This is... different 3/3

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"I'm a little dumb aren't I?" She says pulling away slightly to look in my eyes. "Just a little" I say, biting my lip to hold back my grin. "You're so beautiful" I say holding her waist carefully and tracing her face with my eyes. "I was afraid you'd leave me and I pushed you away anyway" she sighs. "Well I'm here, as long as you want me" I say, "I'll always need you" she says looking at me lips tenderly.

I lean in slowly and she crashes our lips together. This is the first time we've ever kissed, she never wanted to get that intimate with me. We fucked and that was it. This is what I've been craving this whole time and I took full advantage of that. Took time to show her just how much I love her if it's even possible to capture such expansive emotion in one kiss.

We pulled away and I rested my forehead against hers panting slightly. "I'll stay until I tell you how wonderful you are enough times for you to believe it. Then after that... I'll love you until my last breath. I could never stop" I say quietly, my breath flying softly against her lips and brushing mine once again as if reminding me of my words before dissolving into the air.

A knock on the door interrupts our moment but neither of us love. We continue to stare into each others eyes, each in our own respective trance. "I'm busy" she says, not sternly but just loud enough for the person to hear her. "O-ok" the person says probably startled by her tone. She smiles and me and I return in and she bites her lip. "You can come back in... actually I'm done for the day. Leave it in my mailbox" she says happily.

I look at her confused as she pulls away and I bend down to pick up her cane so she doesn't have to. I hand it to her and she takes it, brushing your fingers together and lingering her hand before grasping her can firmly. She opens the door yo see a girl standing there stunned. "Is everything ok, Rebecca?" She asks her and the girl nods quickly before dropping the papers in the mailbox and leaving promptly.

I giggle quietly and mina takes my hand allowing me to grab my things before leading me to the lift. We go all the way down and the ride and walk is spent in comfortable silence. The crisp autumn air surrounds us and we both shiver s bit before I follow her wherever she leads me.

She opens her car door and gently nudged me in. I sit and watch as she walks around and gets in putting on her seatbelt. She starts up the car and we just sit as she looks at me. "What?" I ask grinning after we just sit for a while with her looking at me. She motions with her eyes to the seatbelt. I chuckle and put it on before she finally backs out the spot. "You have to tell me things ya know? I can't read your mind all the time" I say and she bums in acknowledgement.

We arrive at a little cafe and enter after getting out the car. We order and sit waiting for them to bring it to us. I sit next to her and her hand rests comfortably on my thigh lovingly. Our orders come over and we begin to eat and drink with small conversation. "Kiss me" she says, "huh?" I ask choking on my coffee a little. "You told me I have to tell you what I want... and I want you to kiss me" she whispers leaning in a bit.

"Uh h-here?" I ask knowing she's not one for public affection. Mainly because of her image as the head of the company and not wanting people to know about her private life. Not to mention how reserved she is as a person and how prideful she is. "Yes here. I don't care who sees. I don't care who knows. I love you" she says surely.

Tears fill my eyes a little and she brings her hand up to my face. "I should've showed you this a long time ago. You gave me a second chance and I'm going to do everything to show you that you didn't make a mistake" she says softly. I lean in and kiss her passionately, I rest my hand on her neck caressing it gently. "Nothing about this is a mistake" I whisper and she smiles widely.

Her hand makes it's way to my waist and rests there as we finish our drinks. She pays and we exit, her arm still around me. I already know this is going to be the best time of my life. If I wasn't sure of it before her next words made sure of it.

"I will love you until the end of time and I will scream it from the rooftops any day. If you allow me to, I will love even in the next life to come. You're all I've ever dreams of and more. I will make you my wife one day and make sure you never feel sadness ever again if I have a say in it" she says seriously. I kiss her holding onto her with all the love I have in my body.

1 year later

"You may kiss the bride" the officiant says and i lunge towards her almost tackling her in the process of giving her a heart filled kiss. "You're never getting away from me" I say, "I'd never even dream of it" she whispers giving me another kiss.

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