind.

"No, my deal with Kyle still stan-"

"So I thought we were both going to make the best of the weekend in our own special way." Her cheeks go red in remembering the discussion, and knowing being able to touch him, feel him head to toe, and feel him inside of her was the greatest feeling of all. But, getting a chance to do this was also pretty special. Now how did they rate against each other? That depended on the night.

"Can I take a rain check, please? I mean, you know what the Chilly Willy is and you know the bragging rights associated. I mean, did you see who is going to run that event this weekend? Basically a lot of whose who that are not at Speedfest, including myself." Chase understood her want and belief to run the event, and couldn't blame her. Besides, it had a cool name to it.

"You can have your rain check – as long as I get some details." She lets out a sigh, wishing she was heading out the door already. One glance at the time and she was running late. How did that always seem to be happening lately?

"Can I also get a rain check on that? I'm running late and I need to go. I am supposed to meet up with my flight at the airport in 20 minutes." Chase nods his head, accepting, visualizing the flight plan in his mind already.

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