Madly In Love |w.v|

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I don't want to love her
But I do
I love everything she does
The way she laughs
The way she smiles
How she talks
How she walks

I know I shouldn't love her
But I do
The way she licks her lips when eating
The way her clothes fit
How she pushes me to be better
Even when she's angry

I know I can't love her
But I do
I'm so madly in love
It almost feels unreal
Maybe it is
But I get butterflies
And I know it'll never happen
But that doesn't stop my heart
My mind
My soul...
From wanting her
All of her

As Wilhemina read the words so neatly written in y/n's journal she tenses. Who is this woman? She thinks to herself, who could possibly have her y/n wrapped around their finger so easily. So enamored with this woman that she writes poems about them. Pouring her heart out and bleeding onto the page.

Suddenly the office door opens and before she can react y/n has already walked in and seen. "That's personal" she says snatching the leather bound book with her innermost thoughts out of Wilhemina's grip. "I'm sorry" the guilty woman replies quietly in shame.

Yet she can't help the thoughts buzzing around her head. Pushing against her skull and threatening to rip her head apart to get out. "Who's it about?" She asks wanting to get rid of this nagging feeling. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but part of her felt like it was dying. The part fueled by the hope that y/n would one day love her.

"I'm not required to tell you that. You've already invaded my privacy" she replies hugging the object as if the pages could slip from their threaded binds. "I'm just curious" the redhead says attempting to gain some control over the situation. "Why does it even matter?" The other woman asks, relaxing her posture slightly.

"Because..." Wilhemina takes a breath, pausing to reflect on what she's about to admit. "Because I care about you" she says instead, not wanting to be rejected. "Might as well just get it over with" y/n mumbles to herself as she prepares her words. Although what's encased behind the cover of the journal, tucked tightly in her arms, being eloquently written. In real time she seems to lack that poise manner.

"It's about you" she whispers, almost making it past the other woman's consciousness. As if by magic the woman picks up on it and grabs it. Mentally holding it in her mind and heart, asking herself if this is really happening. "Really?" She asks in disbelief not being able to help herself. "Really" y/n replies, feeling the weight of months of adoration falling on her at once.

"I don't know what to say... it's beautiful" Wilhemina says quickly. Not wanting the woman in front of her to shy away from this moment. The redhead was ready to explore all the possibilities. Dive head first into her sweet fantasies of all that life could be with y/n by her side.

"Thank you..." the y/h/c woman says looking down and rocking herself on her feet. The desk chair rolls back into the wall as the woman stands up and approaches the anxious girl. "Look at me" she says, it takes only one command for the young woman to look into her eyes.

"I love you too, sweetheart" the fiery woman says, allowing her hard exterior to crumble into ash around them. Softness invading all her features as she looks upon the woman she's loved for what feels like an eternity. "To the moon?" The woman asks innocently, putting her hand to her cheek the redhead says: "and to Saturn, my love."

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