Early Bird |a.m.r|

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For some odd reason my body decided to wake me up at the crack of dawn. The sun was literally just beginning to rise and I was fully awake with no hopes of falling back asleep. I turn over carefully to look at my wife Ally, her short brown hair covering her face. I gently pushed it away to reveal her beautiful features.

I'd never get tired of looking at her, there's no way I ever could. Her perfect cheekbones that just make her face look so light and happy, her smile lines that show whenever she really thinks something is funny. They usually show when she's desperately trying not to laugh at an inappropriate joke I've made in public.

Her plump lips that are the most gorgeous shade of pink making me confused on if I want to stare at them or kiss them without ceasing. Her lips are slightly parted allowing me to hear her soft breath and snores, she thinks they're annoying though someone must've told her that.

But I think they're adorable and I remind her every time it comes up that I love to hear them. I glance at her eyebrows that are arched to perfection and slightly furrowing as she dreams. Her silky brown bob that flows in the wind whenever we go out, falling just above her shoulders and framing her face perfectly.

She never fails to amaze me, effortlessly showcasing beauty in all forms and sense of the word. I look at her and wonder what my life would be without her. It pains me to even imagine an existence without this gorgeous being that I have the privilege of calling the love of my life.

Her eyes begin to flutter, slowly opening to reveal the highlight of everyday I get the joy to experience. Those dark oak eyes that are richer than any chocolate or whiskey I've ever seen r tasted. The little golden speckles created by the soft sparkles of sun starting to peak through the curtains. Looking at her is the same as looking at my future, she is love in the physical form.

"Good morning" she says, voice raspy making my insides melt at the sound that is comparable to the finest orchestra ever heard. "A good morning it is indeed" I reply continuing to stare at her in awe. Every time I see her I stare, as if it's the last time I'll ever lay eyes on her face. I take in every feature ingraining it in my brain to the point where I close my eyes and see her.

"Were you watching me sleep?" she asks funnily, "I was, you look so peaceful" I say softly smiling. "You're such a weirdo" she giggles turning the softest shade of pink like a rose, "I'm your weirdo" I say bringing her into my arms. Having the opportunity to hold her has to be the most precious gift I've ever received.

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