Late Mornings |b.d.h|

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Billie and I had, what you could call a long night last night. Fortunately we didn't have much to do today which is why I was so grumpy when her alarm rang. She grunted and reached over to turn it off before slowly sitting up. I see her rub her eyes and turn to me so I quickly close my eyes pretending to be asleep.

I hear her groan and the bed starts to creak as she gets up. I open my eyes and reach out towards her hand to hold her back. "Baby I have to go" she says, "nooo" I say sleepily with my eyes closed. This always works; I pretend to be asleep and want her to cuddle. She always gives up, at least for a few minutes if she's really busy.

I feel her sit back down and I curl into her side wrapping my arms around her torso. "Honey..." she says caressing my face, "I know you're not asleep" she says. I open my eyes and look at her tiredly while tightening my grip. "Well of course I'm not, your alarm was so loud. Not to mention I held onto you pretty tight to be asleep. Yet you always fall for it" I say giggling.

She puts a hand to her chest pretending to be offended by me basically calling her gullible. "You reach out for me in your sleep all the time" she says softly. "Does it count if I'm pretending?" I chuckle and she shakes her head.

"No I mean really asleep. You think I wouldn't know if you were awake or not? I always stayed because I knew you just wanted cuddles. But when you're actually asleep, you always pat the bed looking for me. I usually move my arm so you can feel it and then you grip on and move closer. It's pretty cute honestly" she giggles.

My face turns red and I turn face down in the pillows to hide it. "Awww don't be embarrassed baby, it's adorable. I love it. It always makes me feel good that you look for me. Makes me feel loved" she says sweetly. "I love you" I mumble into the pillows and she giggles before pulling my head to her chest.

She lays back down and I rest one of my legs over hers. Tangling us once again in the hopes that she won't try to leave. "I love you too baby. I don't really have anything important to do, just lunch with Ally. How about I stay until then and we can go together?" She asks happily and I nod eagerly just wanting more time with her.

"You're precious my little koala; saying yes to anything to spend more time in bed" she chuckles. "I just want to spend more time with you" I say quietly. "Well I love spending time with you, so all you have to do is say so" she coos. "I'm gonna set an alarm for two hours from now. That should give us enough time to get ready" she states grabbing her phone.

She types for a minute and then sets it back down wrapping her arm back around me. "Go back to sleep my little koala" she whispers lovingly. "I love you, Bil" I yawn, "I love you too baby" she replies before yawning as well. We both get into a comfortable position, our arms still around each other. Before sleeping in a little longer, cherishing our embrace.

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