Are we clear? |w.v|

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Ok I was unsure if I was going to post this but I just finished it on a burst of energy and figured I might as well. There's a somewhat graphic description in here but it is like fluff (sorta) I would say. Don't ask where I got this from cause I have no clue.

TW?: description of violence and torture

I've been working at Kineros for a little over a year now and, well I have a lot of things to say about it. The job itself is nice, not too much work and I enjoy solving problems. I'm one of those people that like playing solitaire and sudoku in their free time. Anyways, what makes the job less than desirable is the people. Specifically the 'bosses' Jeff and Mutt, because let's be honest, we all know Ms.Venable runs the place.

Speaking of which, I actually quite like her which most people fail to comprehend. She's not always such a bitch and even when she is, the person usually deserves it. Maybe I'm just excusing her behavior but she's never been anything less than cordial with me. We have a meeting today that I'm not particularly looking forward to. Mostly because Jeff and Mutt will be there but also because it's about our monthly progress.

Let's just say the boys don't exactly have a knack for positive reinforcement, they tend to just drag people down and leave them there. Sure, they don't do it on 'purpose' but that fact doesn't make it any easier for me to deal with. I sigh and stand up, smoothing out the few wrinkles in my creased dress pants. I slip on my jacket that was hanging on the back of my chair and make sure my blouse is properly adjusted.

That's another thing, they are always commenting on every woman's outfit and once they even stopped me in the hallway to 'fix' my top. 'Loosen up a bit. let 'em breathe' jeff had said while mutt chuckled along with him. They glanced behind me and immediately stopped laughing and walked away quickly, when I turned I didn't see anyone there, but I can only assume it was Ms.Venable. Considering that's the only person that could effectively stop their antics.

I finally made it to the door of the conference room and took a deep breath before entering. I looked around briefly until my eyes landed on her, I made my way over to a seat nearby. Producing a forced little smile to acknowledge her presence. No one else ever dared to sit near her but since she never scolded me for it, I always took my seat directly next to her. She nodded in response and honestly that to me was equivalent to a smile from her since she always ignored everyone else.

The cokeheads walk in and I groan internally, mentally preparing myself for the torture that this will bring.

(slight time skip)

We eventually got to my records and sales for the month and this is what I was dreading most. I was out for about a week and a half this month because of personal issues. It may not seem like a lot, but even a day missed here makes a difference. "So y/n... I see your sales have decreased quite a bit compared to last month's. Which wasn't spectacular to begin with" he mumbles the last piece under his breath. Contrary to what I think should happen, neither Jeff nor Mutt present during these monthly meetings.

They leave it all to one of their douchebag accountants who thinks he owns the world or some shit. I sigh as I feel my leg begin to bounce underneath the table, I curse myself for not working from home but I literally couldn't seeing as I was bedridden. "What do you think you could do to improve this?" he asks and I know this is a trick question, because no matter what I say he's going to chuckle and act like I'm stupid. "I'm not quite sure" I reply instead, just taking the dumb approach since I know how my irritation can grow to intolerable levels.

"Of course you don't... well let me try to explain in a way that might get through to your little brain" he starts. I can already feel my insides getting hot from his words, and not in a good way might I add. As he starts talking I zone out and just stare at him as if I'm listening when I'm honestly not even in the room anymore. I feel a hand stop my leg from shaking and I know it's her since she's the only one I'm sitting next to, the seat on the opposite side of me being empty. I just don't even have the ability to acknowledge it.

As I search for a distraction I put my hands together and start cracking my knuckles, not even paying attention to the amount of noise I'm making. "My god can you stop with the incessant noise?! How is anyone supposed to concentrate when you keep playing with your hands? What are you 2?" Carl says looking directly at me and causing the attention of everyone else to do the same. I open my mouth to respond but nothing comes out which makes him smirk. "Careful Mr.Delainey" Wilhemina warns him, "or what?" he asks leaning forward, stabilizing himself with his hands palm down on the table.

She gives him a stern look and he chuckles, proceeding to open his mouth to hurl an insult at her but before he can, she speaks up. "I don't think you should be commenting on Ms.Y/l/n's habits, in all honesty. No one says anything about the loud 'conversations' you have with your secretary" she says looking at him in an almost innocent way. I can't help but to giggle at her comeback since it is very true, and it disgusts me so I'm glad she said something about it. "What the fuck are you giggling at bi-" as the first syllable rolls of his tongue I feel a fire in me.

"I suggest you stop" I say calmly, "OR... WHAT? You think because you have a little guard dog now that you're invincible?" he chuckles sarcastically. I smile to myself and stand up, she takes her hand in mine and shakes her head a bit telling me it's not worth it. I wink at her and gently take my hands from her and walk over to him. He crosses his arms and plants his feet as I get closer and closer which only makes my smile grow. I get right in front of him and motion with my finger for him to lean closer but instead he just cocks an eyebrow at me.

I discreetly wrap his tie around my hand and pull his head next to mine so my mouth is right by his ear. "next time you even think about calling me a bitch, keep this in mind. I'm not as fragile as I look... I will tie you to a chair, cut your dick off and feed it to you. Then after that, I'll pour a jar of red fire ants on the little stump that's left" I whisper to him. I pull away and straighten his tie as he looks at me in horror. "Got that?" I say in a sickly sweet voice with a small smile on my face, he continues to stare at me with his mouth open.

"Are. We. Clear?" I ask him slowly and he nods his head quickly, "I'm glad we could come to an agreement, it would be a shame to not work with you anymore" I say patting his shoulder. "Meeting dismissed" I say out loud and everyone looks at me weirdly, eyes flickering between Carl, Jeff, and Mutt. I look at Carl and tilt my head to the side, "W-what s-she said. Meeting dismissed" he mumbles loud enough for everyone to hear before nodding to me and leaving the room. I walk out and back to my office where I grin to myself, gosh that was fun seeing him squirm like that.

A knock on my door takes my attention away from the reports I went back to as I'd like to get out of here at a decent time. The door opens before I can say anything and I feel the anger coming back up but I hold it. I see her head poke around the door and I smile motioning for her to come in. "Hey" I say, "Hi" she says closing the door behind her and walking over to sit in the chair in front of my desk. I fold my hands in front of me and the smile stays on my face as she looks at me with uncertainty. "What did you say to him?" she asks and I giggle just thinking about it, "well..." I tell her what I say and her eyes widen a bit.

"You really said that?" she asks in slight disbelief, "yep. Pretty effective I say" I reply and she slowly smirks. "You're despicable. I like it" she chuckles making me smile wider if that's even possible. "What can I say? Play with fire and you get burned. Besides... I learned from the best" I nod to her and she giggles. GIGGLES. "Well done my little apprentice" she says lowly, "why thank you madam. That means a lot" joke and she rolls her eyes playfully. I check the closk and decide I'm done for the day, after all I might as well milk this little stunt until it runs out. "What do you say we go get a late lunch? On me" I propose, "you want to go out with me?" she asks as if she can't believe it.

"Well I did just ask, didn't I? So..." I say and she squints her eyes at me before nodding, "wait. Don't you have work to do?" she asks but still stands up. "Eh fuck it, I can do it later" I say grabbing my bag and she chuckles, "your laugh is beautiful" I say and I see her blush. "Thank you" she says quietly, "Oh also you asked if I wanted to go out with you?" I smirk, "o-oh I didn't umm mean it in that way" she stutters making me smile. She's adorable. "Well the answer is still yes if you're up for it. You can think of this as a first date" I say walking closer to her as she averts her gaze to the ground.

"Are you getting shy, Wilhemina" I say slowly as I lift her chin with my fingers. "No" she says moving her face so my finger falls away. "Good, because I like eye contact and confidence. Although I'd love punishing you, I'd hate for it to become a necessity" I tease her and watch as her cheeks turn red. "Come on" I say grabbing her hand and gently taking her out the office and to the elevator, stopping to grab her purse first.

You will be mine Miss Wilhemina Venable, I'll make sure of it.

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