Why are you afraid? |b.d.h|

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WC: 1821

Billie finally decided to take me on one of her trips. I told her it's all I wanted for a graduation present. I'd majored in business and asked her if I could work with her. She said she didn't mind and that I could be on the administrative side if anything. Since, as she says, I'm the only person she's met that never manages to annoy her.

I thought that was sweet in a way. Anyways, she decided to bring me along to the Hotel Cortez with her. She'd been very hesitant about it, attempting to prepare me extensively before hand. I reassured her it wouldn't be a problem and it really wasn't. We got there and she was determined to try and speak to a specific tenant.

She told me about her many times before and how she never showed herself. The most she's gotten is a glimpse of her. As soon as she realizes Billie has seen her she'll disappear. "God damn it" she cursed after trying for half an hour to get this woman, Sally, to show herself.

"Let me try" I offer and she shakes her head sighing. "It can't hurt right? They can hear all of us" I remind her. "Fuck it" she says plopping into a chair in the corner and closing her eyes to rest. I stood for a moment, thinking about how I'd get her to come out. She obviously didn't want to talk to Billie.

I mean she's been here countless times and has seen basically all the other spirits. Well at least the main ones and apparently this Sally was a very popular person here. I decided to go into the bathroom, closing and locking the door. "Sally" I whispered, I wasn't scared necessarily.

I mean sure this place has an ominous feeling to it, but I don't think the people are that bad. I think they're just troubled. I mean if I was subjected to live in one place for the rest of my life, I'd be a little peeved too. "Sally" I said a bit louder, "Y/n?" I hear Billie call me.

"In the bathroom... actually can you go get me some food? My stomach hurts, I think I need to eat" I lied. "Ok, darling. Call for Elizabeth if you need something urgently, ok?" She called out "ok" I yelled back. We'd been here for a week now and she felt safe enough to leave me, for short periods of time of course.

I stepped out of the bathroom and sat on the bed. "I figure you deserve better than a secret meeting in the bathroom" I spoke aloud, knowing she could hear me. I could feel something in the room that made the hair on my neck stand up. Whoever they were didn't say anything and I sighed.

"Come on Sally. Are you afraid? What are you hiding from, huh? Billie? Everyone? Funny that a ghost would scared of humans" I say trying to provoke her and it surely works. I feel a weight on my chest before she shows herself, her hand wrapping around me neck.

"I'm not scared of shit" she smirks, old tears smeared on her cheeks. "Well, well, well. The notorious Sally McKenna" I chuckle. "Fuck you and that prissy bitch" she scoffs pushing herself off me. Walking over to the window and lighting a cigarette.

I quietly get up and lock the door, obviously not to keep her in but to keep anyone out. I didn't want anyone to spook her and make her disappear again. "So... why've your been hiding all this time then?" I ask curiously as I move to sit in the window sill. Grabbing the pack off of it and taking the lighter out her hand to light one myself.

She looks down at me blankly before turning her gaze back to the outside. "She's only here to milk us for our stories. Turning them into some sappy horror shit for money. Then she gets to go back to her mansion and drink her fancy white wine. Probably laughing at how pitiful we are" she expresses.

New tears running down her cheek and in that moment I understand her. I can feel everything she's feeling and the constant torment that plagues her. "That makes sense. I understand" I express sincerely. "Does it? Do you? Really? There's no way you could possibly 'understand' how I feel" she scoffs.

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