I'm sorry |a.m.r|

501 22 2

(She doesn't have Oz in this)

I've been waiting for Ally to get home from her press conference so we can cuddle. I feel like she's been gone for weeks cause she's been so busy. As soon as she comes in the door I run over to greet her. "Hi baby" I say happily but my smile drops when I realize she isn't smiling at me. "You forgot the press meeting" she says taking off her heels. "I know... I'm sorry, but I watched it! You were great" I say trying to make the situation better.

"That's not the point, Grace" she sighs tiredly. "I know. I really am sorry. I just got distracted and then we were talking while you were at the office. It just slipped my mind, and you didn't mention it so I forgot. By the time I remembered it was already too late. I figured you weren't mad cause you didn't mention it" I say panicking. "Right. So what's for dinner?" She asks walking away from me. My heart shattered in that moment, I didn't know if she was mad. Worse I didn't know if she was so disappointed in me that she just couldn't bear to talk about it anymore.

"I uh, made your favorite. It's already in the microwave you just have to start it" I call out as I follow her into the kitchen. She starts the microwave without a word and watches as it turns. "Ally?" I call, "yes" she sighs and I'm scared to say anything else as I don't want her to get even more upset with me. "Nothing" I say and turn around, going up to the bedroom to give her some space. I lay in the bed and lay on my side facing the window as I try not to cry. I know I shouldn't be so sensitive, she's probably just tired but my brain won't let it go.

The way she looked at me, her tone, I'm such an idiot. How could I forgot about something she's been telling me about for weeks? I'm the worst girlfriend ever and she deserves so much better than me. No! I just have to find a way to make it up to her. I can't just wallow in self-pity like I do every other time because obviously it doesn't work. Plus Ally always has to cater to me and reassure me over and over when I get like this and that's just more work for her. So I'm going to get my ass out of this bed and go down to talk to her.

I walk down the stairs with a pep in my step, determined to make this right somehow. I take a seat next to her on the couch as she stares blankly at the tv. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" I ask softly, "it's fine" she replies flatly. "Well... you seem upset and you had at least a semi good day so I don't want you to end it on a bad note" I continue. She sighs and closed her eyes, bringing her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose.

"It's done with, I'm over it" she says, putting a forkful of food in her mouth directly after. "Ok but you still-" "just drop it please" she interrupts me. I sink back into the couch, my attempt to make her feel better just made her more annoyed with me. "Do you wanna be alone?" I ask in a tone that resembles a whisper, she doesn't answer so I start to get up. She gently grabs my wrist and pulls me back down, closer to her.

"I don't wanna talk about it, ok? I'm here with you now and that's all that matters" she says. "I'm really sorry, Ally" I pout slightly, trying desperately to control my emotions for her. "I know, honey. There's no need to beat yourself up about it. There's plenty more conferences and meetings, alright? I'm just so used to having you there and... I don't know. I get anxious at these things no matter how many times I go. Knowing that you're out there just makes me feel better. Being able to see your pretty face never fails to calm me" she smiles softly.

"I didn't know..." I say softly, my lip trembling a bit as I think about how hard it must've been for her. "Don't. It's ok, baby. I never told you" she whispers, wiping the tears that have already fallen without my knowledge. "I should've known... you always know. I said I wasn't gonna do this and now you're here comforting me when it's all my fault" I say pulling away and sniffling. Angrily wiping the tears off my face and irritating my skin.

"Come here" she says, pulling me down on her lap before I can object. "I love you. I'm not mad, just a little disappointed but that's ok. It happens and I forget things all the time. I don't mind comforting you, you'd do the same for me. Even when you don't realize it. You missed one thing, that doesn't make you a bad person. It certainly doesn't make you a bad girlfriend. I hate when you're upset like this but it shows me that you care. I'd be a bit worried if you weren't concerned in the slightest" she pokes me making me giggle.

"Now stop the crying. How about we go take a shower and cuddle, hm? As much as I love the press conferences... having you in my arms is much much better" she whispers in my ear. I turn to face her and she looks into my eyes while smiling warmly. "I love you" I whisper, "I love you too, baby" she replies. I get up and take her hand, putting her plate in the sink before heading upstairs.

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