Relax (1/2) |c.g|

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I've been noticing how much Delia is distancing herself from me and the rest of the girls. I could tell something was off for weeks and after that man left her I knew it was that. I know she loved him but man I'm so glad he's gone, he's like a plague. I can tell she's been really down about it but is trying to appear strong for us. I decided to do something nice for her today, a little surprise to show her she's not alone.

So I rented a hotel room and managed to get all the girls out which wasn't hard. All I had to do was tell Madison Cordelia said she could go out and she handled the rest without instruction. Once they were gone I walk up to Delia's room and knocked softly on the door. I'd already been to the hotel room and set everything up. All that's left to do is get her there.

"Come in" she said softly, it's sounds like she's been crying. It doesn't help the fact that Fiona has just disappeared again. I know how hard it was for Delia with her being here but it's still her mom and she hates not having her around. I open the door quietly to see her curled up under the covers in bed. I frown slightly and close the door walking over to her.

"Come on, I have something for you" I say trying to persuade her to get out the bed. "Thank you, sweetheart. But I'm really not in the mood to do anything" she says tiredly. "I know. Let me take care of everything" I say and she turns looking at me curiously but agrees. She stands up and sighs, I smooth out her disheveled hair and take her hand. I transmutate us to the hotel room and am quickly hit with the smell of vanilla and roses.

I smile, it smells exactly like her in here and I couldn't be happier. I lead her to the bathroom as she looks around with widened eyes. I snap my fingers and the lights turn off allowing the many candles to leave the room in a soft glow. "Y/n... you didn't have to do all this" she says tearing up. "I wanted to" I say putting my hands on her cheeks and smiling softly at her.

"You work so hard for us and I know you've been having a rough time recently. I just wanted to let you know it's ok not to be ok and you should be able to relax" I say wiping her tears. She smiles softly at my like the dork she is and leans into my touch. "I'll leave you to it. I have some things to attend to" I say and she nods. I close the bathroom door behind me and go to the fridge.

I couldn't find any strawberries covered in white chocolate so I have to make my own. It won't take long though because I've done this many times before. Luckily I've just gotten food at pyrokinesis so I can use that to help the process go faster. I heat the bowl with the chocolate in it with my powers and begin dipping the fresh strawberries.

I saw this thing one time on pinterest where they infuse the strawberries with alcohol. So I bought the thingies and let them sit overnight last night. I decide to taste one before giving it to her to make sure it's good. I made half and half in case they weren't good or if she didn't want the tequila ones. Let's be honest though, I don't think she can refuse tequila.

It takes about 5 minutes and I'm finally finished. I knock softly on the bathroom door and enter after hearing her lovely voice. I made sure there was lots of bubbles so she wouldn't feel exposed if I came in. "Ready to get your hair washed?" I ask happily and she blushes but nods anyway. I look at her silently asking if it's ok to put my hands in the water. "Go ahead" she says softly, I put my hands in so they can be the same temperature as the water.

I put shampoo in my hands and lather it up as I let the tub drain. I lightly scratch her scalp and her eyes flutter closed as she sighs contently. I smile and continue until the tub is empty. I grab the shower head and glance down realizing she's completely exposed now. She doesn't seem to notice so I look away turning on the water and rinsing her hair. I then condition it and leave promptly so she can exit and get dressed.

She enters the room in a baby pink nightgown I left for her to wear. Her skin glowing in the pale moonlight shining through the sheer white curtains. She smiles happily at me and walks over to sit on the bed where I am. I reach behind me and show her a plate full of strawberries with a goofy smile on my face. "So these ones are regular... and these ones have tequila in them" I say with a mischievous smirk.

She looks at me surprised with raised eyebrows and a smirk. She takes one with tequila in it and bites into it. The juice spilling onto her bottom lip, she quickly darts her tongue out to catch it and I watch in awe. She moans softly as she swallows and my breath hitches. "This is so good! I can taste it but it's not too strong" she says finishing the one she has and grabbing another.

"I only have one more surprise" I say standing up and leaving her with the platter of berries. "There's something else? Y/n..." she says looking at me with care and concern. I know she hates having people do things for her but she literally deserves the world. "I know it's your birthday today... so I wrote you a letter. I was going to slide it under your door this morning but I started planning this and forgot about it" I chuckle.

She smiles gratefully at me and makes grabby hands for me to give her the letter.

Dearest Delia,

Words can't express how much you mean to me and how happy I am that you put up with me. Today is very special for many reasons, without it I'd never have met you. So, despite the sometimes unfortunate circumstances, I'm very happy you were born. It took me a long time to realize how much just having you around makes my day better. I'm glad you're in this world, I'm not sure I could do it without you. I just want to take the time to tell you how much you're appreciated. You mean so much to all of us, especially me. So don't forget to breathe and make sure you're ok. We will never freak out because you need a day to just relax. If they can't handle themselves I'll make sure to put them in line. Your health and happiness means more to me than anything.

With love,

Y/N <3

I see tears falling from her eyes and wetting the paper as she softly sniffles. "This is beautiful" she whispers raising her head to look at me. "You're beautiful" I say smiling and wiping her tears once more. "I really appreciate you for taking the time to do this. You're probably the only one who cares" she sighs with a sad smile. "Not true. The girls care, even Madison" I chuckle before continuing.

"They're just not as good at knowing how to express it all the time. I had them make a little video for you too" I smile widely, biting my lip to contain it.

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