Hookups and Breakdowns |w.v|

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I'm sitting at the bar, people watching as usual. I honestly didn't even plan to come out tonight. There's plenty of things I have to do at home but it's overwhelming. So I decided to come out for a drink to ease my nerves from the day I've had. Well one drink turned into 2 but that's not bad since I'm pretty good at handling it.

I've just been drinking fruity drinks with only a little alcohol in them. I drink to get buzzed at most considering I usually have to drive myself home. As I'm lost in my thoughts I notice someone sits next to me. I look at them out the corner of my eye and to say I am shocked is an understatement.

She's gorgeous. Fiery red hair, prominent cheekbones, thin framed glasses. Everything anyone could ever want honestly. She turns to me and looks me up and down slyly. I turn towards her and her eyes immediately find mine. "Wilhemina" she introduces herself, her voice is raspy and kinda deep which sends shivers up my spine.

"Y/n" I reply and she smiles softly at me before leaning in. "I saw you sitting here and had to come talk to you. I see you're alone..." she says posing the end as a question. "Yeah" I respond simply, I literally can't think straight with her this close to me. "Wanna come home with me?" She asks very bluntly and I can't do anything but nod at her request.

Her smile widens and she takes my hand after putting some money on the counter for our drinks. She guides me outside and to her car, instructing her driver to take us to her house I assume. Funny how I'm just blindly trusting her, I really am just hopelessly gullible when it comes to women. The ride is spent in silence, her hand resting comfortably on my thigh.

Once we arrive at the house she exits the car, reaching back to help me out. Her house is beautiful, the inside even more magnificent. Yet it doesn't even begin to compare to her beauty. She leads me upstairs and to the bedroom, closing the door with a soft click behind us. "Such a pretty girl" she says running her finger tips along my jaw.

I look up at her and smile shyly. "Strip for me, princess" she says in a commanding tone. I look at her curiously and she raises an eyebrow dangerously. I unconsciously comply and begin removing my clothes. She watches me the whole time, scanning my body with, at least to me, an unreadable look.

I'm left in my underwear when I realize what I'm actually doing. My arms come to my stomach and wrap around protectively. "Put your arms down" she demands and I shake my head softly. It's silent as she moves closer and I can feel the tears in my eyes. "Why are you crying?" She asks softly and I just shake my head again feeling embarrassed.

"Hey... there's no reason to be nervous. Tell me what's wrong" she says pulling me into her chest. I'm surprised by her sudden change in demeanor and can't help but feel like I ruined whatever she had planned. "I- umm" I try to regulate my breathing and give her a response but I can't seem to get it together.

"Shhh darling. It's ok..." she coos in my ear as she holds me tightly against her body. "I'm sorry" I mumble into her chest as I try to pull away. "Don't be. I'm sorry for pushing you, I didn't realize" she says softly. "No i-it's not your fault. It's just I... I've never done... this before" I explain.

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asks pulling back a little to look at me. "I didn't know you even wanted... you know. Beside you're so beautiful I just couldn't think" I admit nervously. "Please baby... you can tell me anything. I didn't just approach you for sex either. You truly are so beautiful, and I can take it slow for you" she smiles.

"I'd like that" I whisper looking into her eyes.

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