Miscommunications |a.m|

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I've been dating Alice for 2 months now and it's been beyond fantastic. She's so sweet and caring, always thinking about how I feel. We first met at my parents house which was quite awkward. Her and Phyllis came together and were talking about the movement of course. Well Phyllis was and Alice kind of just sat there uncomfortably.

I went up to her and asked her if I could show her something. She looked at Phyllis hesitantly but noticed she wasn't paying attention so nodded at me. I took her to the backyard by the pool and we sat down putting our feet in the water. "You wanted to show me something" she said quietly as she watched her feet kick back and forth in the water.

"No... you just looked uncomfortable and bored so I thought you might need a minute" I say looking at her. It was then that I noticed just how beautiful she was as the moonlight shone on her soft features. "It's certainly a lot being around... all that" she says still not looking up. I thought she and Phyllis might be a secret couple.

Then again I've met Phyllis and that wasn't very likely. "I can imagine. You and Phyllis are... friends?" I ask softly and she finally looks up at me slightly confused. She blushed as she realized I was staring at her but didn't break eye contact. "Well yes I suppose" she answers, "what do you mean?" I ask her to elaborate and she sighs.

"We were once. I don't think she really cares about me anymore. She's so into politics and the press that she barely has time to spare me a glance" she says shakily. I unconsciously take her hand in mind and squeeze it reassuringly. "I'm sorry" I say for lack of better words, "don't be. It's not your fault" she says wiping a few tears that had fallen.

I sense something and I decide to just go out on a limb and say it. "You like her don't you?" I ask and she's silent for a moment before looking up at me. "Of course I do. We're friends" she says with a defensive tone and I just knew. "You know what I mean, Alice. You like her romantically. It's ok, I'm not going to tell on you or anything. As long as you promise not to tell on me" I chuckle.

Her eyes widen and she just starts crying uncontrollably. I pull her into my arms and rock her back and forth as she sobs into my chest. "I shouldn't feel this way... s-she's married and she doesn't even like me. I m-mean of course she doesn't" she cries and I furrow my eyebrows. "What does that mean? 'Of course she doesn't' " I ask her and she sniffles trying to calm down.

"I mean look at her and look at me. Even if she did... like women- she'd never like me" she says quietly. I pull her face out of my chest and cup her cheeks. "Alice you're beautiful, don't say such things about yourself" I say using my thumbs to wipe her tears. "Y-you're just s-saying that" she stutters trying to hold back tears.

"I'm saying it because it's true. You have no idea how gorgeous you are, do you? Well I see it and a shit ton of other people do too. I want you to really look at yourself everyday and tell yourself you're beautiful until you believe it. And I'll be there every step of the way, ok?" I tell her and she nods softly, looking into my eyes.

After that night we became really good friends until I confessed my feelings for her. She reciprocated them, thankfully, and we've been together since then. Now the problem is that since she's gained her confidence she's a lot more comfortable around Phyllis. Although she doesn't stand for the same causes, she still wanted to remain friends with her.

I was really hesitant at first because of her previous feeling for the woman. I didn't want to hold her back though and I trust her so I let it be. Tonight is different though, this whole week she's been coming home late. I was texting her throughout the day and asking her how she was doing. Then all of a sudden she just stopped replying to my messages.

I assumed she was busy which is fine so I watched a movie and waited for her to respond. After 2 hours I started getting worried and texted her again. I waited 15 minutes and still there was no response. I called her and the phone rung and rung but she never picked up. At this point rationality got thrown out the window and I started panicking.

I texted her 3 times and called her 5. After the second call they were going straight to voicemail. Is she ignoring me? She's with Phyllis... I tried not to let my brain twist these things into signs that weren't even there. I laid down on the couch and stared into the open space before exhausting myself with the thoughts and falling asleep.

I wake up to soft touches on my face making me stir. I opened my eyes slowly to be met with Alice smiling at me. "Hi love" she says, I glance over to the clock to see it's midnight and sigh. "Hi" I whisper and she frowns slightly. "What's wrong baby?" She asks caressing my cheek, "you weren't answering my texts or calls" I say.

"I'm sorry I just lost track of time and my phone died. I meant to text you before but I thought they had a charger. Apparently I'm the only one with an iPhone" she chuckled rolling her eyes playfully. "You we're with Phyllis" I said questioningly and she shook her head. "Well I was but then I left to hang out with Gloria" she says.

Gloria Steinem. Should that make me feel worse? "Oh..." I say trying to figure out how I feel about it. I mean there's nothing wrong with her having friends. I'm not worried that she's cheating I just like her to be home cause I'm clingy. "Don't worry that pretty little head. I only stayed out so long because we were talking about you" she says smiling shyly.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief, "of course, darling. I could talk about you forever. Which is actually why I left Phyllis's house. I mentioned to her that we were dating and she flipped about it. I thought she might understand since we've been friends for so long but oh well" she shrugs. "I'm sorry, honey. I hate that I'm the cause of that" I say sadly.

"You have no reason to be sorry. It's not your fault at all, it's hers. Of course I'm going to miss her, but I'd rather have you than her in a million years. If she can't except the fact that I'm in love with you then she doesn't need to be in my life" she says confidently. I'm quiet for a moment as I think about what she just said.

"You're in love with me?" I ask her as tears fill my eyes. "I am unbelievably in love with you, baby" she says giving me a soft kiss. "I love you too" I say smiling widely.

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