Collapse |x.t|

469 21 0

TW: talk of SA, yelling, hitting
WC: 2025

I wake up from my nap and stretch my body. Standing up and cracking my back, sighing in relief as I feel my body relax. I look around the room and notice my girlfriend is missing. I pout a bit and slowly walk downstairs to look for her. Rubbing my eyes as I try to fully wake up.

I hear the television getting louder as I get closer to the living room. Assuming that's where she is, I pick up my pace. Finding her sitting on the couch watching American Horror Story. I only briefly glanced at it because I was a little sad. "Hey! We're supposed to watch it together" I tell her.

I don't get a response, I see her just staring at the screen. I mean yeah she could've just rewinded it and rewatched it with me. It's really not that serious, but now she isn't even responding to me. She never ignores me though, regardless of how she's feeling, so I get worried.

"Baby?" I call for her, no reply. The sounds drown out as I come around to see her eyes glued to the show. Her eyes are wide and she looks scared, like she's about to cry. I turn to the tv to see Lana and Thredson. See I've watched this show before and I said we should skip season two.

She said she wanted to experience it all with me because she knows how much I love it. So I agreed to watch it one more time if we could skip some parts. This being one of them because I just have a really hard time watching it. I quickly grab the remote and turn it off.

Putting the controller down on the coffee table and stepping in front of her. "Honey" I say and she just blinks slowly, it's like she's looking through me. "I'm going to take your hand, ok?" I say softly and slowly so I don't scare her more. She doesn't show any sort of reaction and I get this bad feeling in my stomach.

I show her my hand and cautiously reach for hers. As soon as my skin makes contact with hers, she jumps like returning to her body. "NO" she screams and I flinch as she's never yelled at me before. I swallow and try to reach for her hand one more time but she loses it.

With an open palm she hits my chest and scrambles off the couch. "Don't touch me" she says in a softer tone than before but she sounds more terrified. I clutch my chest and pant as she literally knocked the wind out of me. I gather myself as fast as I possibly can and stand up straight.

"Darling, it's me. Y/n. It's a show, baby. I know it's scary, just remember it's not real" I say softly, my voice a bit raspy. "I- I-" she stutters, her eyes darting around the room as she backs herself into a wall. Flinching as she hits her head before pushing herself against it further.

"You're ok, I promise. I'm right here and I'm not going to hurt you" I voice. Still keeping my distance as she takes in her surroundings. "Y/n?" She asks shakily, "yes, sweetheart. I'm here" I reply, taking short steps towards her. Keeping my hands clasped in front of me so she can see them.

"I'm scared" she whispers, her breath getting caught as she begins to sob. Her eyes never leaving me, she just cries harder. Tears racing down her cheeks as she holds her torso tightly. I stop a few feet away from her and open my arms, smiling softly.

She falls into me and wraps her arms tightly around me. I groan softly as she squeezes my ribs firmly. I stroke her hair and rub her back as she cries into my shoulder. I realize she's leaning all her weight on me as her legs can't hold her up much longer.

I let her know I'm going to pick her up and she nods softly. I do checkpoints down her body, not wanting to make any abrupt movements. Just tapping her periodically to let her know I'm going lower. I finally get down to her thighs and I pat the back of them. I hear her breath hitch and I pause to let her get adjusted.

Once she seems ok again I pull her up quickly. She wraps her legs around my waist and I ask her if she wants to go to the room or stay on the couch. "The room p-please" she says quietly, "alright, honey" I reply. I take her up to the room and lay her gently on the bed.

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