Lights. Camera. ACTION! |a.t|

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TW: smut, strong language
y/e/c: your eye color

It's my first day on the set and to say I was nervous was an understatement. I was going to be shadowing Allan, the director, and an actor/actress of my choice in hopes of getting a permanent position. I'm in film school to become a director/producer but I really have a passion for acting as well. So they agreed to let me shadow on both sides to see which one I liked more.

I got in my car and started driving there trying to distract myself by blasting music. Once I got there I pulled into a guest spot and gathered everything I thought I might need. I put my notebook and pen in my purse to take notes and grabbed my drink. I heard a car pulling up next to me and didn't think much of it until I looked at the sign in front of my spot. 'Reserved for Audrey Tindall' FUCK I parked in the wrong spot.

I quickly went to get back in my car as the person was getting out. "Hey!" She said, I instantly knew who it was and my heart dropped. "I'm so sorry, I was just being stupid and not paying attention" I said immediately. She giggled "it's fine, you're y/n right?" She asked "Yes ma'am" you replied. She walked over to the drivers side where I was standing looking at the ground embarrassed. She lifted my head up "it's ok, I promise. It's your first day so I'll cut you some slack. But if you keep doing it I'll have to beat your ass" she said jokingly.

I laughed nervously as she closed my door and walked with me to the booth. "ID?" the security guard asked me, I almost didn't hear him because I was so nervous. The day had just started and I had already fucked up. I began frantically searching for it when Audrey put her hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see her smiling down at me "she's with me" she said calmly and the security guard nodded letting us in.

"Thank you, you saved my ass" I said with gratitude. She turned around getting really close to me making me shift on my feet. "It's no problem, just relax ok? Everyone here is a lot nicer than me" she said slightly smiling. "Well then I guess I'm gonna feel right at home because I can't imagine anyone nicer than you" I replied. She turned around and blushed a little bit, we didn't say another word until we entered the conference room.

Everyone was talking amongst themselves as Allan hadn't came in yet. "Everyone shhh" Audrey said turning the attention of everyone in the room onto us. I looked down at my feet not being able to meet the gaze of all the talented people before me. "This is y/n, it's her first day so make nice" she said winking at me. Everyone said hello and shook my hand or gave me a hug.

After we had all greeted each other, Audrey motioned for me to take the empty seat next to her. I obliged still extremely nervous and confused as it seemed she was taking a liking to me for some reason. Allan shortly walked in and I slightly jumped at his voice as it boomed filling the room. We fell silent looking to him for direction as to what the rest of the day held.

Audrey must've felt my anxiety as she put her hand on my thigh. She leaned in and whispered "it's alright, we're normal people. I know what you're thinking, but he's the least scary person in the room" I smiled and turned my attention to Allan. "So first thing on the agenda" he said turning toward me "I assume you've all met y/n?" Which was responded to by a series of nods and sounds of approval.

"Alright! Well she's our new intern and will be shadowing me as well as one of you lucky people. Now that that's clear we'll start shooting, you've already got which scenes are first up so you guys can go get ready" he said looking around the room.
"Oh but y/n you have to pick your person first so you can go with them and be apart of the process and whatnot." He said and everyone looked at me, I choked up not knowing what to say.

"Don't be shy" he said after a few minutes. I still couldn't piece together coherent sentences from a lack of brain activity. Someone eventually spoke up for me "I'll volunteer to take her" the blonde said smiling. "Alright then, are you ok with that y/n?" He asked me, I just nodded in agreement "Fantastic, move out people!" he says motioning for everyone to go to their respective trailers.

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