Trips and Flights |w.v|

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I've been stressed lately and usually I would just do a little something to take of the edge. However I promised Wilhemina I wouldn't smoke anymore after we met. 'It's not good for you, little one' she had said. So instead I decided I'd make some edibles for those extra stressful days. I had to hide the bud from her since I wanted to make my own.

Somehow I managed to hide it until my day off when I made them. I made sure to keep the smoke to a minimum and let the house air out for a bit after. I baked the oil into brownies and cookies. I let them cool and put them in tupperware containers on the counter.

My phone rang and I ran over to get it seeing it was my friend. I got lost talking to her until Mina came home. "Hi darling" she says softly, "hi baby. Hey y/b/f I gotta go" I tell her and we say our goodbyes. I get up and look to see my girlfriend isn't in her previous spot.

I pout a bit and walk around to find her in the kitchen. My mouth falls open as I see her with a brownie to her mouth. "Don't eat that!" I say raising my voice a little causing her to raise an eyebrow. "I know how you love sweets but you don't have a choice but to share" she chuckles shoving the whole thing in her mouth.

"Mina... I wasn't saying that because I don't wanna share. They're weed brownies" I say trying to hold back a giggle. Her eyes widen as she looks back down at them. Her face goes flat and she looks back at me trying to keep calm. "Hypothetically... how bad would this effect me?" She asks in a deep tone, "hypothetically... how many did you eat?" I ask trying to hide my grin.

"3" she says quietly, "you ate 3 fucking brownies? I was gone for like 30 seconds" I gasp. "Hey! Don't judge me! I needed sweets" she pouts. I walk over and shake my head as I put the top back on the brownies. "It shouldn't be too bad. I didn't put a lot in them but it might hit you hard considering..." I say sympathetically.

Mina had told me before that she never smoked or did any other drugs. The farthest she's gone is drinking occasionally and even then she rarely gets drunk. She always finds it imperative to keep her wits about her. "You promise?" She asks softly while looking at me with curious eyes. I rarely got to see this side of her and I absolutely love it.

*15 minutes later*

"I don't feel anything" she says rolling her eyes, "that's good, love" I say watching the tv while stroking her hair. "You said it might 'hit hard' when is that? Did you even put anything in them? You're playing with me aren't you" she says moving out of my grip. I pull her back and put my hand in her hair again.

"Oh trust me I did. I love how you're critiquing my skills when you haven't even felt anything yet" I chuckle. "Isn't it supposed to be working by now? This is stupid" she sighs. "You're very eager, aren't you? It affects everyone differently and at different times. Also this isn't like smoking, just be patient honey" I explain.

*5 minutes later*

"Mina relax" I say, "oh my god I'm flying" she says walking around the room with her arms out. I finally get her to sit down but she starts whining, "what is it baby?" I ask her as she lays her head in my lap. "Can we watch 'Bandits'?" She asks in a cute voice and I chuckle while nodding.

I put on the movie and she watches in silence while hugging my legs. I smile down at her and stroke her long hair. About halfway through the movie I feel wetness on my pants. Not the kind I like either. "Awww baby why are you crying?" I ask her and she just sniffles. I pause the movie and pull her up a little so I can look at her face.

"What is it, honey?" I ask her and I can see she struggles to hold back tears. "She's so pretty" she sobs, I fight the urge to laugh by biting my bottom lip. "Yes she is" I agree with her and she starts crying even harder. "Oh no" I say under my breath and pull her into my arms rocking her back and forth.

"A-are you only with me because I h-have red hair?" She asks through staggered breaths and I furrow my eyebrows. "Of course not" I reply softly, "b-but you think she's h-hot" she says. "So do you..." I say not really understanding what she's getting at. "She has red hair. You don't like my red hair but you like hers" she say abruptly sitting up and crossing her arms across her chest.

Her cheeks still red and damp from her previous tears. My eyes widen at her sudden change in mood. "I said that I'm not only with you because of your red hair. That doesn't mean I don't love it, I love everything about you" I reassure her. She tears up again and pouts at me, "you love me?" She whispers and I smile at her not being able to control my giggle.

"I love you more than Cate Blanchett" I tell her and she gasps. "You really love me" she squeals and throws her arms around me.

*the next morning*

"Good morning starshine, the earth says hello" I say to her as she grumbles and turns over. "Rough night?" I chuckle, "we never speak of that again" she croaks out. "But you were so cute" I say hugging her from behind. "Ugh" she scoffs and holds my hands on her stomach. It's quiet for a minute before I decide to speak up.

"Baby" I say, "yeah" she replies and I can hear a specific uncertainty in her voice. "What's on your mind?" I ask quietly, "nothing" she answers a little too quickly. "Tell me. I know the high can sometimes last until the morning and get your thoughts all jumbled" I say understandingly.

"Do you ever black out? Or hallucinate when you... get high" she asks cautiously. "I don't, but I've heard of it happening... do you think you did?" I ask her concerned, "I think so... maybe" she says unsure. "Well I was with you the whole night so at what point did you black out? Or what do you think you hallucinated?" I ask her curiously.

"Maybe it was a dream" she whispers to herself, "you don't have to be nervous... tell me" I say turning her over to face me. She looks into my eyes and sighs before looking down to my hand. "Did we umm-" she starts, I grab her hand and lace our fingers together to relax her. "We didn't have sex... I wouldn't do that while you were intoxicated. Especially because it was your first time" I assure her.

"No it's not that..." she whispers, "well what is it, darling" I say rubbing my thumb over her knuckles. "Did you say you- that you love me last night?" She whispers and I smile tilting her chin so she looks up at me. "I did, and I mean it. I love you, honey" I say looking into her eyes sweetly. "I love you too" she smiles widely and I lean down to kiss her.

It's a gentle kiss, short and sweet but with so much meaning. "So you love me more than Cate Blanchett, huh?" She asks teasingly, "well..." I say acting like I'm thinking about it. She hits my arm playfully and I start chuckling. "I love you more than anything, Wilhemina" I say, I only use her name when it's of the utmost importance. So I know she knows I'm being serious.

"I love you so much, y/n" she replies, "well I'm glad because I'd probably have to kill you if you'd didn't" I shrug. "Y- what?" She and shocked, "pancakes?" I ask her getting out the bed.

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