Fallen Stars |w.v|

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I've been Ms.Venable's assistant for a few months now and it's actually been really great. Everyone said she was a colossal bitch, so I was nervous to meet her at first but she's so sweet to me. I'm not sure why but I'm choosing not to question it because I'd rather this than what everyone else gets. I noticed she was more stressed than usual when she came in this morning so I went to get her coffee and pastry for her before she had to ask me for it.

Usually I wait because she may not want it but she just looked like she needed it this morning. I made my way to the break room and made her a fresh pot of coffee, as I was about to walk out Jeff ran into me and made me spill the entire coffee on myself.

The strangest part is that I'm not even mad about the scalding hot coffee that will probably leave a mark on my stomach. My biggest worry is that I now have to remake the coffee all over again and that means that'll be away from my desk for too long. Not to mention my clothes are now ruined and if I haven't learned anything else from the numerous screaming matches I've heard, Ms.Venable is a stickler for cleanliness and tidiness.

"Oh shit my bad" he said and I just politely smiled at him and turned around to make her another cup while running through how I would fix my attire. I rushed out of the break room and into the adjacent office. "Megan, I need to borrow a jacket or a sweater or something! It's important" I begged my coworker.

She looked up at me and her eyes widened, she looked around her cubicle but she didn't have anything. She leaned up against her desk and pushed her headset to the side, "listen up losers! Y/n needs a jacket, blazer, sweater, doesn't matter as long as it matches and isn't hideous" They all looked at her weird.

"She's venable's assistant dumbasses" she yelled, they all scrambled and presented me with various coverings and I picked one quickly and threw it on. "I love you" I said, grabbing her face in one hand and giving her a kiss on the cheek, guess it's a perk to have the boss everyone is scared of. They'll practically do anything to make sure she won't go on a rampage.

I made my way back to the office and ran in, I knocked cautiously on her door and opened it once I heard her allow me to enter. "Good morning Ms.Venable" I said trying to act like I'm not out of breath as I set the coffee down on her desk. I forgot the pastry but at this point that's the least of my worries. She didn't reply like she usually does and it just confirmed for me that she is indeed having a rough morning.

"It's warm" she said harshly and I looked to the floor, "and what is that hideous jacket you have on? Take it off immediately" she says. "Umm w-well I would, you know that. But Jeff made me spill your first cup of coffee and it went all over my shirt" I mutter nervously. "God damn it! The only thing I needed is for you to do your job correctly. I thought out of everyone you wouldn't let me down, obviously I was wrong" she exclaimed.

I hate when people yell at me, I always have. I could feel the tears begin to fill my eyes and I looked up at her to see if she was finished. Upon seeing my face I could see her face fall a bit but it doesn't even matter now. "Is that all?" I ask, my voice trembling from attempting to hold back my tears, she just responds with a single nod so I leave.

I run as fast as I can to the bathroom so no one sees me crying and I lock myself in a stall pulling my knees to my chest as I sit on the closed toilet lid. I try my hardest to pull myself together because I know I still have a job to do but she really hurt my feelings. I don't know why I thought I was special or that she would never treat me like she does everyone else. I hear the door open and I instantly stop crying, I like to think it's a talent of mine honestly.

"Y/n?" I hear her call for me and I don't answer, I can hear the doors creaking and her cane carefully clicking on the floor as she check s every stall. She finally gets to mine and I hear her push the door and it clicks back because it's locked. "I know you're in there... I'm sorry sweetheart, I really didn't mean to get so upset with you" she says softly. I grab some tissue and wipe my nose quietly, I'm not ready to talk to her just yet.

"I know you're still upset and I understand. It's just m-... my back...it hurts a lot today and I'm out of medication and- I know that's not an excuse. I figure you might want to know why or- well maybe you don't but, I am truly sorry honey, I never meant to hurt you" I can hear her sniffle through the crack in the door.

I walk quietly over to it and unlock it before opening it slowly. I see her standing there with her head down and I lift up her chin to dab her tears so I don't ruin her makeup. I just stare at her with my red and puffy eyes, I see the tears still stuck in her dark brown eyelashes making them stick together a bit. The small amount of eyeliner she wears on her water line completely washed away and her mouth downturned in a slight pout as she looks back at me.

She opens her mouth to talk but I can see the tears start to fill her eyes again so I put my index finger on her lips to stop her and use the other side of the tissue to catch the new tears before they fall. "I love you" she whispers shakily as I move my hand away and the tears I just wiped are replenished ten-fold. The glisten like little stars as they begin to cascade down her rosy cheeks.

I take her face in my hands as she closes her eyes at the touch, "I love you too if you haven't noticed" I whisper. Her eyes snap open and I've lost count of the times I've been caught in her alluring stare, it's certainly more than I'd like to admit. We stand in silence before I take her hand and pull her out the bathroom and to her office to sit because I'm sure her back pain isn't getting any better by standing for so long.

I gently ease her into her chair and smile softly at her, for the first I see her full smile. I would always get a small smile, a courtesy not provided to others that I heavily cherished. However, this smile, the way she's looking at me right now, she's smiling goofily with all her teeth and it's the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

"Gosh you're so beautiful" I murmured, mostly to myself but I was close enough for her to hear it. I could see it in her eyes that she was surprised and grateful for my compliment. "You're welcome" I giggled softly and she rolled her eyes trying to hide her enormous smile. "Sooo" i said putting my hands behind my back and rocking on my feet slightly. "Come here little one" she said reaching out her arms and pushing her chair away from the desk a bit, I walked over and she ushered me into her lap to sit.

"You wanna work with me?" she asks cutely, "of course" I smile shyly as I wrap my arms around her gently. "Also you're coming to dinner with me tonight at 7 and I want you to wear something sexy" she whispered sending pleasurable shivers up my spine making me squirm in her lap.

"Yes Ms.Venable" I replied, "you don't have to call me that anymore baby" she said stroking my hair before pushing the chair in and opening her laptop to log in. "Mina?" I asked quietly to see if she would like it, "I love it darling" she said kissing my forehead. "Does this mean you're..." I didn't exactly know how to put it so I waited for her to fill in the blank, "well what do you want to be?" she asked turning her head to face me as much as possible since my face was on her chest.

"I thought you could tell me" I said in a small voice, "that depends on what you're looking for but me personally, I would like you to be my girlfriend" she says calmly. "I like that" I giggle giving her a kiss on the cheek, she softy takes my face in her free hand that wasn't wrapped around my waist and pulls me in again.

She brings her soft lips against mine and moves them slowly and passionately causing me to sigh happily. She pulls away to push a strand of hair behind my ear before looking into my eyes once again. "I love you little one" she says confidently, "I love you more" I reply. "Not even possible" she says booping my nose and I scrunch it up before laughing and moving my head back to her chest as she continues her work.


I wrote this in like 30 mins so if it's shit do not hesitate to tell me

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