All Dolled Up 2/2

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"Feel better?" She asks but I can't reply because of the overwhelming feelings I get being so close to her. "No? What do you want me to do?" She asks ALMOST innocently. My brain has simply left the chat and I can't form proper thoughts let alone coherent sentences. "Honey?" She asks caressing my cheek, speak y/n for fucks sake! "I'm tired" I say, wow. What a response dipshit.

"Ok... I'll take you back to you room" she says, "n-no. I think I can make it" I stutter. "You don't sound very sure" she chuckles, I finally manage to make my brain and body connect and raise myself off her lap. "I am" I say and she stands up as well, coming closer to me. For every step she takes I take two, I'm short what can I say?

"Y/n..." she says pouting, I stop in my tracks as if my name falling from her lips is a command I can't deny. I mean it is. She's finally right in front of me, her hands cup my cheeks as she looks in my eyes. "You never answered my question" she whispers, why does her whispering make me feel such extreme emotion? "What question?" I reply being completely air-headed. "Do you feel better?" She asks slowly, and I nod in response.

"Good. You can always come to me. You know that, right?" She asks, I mean I wouldn't mind cumming for you either. "Is that so?" She asks with a smirk, "what?" I ask momentarily forgetting she can read mines. She doesn't reply and instead removes her hands from my face and wraps the around my waist pulling me closer. My breath hitches as I feel her body pressed against mine.

"I know you have a little crush on me" she says teasingly making me look at her surprised. I mean it is pretty obvious as much as I hate to admit it. "Don't worry... I like you too. A lot, in fact" she says smiling softly. "Delia?" I say and her smiles grows, I know she loves it when I call her that. "Yes, darling" she replies, "can we cuddle?" I ask her and her smile lifts to her eyes. "Of course, baby" she whispers making me smile shyly. I watch her take off her makeup first and she looks at me in the reflection smiling.

She leads me over to the bed and removes her clothes before freeing me of mine as well. She lays down and motions for me to get in before pulling the covers over us. She wraps her arms around me and I lay my head on her chest listening to her calm heart. "Cordelia..." I say and I can practically hear her frown, I never call her by her name. "What's wrong, my love?" She asks stroking my hair, "I umm..." I can't seem to get out the words.

"Go on... you can tell me anything" she says and the first thing that pops into my brain is a song of course. One I haven't heard in years but I guess it was just stored, covers sun cobwebs in the corner of my mind. "There's only one thing... to do" I start and I feel her shift under me. "Three words..." I sing taking a deep breath, "fo-ho-whore- you" (I couldn't help myself 😂) I stop and look up at her hesitantly.

I can't tell if she gets what I'm trying to say or not but I just wait. She looks at me raising her eyebrows slightly. "You know..." I say trailing off, "I don't think that's how the song goes, y/n" she says taunting me. "So you admit you do know it" I say and she shrugs with a smirk. "Continue... I love your voice" she whispers, "I love you" I sing quietly. It's quiet for a moment, I've closed my eyes just waiting for anything.

"I love you too" she says before I feel a kiss being placed on my forehead. I open my eyes and see her staring down at me lovingly. I smile widely and return my head to her chest but tilting it to bury my face in her neck. I inhale her scent and exhale my anxiety, she knows and she loves me. "Get some rest, we've got a long day ahead tomorrow" she says. "What do you mean?" I ask knowing it's the weekend and there's no classes.

"Well I have to ensure that you feel better... and it would be rude of me not to take you on a date. I mean I am a gentlewoman after all, besides, now that you're mine. I finally get to spoil you" she says kissing my temple after. "Who says I'm yours?" I tease her, "be honest. You can't resist my ass, in more ways than one" she giggles. "You have a point" I reluctantly agree, "but for the hell of it... will you be my girlfriend?" She asks already knowing the answer.

"I always was, in my head" I say shyly, "oh believe me, I heard. You're not as innocent as you seem" she quips. "Hey! That's only for you" I reply, "better be" she says before getting comfortable and hugging me tighter. Instantly releasing sarahtonin and making me sleepy. I fall asleep in her arms grateful that something good came out of this day.

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