Throwing hands |a.t|

435 16 5

WC: 1636
TW: cussing, period talk, homophobia (by way of a man named Hank of course 🙄)
Audrey finally got a break from filming, a whole week at that! So we've been spending most of our days at home so she can recover. By recover I mean endless fucking and cuddles. It's been great having her next to me at all times. Being able to reach out at any given moment and have her by my side.

As our little bubble is nearing its burst I'm already dreading it. "Hey babe" I say softly as she's right above me. Her arms circle my waist tighter as she looks away from the film and down to me. "Yes, my love" she answers, "can we go out tonight? To that one resto I like" I ask her.

"Of course, baby. How does 7 sound?" She asks, "good but can we also go for a walk" I suggest. "Sure. Right now?" She questions, "yes? I'm craving ice cream" I pout. My period has been kicking my ass so having her here this week was perfect. Though my slight mood swings have been a bit of a thing.

Audrey always just giggles which furthers my frustration but then she pulls me into her arms. Placing a kiss on my forehead or my cheek, or my lips and my fury is instantly quelled. "Alright, honey. Whatever you want" she smiles softly. Leaning down to gently place a kiss on my forehead before patting my butt.

I giggle and stand up slowly, she gets up right behind me and we walk hand in hand to the bedroom. Changing into clothes more suitable for the walk. Once we're ready she grabs the house keys, slipping them into the little pocket on her leggings. We exit the house and begin our stroll, our hands intertwined.

Making it rather quickly to the little parlor on the corner a few blocks down. Sitting to enjoy our ice cream as it is the middle of summer. Gigantic smiles and laughs are shared as we indulge. With kisses sprinkled between words and plans of traveling later in the year. I can't wait until her schedule slows down so we can do more things like this together.

We step out of the storefront and onto the street. The heat hitting me in waves, instantly making me irritable. I've always hated the heat even though I spent most of my life in Florida. I got away as soon as I could because I despise it that much. LA isn't much better but it is a different type of heat compared to where I'm from.

Audrey's arm comes round to circle my waist and I melt into her touch. Quite literally as I feel like I'm boiling, but the contact makes me feel better. At the very least I know I'm not suffering alone. We start heading back towards the house engaging in light conversation.

Out the corner of my eye I see a man approaching which puts me on alert. By his body language and facial expression he doesn't seem like a threat. Yet his eyes are glued to Audrey and that makes me stay on my toes. I lean more into her, just a bit harder than I normally would. It's our little signal that someone is coming towards us.

I do this so that she'll know if a fan is coming up. She does it to me because she knows I hate people walking up on me. It's an instant fight or flight response and I feel like it goes without saying what my first response is. "Hi... Audrey Tindall?" He questions as if he didn't have the brain to recognize her in the time he walked up.

"Yes, hi" she says in a more formal voice than the one she uses with me. Her accent dialing back a bit and sounding more posh. It makes me smile as I try to hold back a giggle. She glances over at me with a smirk and narrows her eyes. "Can I get a photo? My girlfriend really loves your work" he says. It's clear he's lying, I could tell by the way he eyed her as he walked up.

I let it slide though as she does have many fans and who can blame them? I know she's mine, that's all that matters. They take the photo and he lingers for a bit, shifting on his feet. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't even introduce myself! I'm Hank, and you are?" He turns to me for the last portion of his ramble.

Eyeing me suspiciously as if I'm the one that's intruding. I open my mouth to speak but Audrey puts a hand on my waist. She knows how I am when I feel condemned so I close my mouth and let her handle it. "This is y/n, my girlfriend" she smiles proudly and I look up at her returning it.

All traces of discomfort or anger fading from my body. Escaping like vapor through the sweat starting to form on my skin from the heat. "Girlfriend? As in you're dating?" He asks, trying to hide his disapproval but not hard enough. "Yes" Audrey replied directly, standing her ground.

"Her?" He asks again, looking me over with scrutiny. Yeah the anger is definitely back. "Just like I said before, yes. If you have a problem with that you can walk away" she says getting annoyed. Which pisses me off even more because it's one thing for someone to mess with me. It's a whole different thing to mess with people I love.

Audrey is the sweetest most caring person I know, and if she's getting annoyed it's a problem. He scoffs and starts walking off, "faggots" he mumbles loud enough for both of us to hear. That was the last straw and I start to pull away from her and go towards him.

"Violence isn't the answer" she whispers in my ear, pulling me tighter to her body. "You're right" I say softly, hoping that she'll loosen her grip. She sighs in relief, easing up on her hold on me and I smirk. "Violence is the question" I state calmly, keeping my eyes zeroed in on the man.

"What?" She asks confused, her grip loosening even more as she tries to look at my face. "And the answer is yes" I say starting to run at him. "NO" she yells behind me, I speed up to a sprint. Partially because he's getting farther away and also because Audrey is fast.

If I don't run at full speed she'll catch me as easily as I could catch a turtle. Just when I'm right on him I feel two strong arms grab me by my middle. "Fuck" I mutter softly to myself, not wanting to cause a scene. Funny I say that even though I was ready to pulverize this man.

He continues walking, completely oblivious to the danger that was upon him. Ignorant asshole. "Breathe, baby. It's fine" she whispers in my ear, panting and setting me down lightly. I try hard to catch my breath, I'm not much of a runner. I actually have asthma so maybe that wasn't the best of ideas.

My breath shudders as I try to take in deep breaths and calm myself. "Fuck I hate people" I say loud enough for everyone in a ten foot radius to hear. A few people turn to look at me and I glare at them making them turn away. I start walking back to the house and Audrey follows me quietly.

Unlocking the door quickly as we get home and letting me go inside first. I run up the stairs and to the bedroom throwing off my clothes as I'm unbearably hot. Shortly after falling in the bed, not caring that I'm covered in sweat. "Darling?" I hear Audrey call from the bedroom door.

I don't answer, my back turned to her so she can't see my face. "Baby..." she whispers and I sniffle as I try to prevent a sob from escaping my throat. "Are you sure you're not pregnant?" She giggles as she wraps her arms around me from behind.

I elbow her in the stomach hearing her grunt. "Does that feel like pregnancy to you? I'm bleeding like a cut goat from my vagina and you ask me if I'm pregnant" I scoff. She didn't reply, just wraps her arms tighter around me. Creating an almost seamless mesh between our bodies.

I try to stay mad but then she kisses my temple and I start to smile. She rubs my belly and kisses my cheek and I break out into a grin. "Feeling better?" She asks softly and I nod turning to put my head on her chest. "I'm sorry for hitting you" I mumble softly, feeling like I might cry again.

"Don't worry, baby. It didn't hurt that bad. You should start going to the gym with me actually" she jokes. I pull away from her a hit her shoulder. I expect her to pull me back to her but she just stares at me. "I'm serious babe" she says with a straight face and I scowl at her.

"I mean how did you expect to beat that guy up when you can barely hurt me" she says mocking me. I narrow my eyes and start to raise from the bed only to have her pull me back down. I wiggle in her arms before accepting defeat as she's much stronger than me.

"You're mean" I whine, "I love you too" she whispers. "Fuck you" I say, "we should probably take showers first but after that, absolutely" she replies. I grumble and look up to roll my eyes at her. "We really should take showers though, we stink" she grimaces. "True" I giggle and lean in to kiss her softly.

S.P. One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang