I got this |w.v|

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It's been three weeks now that I've been working at Kineros. It didn't take me long to get a hang of the job. Ms.Venable is very particular about what she likes and how she likes it done. She typed up a whole list of expectations she had for me and sent it over a few days before I was set to start.

Her demands are actually quite simple and it's made my job a hell of a lot easier. Even though I do everything she asks, she still gives me a hard time. Somehow managing to find something everyday that's not up to her standards. The only thing that keeps me going is that she seems to be that way with everyone.

I thought, at the very least, that could be something my coworkers and I bonded over. Yet that's proved to not be true, especially over this last week. Not only have I been getting the usual shit from my boss, it's also my peers now. I can usually control my emotions in the workplace, after all I am professional.

It's just gotten to the point that they pick on me any time they see me. Whether it be my outfit that day or how I talk. I walked into the canteen to grab some coffee for Ms.Venable when I overheard a few of them talking. As I entered the room they quickly stopped.

"Look it's y/n the kiss ass " one snickered, "hey idiot! You know why Venny's such an ass to you? It's cause you're pathetic. Can you do anything right?" another chimes in. I don't know what makes today any different from the others, but I just couldn't take it.

I walked calmly out of the room but as soon as the door was closed, I started crying. I quickly tried to make my way to the bathroom but someone blocked my path. My gaze anchored to the floor where I saw the slim outline of the unmistakable cane. "Why are you crying y/n?" She asked in the softest voice I've ever heard.

I opened my mouth to respond but I couldn't get anything out. Her free arm wrapped around my shoulders as a hand ran over my hair. I kept my arms wrapped around my own waist as my face pressed against her chest. She pulled away and shortly after brought her hand up to wipe my tears.

"What happened?" She asked, her hand still on my face softly caressing my cheek. I shakily recalled the events of the last few minutes. She looked at me intensely as she listened, letting me know I had all her attention. "Assholes" she mumbled, "go get cleaned up, I'll talk them" she instructs.

"You r-really don't have to do that I-" "I said... go" she said. It was clear there's no room for me to argue so I nodded. Placing a gentle kiss to my forehead, she gave me a soft look before leaving me there. I went into the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. Splashing my face with cold water and drying my makeup that had run.

Through the door I could hear yelling for a moment before it stopped. About a minute later as I was about to exit the bathroom, the door opened. Our eyes met and she looked away as if to collect herself. "Are you ok?" She asks, her gaze back on me. "Yes. Thank you" I reply with a soft smile.

"Nonsense. I've heard you defending me plenty of times. It was the least I could do" she says softly. She takes a few steps closer and I stay silent. Her hand raises to my cheek again and she runs her thumb gently across it. "Besides... you're too pretty to be crying over someone" she whispers.

It sounded almost like she was talking to herself more than me. "I think you're pretty too" I say sincerely and she chuckles. Her hand falls from my cheek before returning to rest stop her other on her cane. My eyes fall to her lips momentarily before darting back up to her eyes.

"Wilhemina" I utter, her name feeling like cotton candy melting on my tongue. "Yes" she whispers, a warm smile lifting her features in a way is never seen previously. "I want to kiss you now. Can I?" I ask, preparing myself for the possible rejection. She stares at me for a moment like she's trying to decipher whether I'm being serious or not.

"Yes" she answer quietly and I smile, taking a step so we're closer together. I gently press my lips against hers and she smiles into the kiss, relaxing more into my body as it progresses. I put my hands on her sides, not quite reaching around to her back as I know it's a sensitive spot for her both physically and emotionally.

She leans forwards, deepening the kiss and bringing her free hand to move my arm around her waist. I smile and wrap both arms around her, carefully pulling her closer to me before we eventually have to pull away for air.

I smile widely as I pull away to look at her blush covered face, she opens her eyes and stares at me shyly. "So you'll go on a date with me" I say questioningly, "is that a question or a statement?" she asks playfully. "I'm not sure" I admit, "well... yes either way" she teases. "Tonight at 7. That's a statement" I joke and she giggles softly, "I'll be ready" she replies softly before pulling away. "It's embarrassing to admit but, I don't think I'll be able to wipe this smile off my face" she claims, "well I'm honored" I bow funnily.

"Just go" she chuckles, I take the few steps to the door and open it to hold it open for her. "After you madam" I say with a bow, "well aren't you chivalrous" she giggles. "Only for you" I tease, "I'm walking away now" she says quietly, "ok" I whisper. She stares at me for a moment before shaking her head and walking off.

I watch her as she gets farther down the hallway and allow my grin to grow wider.

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