Who are you? |a.t|

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Audrey decided to let me tag along with her for filming instead of leaving me at home. Much to my enjoyment because I hate being away from her. I realized just how long her filming hours are and it made me appreciate her even more. She never fails to call me every night when she's away.

I can see in real time how exhausted she is after. Still she always makes sure to talk to me before bed. She came back in her trailer after she was done getting her makeup off and out of her costume. "Ready?" I ask her and she nods with a tired smile.

I smile softly and grab the keys to the rental before walking out with her. As we're passing through the studio as a shortcut we get stopped. "Hey, Audrey" a short brunette says, ignoring my presence but whatever. "Hi" she relies waiting for the girl to say something as she seemed a bit panicked.

"There was a fire at the hotel I'm staying at... would you mind if I stayed with you?" She asked quickly, her eyes filled with hope though I'm sure she knew Auds would say yes. She's so sweet and the girl looks like she's in distress. "Of course" Audrey says and the girl thanks her over and over.

We get in our separate cars and the girl, Madison, makes a detour to grab her things. Apparently she just can't stay there because of the smoke and the whole investigation. We get to the hotel and I take Audrey up to the room. We bathe and I help her get comfortable before a knock sounds at the door.

I go go open it and the girl smiles shortly before walking past me. She goes to the bathroom and showers, changing before coming out. She takes her place on the couch and Audrey brings her a pillow and blanket. I followed stayed a distance away because I don't know her.

I watch as she brings the cover to her nose and smells it. "I haven't used it, don't worry" Audrey chuckles softly. "Oh it's nothing... I was sorta hoping you had. I really love how you smell" she blushes. My mouth falls open a bit and I automatically take a few steps forward.

I look at her blinking slowly as if I'm looking at an alien. I turn to Audrey who looks in shock not knowing what to do. I raise an eyebrow before turning back to the girl. "Well since no one else is going to say anything... what the fuck?" I ask in disbelief.

The girl turns to me a narrows her eyes, "excuse me?" She asks in an arrogant tone as if I'm intruding on an intimate moment. "You're not excused. I said... what. The fuck?" I emphasize. "Listen... let's just calm down" Audrey suggests. "Yeah. Who are you anyway?" She asks in an even more pompous tone than before.

"Audrey..." I say in a warning tone, put the corner of my eyes I see her go to say something but the girl interrupts her. "What? You can't answer for yourself? I mean you must be her assistant" she scoffs. "You better get this bitch before I choke her" I warn Audrey.

Already putting my hands together trying to control myself. "Madison, enough! You are not to speak to her that way" Audrey says sternly. "You really shouldn't let people walk all over you, Audrey. She doesn't control you" she states. Oh if only she knew. "That's it. I'm beating her ass" I say and u start walking towards the girl.

She quickly backs away and I start chasing her around the room. Audrey right behind me trying to grab me. "Y/n stop! Please" she pleads as I finally get a girl on Madison and pin her down. She closes her eyes and turns her head away. "Look at me, bitch!" I tell in her face and she opens her eyes. Keeping her head turned but moves her eyes to look at me.

The fear evident in her gaze as I keep her pinned down. "Y/n, honey, come on. It's not worth it" Audrey says gently taking my arm. I turn to her and glare making her back up. "Listen here you imbecile. I'm her girlfriend. The next time you disrespect me I'll make sure you never see a set again a day in your life. Capeesh?"

"Y-yes" she stutters, "yes, what?" I prod, "y-yes m-ma'am" she says. "Right" I say softly as I move to let her up. "Get your shit and get out" I say turning away to go back to the room. I hear scrambling and then it stops as I cross the threshold. I turn around and lean my head back out. "Now" I say with venom in my voice.

She tears her eyes away from Audrey and runs out carrying her things. The door closing softly behind her. I slip into bed with a sigh, closing my eyes trying to rid myself of my frustration. I hear soft footsteps before the bed dips beside me. "Y/n?" She whispers and I turn my head before opening my eyes.

I'm met with Audrey's lust blown pupils staring back at me. "That's was so fucking hot" she breathes out. It causes me to giggle and turn my head to the ceiling. She straddles me under the covers and her head comes into view. "I'm serious" she says biting her lip, "I thought you were tired?" I ask funnily. "Not anymore" she says in a raspy tone.

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