The Calm Within The Storm |w.v|

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Today has been such a drag. It's 11pm and I'm still in the office with Ms.Venable. Everyone else got to go home early because of the hurricane. But ms.Venable didn't, which means I don't get to go home either. I mean who else is gonna run her errands for her if not me?

"Ms. Y/l/n!" She yells for me and I quickly get up and open her door. "Y-yes ma'am" I reply, stuttering as I hear branches hitting things amongst the howling of the wind. "I need coffee" she says without looking at me, I just nod and close the door. I'm already so nervous being so high up and now I have to walk to the other side of the building.

It doesn't make things any better knowing the whole building is practically made out of glass. On shaky legs I make my way to the break room, quickly opening the door. I shuffle over to the coffee machine, turning it on and waiting for it to heat up. My leg shakes in anticipation as I stare at it waiting for the green light.

Finally it's ready and I put her mug under it and press brew. While I'm waiting for that I look out the window, big mistake. My eyes are met with black and purple, lightning lights up the sky with flashes of white. Effectively lighting the room so I can see the violent rain. I scream and jump back, startling myself even more by bumping into a table.

I close my eyes tightly and take a breath before grabbing her coffee and going back to her office as quickly as possible. I'm usually not afraid of storms, I love rain and I usually sleep through them. But today my anxiety has been off the charts today and I've already stayed so many hours late. Then just like the cherry on top we have a fucking cat 5 hurricane.

I knock softly on her door before opening it and before I can walk out she stops me. "Why the fuck were you screaming?" She asks lowly and I turn back around to face her. "Umm I-I" I start, "uh I-I-I- can you spit it out jesus" she says annoyed. "I was scared" I say shakily and she rolls her eyes. She stands up and starts walking over to me but her facial expression quickly changes.

What was once humor and possibly anger was now concern. Her hand raised up to my face and I flinched as another flash of lightning came in my view. "I won't hurt you..." she says softly, her hand come down and grabs mine leading me over to the couch in the corner. I sit and watch her and she moves in silence, graciously even with the chaos outside.

She opens a cabinet and grabs something before coming back to sit next to me. It finally registers that it's a first aid kit and I look at her confused. "What's that for?" I ask curiously, she doesn't say anything and I just accept it at this point. She pulls out some antiseptic and a piece of gauze. "For this" she says pulling out her phone so I can see my reflection.

I raise my hand up to it and she smacks it away, "ouch" I say holding my hand. "Sorry. It'll be worse if you touch it" she says softly and I nod letting her do her thing. "It'll sting. You can hold my hand... if you want" she says nervously. I waste no time grabbing onto her hand and intertwining our fingers. She gives me a small smile before returning to her blank expression.

Her hand slowly raises again to clean my cut and I wince as it burns the germs away. I squeeze her hand a bit tighter and shut my eyes. "I'm done" she whispers and I slowly open my eyes. She's looking tight at me with a soft smile, "you did good" she says. I smile shyly at her and look away to see I'm still holding her hand. I don't want to move it but I slowly pull away.

Before I can fully move my hand a loud boom of thunder rolls by. I grip onto her without even thinking and she wraps her arms tightly around me. "It's ok... I'm here" she whispers in my ear while rubbing my back. "I'm sorry" I mumble trying to pull away but she tightens her grip on me. "You have nothing to be sorry for, darling" she says, I feel butterflies as she's never called me that.

"I'll hold you for as long as you need it" she says and I can hear a hint of sadness in her voice. "Ms.Venable?" I say quietly, "wilhemina" she corrects me and I smile. "Winnie... why do you sound sad?" I ask her simply. "I'm not" she says nervously and I lean my head up to look at her. "You sound sad" I pout, she shakes her head and smiles before pushing my lip back.

"I really like you y/n and I want you to be my girlfriend. But I'm afraid that you might not want me because... well because I'm a bitch" she sighs. "So? I like your bitchy side when it's not at me" I giggle, "I would love to be your girl-" I interrupt myself with a squeak as I see lightning. "-friend" I continue. "So my friend... or my girlfriend" she asks trying to hold back her laugh.

"You're a meanie" I say pouting, "you're adorable" she says pulling me close.

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