This is... different 1/3 |w.v|

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It's been about 8 months that I've been working for wilhemina. In that time I've seen so many changes, not with the redhead herself but mainly around her. For one the two men running the company, who I for one don't even know how that happened, resigned mysteriously and left the company to her. Since I was her assistant and she clearly doesn't have the patience to find anyone else I got promoted to executive secretary.

Not really sure the title matters but the increased salary definitely does. It's also be about 3 months that we've been having... private relations. Mainly just sex, well that's not true, it is strictly sex. No more, no less. I'm still holding on to the hope that she'll finally see how much I love her. In my heart, anyways. My mind knows the possibility of that is slim to none.

Today is just like any other day, I'm heading up to work with her coffee in hand. The lift makes a loud bing alerting me that I've arrived at my floor and also waking me up a bit. I briskly walk in and knock on her door before opening it. "Morning" I say tiredly, usually I would be enthusiastic, almost alarmingly so. But lately I've been feeling really down and just overall done with everything.

It's not like I'm unaccustomed to this feeling, I've dealt with depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember. This just feels... different. Since I've met wilhemina I felt like everything was changing for the better. So when she made a move and proposed her idea to me I jumped at it. The proposal was that we have sex with no strings attached. I guess I was foolish to think I could somehow change her mind.

Even so, I never thought it would turn into what it is now. I know she's been stressed recently but her taking it out on me has become less and less pleasurable. She looked vaguely in my direction and immediately turned back to her laptop. I set her coffee down and went to walk out the door. She cleared her throat making me stop momentarily but then I continued to turn the handle.

"Excuse me? Aren't you forgetting something?" She asks and I know exactly what she means. As a routine I give her a rundown of all her appointments, calls, anything she has for the day. I also ask her about her lunch and her meds as well so that I can order them when it's time she call her driver if she forgot the medication. I turn around and look at her blankly as if I've forgotten.

"So now you don't even know your responsibilities?" She asks sternly, "correct me if I'm wrong Ms. Venable but I don't believe that's in my job description. I will send an email with your appointments and any other scheduled meetings" I say before turning around. She taps her cane twice, very harshly against the marble floors. I stop when I hear her footsteps accompanied with the hard taps.

I feel her breath on the back of my neck making me close my eyes. I can not succumb to her once again. "I think you should choose your next words very carefully" she whispers sending shivers down my spine. I would usually find this erotic but right now it's anything but. She grabs my wrist tightly and drags me over to her desk before flinging me on it. She doesn't keep many things on her desk so the space is practically empty.

"Take off your pants" she demands, "no" I say shakily. "Take. Off. Your FUCKING pants" she says raising her voice a little. It causes me to tremble and a few tears rise in my eyes at her aggressiveness. I remain silent and she scoffs before going to unbutton then herself. I take her wrist lightly but firmly and remove it from me. "I said no, Wilhemina" I say and she stands in front of me in pure shock.

"Wh... what's wrong?" She asks me softly, in fact I've never heard her voice so soft. I scoff at her and push my way past her exiting the office.

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