This is... different 2/3

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I go to my office and log into my computer, typing fast and harsh against the keys. The only sound on the entire floor, since it's only our offices, are the repeated clicking of the keys as my hands practically smash the board. I type up her schedule for the day and print it, leaving it in the mailbox on the front of her door. I send her a short email saying it's there before starting on my other tasks.

It's lunch time now and it's been radio silence from her which I expected. If I never have to speak to her again I'm fine with that. To think I was so in love with her and now it's come to this. I never wanted it to be like this. I wipe a tear that's fallen unknowingly from my eye and continue my work. This time softly padding the keys, the computer did nothing wrong.

I work my way through lunch do I can get this over with a leave early. If I finish all my tasks I can leave whenever I choose. Usually I have lunch with her, it's kind of a ritual we have everyday. It's the only time she's not rough with me, because we don't talk during that time. I hit send on my last email and see that I've finished 3 hours early. All I can think about now is my bed and a nice big glass of tequila.

I sign out and shut down my computer before grabbing my things I threw onto the ground. I walk over to her office and open the door without knocking. At this point her comfortability is the least of my worries. I see her sitting at her desk but her chair is turned so she's facing the window. It's a nice view, I have to admit. I clear my throat making her aware of my presence and she turns around.

"I'm leaving for the day, everything is done" I say going to head out. "Y/n?" She says shakily, I turn back around to see her eyes are slightly puffy. Her cheeks flushed a very light, almost unnoticeable, shade of pink. I raise an eyebrow signaling for her to speak. "C-could you just tell me what happened? Please..." she basically whispers.

She's asking me what happened? Does she not realize how she treats me? "I didn't want it" I say simply and she seems to lean in to my every word. "B-but..." she stops and takes a deep breath closing her eyes to collect herself. "The way you treat me is... disgusting. I can't take it anymore, it's not good for me and honestly I don't think it is for you either" I say.

"I-" she stops herself, her mouth moves as if trying to form words but nothing comes out. "Can I go now?" I ask her annoyed, "please just... I need to talk to you" she says standing up now. I sigh but stay in my place allowing her to walk over to me. "I never meant to hurt you-" "but you did" I state bluntly. "I know. I'm really... I'm really really sorry. I don't know why I'm like this. I don't know why I treat you this way and expect you to stay" she says sadly.

"You've gotta get it together" I say softly, I feel bad that she's so sad. I've never seen her so vulnerable before and I know it's not a trick. She may be manipulative but never to this extent, I know she's good in there somewhere. "Please try to forgive me... I know I'm asking for a lot and I know you don't deserve it. I don't deserve you. I just- I don't know how I can go on without you" she says as tears begin to fall from her eyes.

"Mina..." I say softly and she smiles lightly, "I always love when you call me that" she says chuckling sadly. She is always so adamant about how much she hates it but never enforced it so I kept doing it. I knew a part of he had to like it. I bring my hands up to her cheeks and wipe her tears as she leans into my touch. "I love you" she says with her eyes closed before beginning to cry harder.

I pull her into an embrace making her cane drop on the floor. "Lean on me" I whisper into her ear as I feel her body tense. She relaxes and leans her full weight on me to help her stand. Not only is this intimate because we're so close but I know she trusts me to hold her. To keep her safe. To love her. "I love you too, I was hoping one day you'd realize it" I whisper in her ear.

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