Not so perfect |w.v|

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Wilhemina and I have been dating for a few months now and I've fallen for her. I mean I fell for her the first time we met, and it's only gotten better since then. She's the love of my life and I've known it since she first touched me.

My body felt like it'd been charged for the first time. Her demeanor shifted from stone cold to unbelievably soft for me. I love that about her, she's so caring and gentle with me. Speaking of which I think I hear her car now.

About a minute passes by before I hear the knob jingling as she unlocks it. I fly off the couch and dart towards the door as it opens. "Hi beautiful" I say as she looks up and drops her keys into the bowl. "Hey sweetheart" she smiles and I rush into her arms.

She walks us over to the couch, never letting me go. Rather I never let go. We sat down and it's silent for a few beats as we just enjoy each others presence. I know she works so hard and needs silence when she comes home. I stare aimlessly at the blank tv screen as I hold onto her.

She's always on my mind even though she's sitting right here. I smile as I think of her for the millionth time today. "How was your day, baby? Seems good based on the smile on your face" she chuckles. "It was really boring actually. I'm just so happy you're home" I say looking up at her lovingly.

She smiles softly and leans down to kiss my forehead. "Well I'm happy to be home with you" she replies stroking my hair. "I love you" I say absently as I look into her eyes. I snap out of my trance realizing it's been silent for a long moment. Things come back info focus and I see her staring down at me in shock.

I wait a few seconds for her to snap back but she seems stuck. "Winnie" I say quietly and she shakes her head looking at me again. "You uhhh... y-you" she stutters trying to get out the words. "I do. I understand if it's different for you" I say sadly but understanding.

"I just umm I don't know what to say" she sighs, "why?" She asks and I tilt my head at her curiously. "Why do I love you?" I asked confused, she nods her head slowly. "Why wouldn't I love you? There's so many things to love about you. Your smile, how soft you are, how you always know just what I need. The way you hold me and how you're so protective" I say.

She just stares at me not saying anything so I continue. "How you're always doing little things to show you're paying attention. Like cooking breakfast for me right before you leave the house so it's still warm when I get up. Taking care of me when you know I've had a bad day and can't do it myself. There's so many reasons I love you" I say pulling myself out my head.

"Y/n... those things are just overcompensating for how horribly I treat you when I'm upset. Don't you care about that? How I make you feel when I've had a bad day? You make me seem perfect..." she sighs sadly. "That's because you are! You're perfect for me, and of course I feel sad when that happens" I shrug.

"We all deal with things differently and I know you don't mean to be cruel. It's just your work attitude bleeding into home a bit. I do it too, how sometimes I just don't talk when I get home" I reason. "But-" "but nothing" I stop her, "if you're not ready, I understand. I'm not going to let you try to convince me otherwise though. I've seen every side of you and I love all of them" I say finalizing it.

She narrows her eyes at me for interrupting her and I raise my eyebrows challenging her. She looks away for a moment and then back to me. She takes my hand gently and looks me in the eyes as she slowly squeezes it 3 times. I smile widely at her as this is something I told her my grandma would do.

It was her way of saying she loves me without having to say it out loud. "I love you too" I reply and she smiles shyly making me sit up to give her a soft kiss.

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