Chess of Hearts |c.g|

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WC: 2,870

I've been at the academy for a week now. I still don't know how I feel about it if I'm being honest. I mean the people are alright. They've all been nice and for the most part welcoming. Even Madison who I've heard from everyone is supposedly a bitch. We're roommates actually and it's the best part about being here.

We have a mutual understanding and kinda just do our own thing. My only real problem is Ms.Goode. I wouldn't say she's a pain in my ass, more like a nuisance at most. She's always trying to get me to talk to her and I can understand why. She's the headmistress and it's her job to make sure we're all ok.

I just can't be around her, alone, for extended periods of time. She makes me really nervous, I mean she's intimidating. Her energy alone is enough to make me buzz and my magic spikes. So I've been trying to avoid her which is actually harder than you'd think.

She always seems to be everywhere, all the time. Every time I turn my back or around a corner she's there. I've even been focusing on my transmutation just so I can avoid her. It's not like I can't feel her coming, I can always feel her energy no matter where she is on the property. She somehow just always catches me just when I've let my guard down.

For some reason I woke up with a start this morning. I checked the clock and it was only 5 but I couldn't get back to sleep. So I came down here to the kitchen and made some toast to occupy myself. Scrolling on my phone mindlessly as I tried to pass the time.

"Hey" I hear, breaking my attention away from my phone and to the familiar voice. "Hi" I reply distractedly before putting my attention back on my phone. "I made tea" she informs, sitting across from me and I hold back a sigh. I don't want to make it obvious I've been doing everything I can not to talk to her.

"I don't want tea" I say, "I didn't make tea for you. This is my tea" she explains. "Then why are you telling me?" I ask, it coming out harsher than I intended. "It's a conversation starter" she answers. "That's a lousy conversation starter" I say still scrolling. I know I'm being a bitch but I really want her to go away.

I can feel how my body is freaking out from having her near me as long as she has been. "Oh is it? We're conversing" she says and I look up from my phone. "Checkmate" she whispers looking straight into my eyes. I avert my face back to my phone and scroll. Staring at random things but not paying any attention to it.

"I know you've been avoiding me" she states, shortly after taking a sip of her tea. "And? Why do you care?" I ask softly, any resemblance of annoyance leaving my voice. I'm focusing to hard on trying to control everything that wants to come out.

"Why do I care? I care because I don't understand why you're being like this. I care because I can sense your potential from a mile away but you won't give me the time of day" she says frustrated. "Sorry" I sat quietly, "sorry? Y/n, I need an explanation" she demands.

"I just can't be around you" I say emotionless but I'm everything besides that. "You're still not telling me why" she presses and I can hear the confusion in her voice. "Do you have any idea how much it hurts to have you not talk to me? How often I ask myself what I've done? So I'm going to need you to give me a better response than that vague bullshit you're throwing out" she demands.

Her tone feels like a punch to the gut, her fist wrapped in barbed wire or thorns. Yet delicate like a rose as her vulnerability leaks from her words like nectar, deadly sweet. "I can't" I whisper, more to myself than for her. I start to rise out of the chair only to feel a strong force pull me back.

"No! You don't get to run away like every other time. You are going to sit here and tell me why you can't stand being in a room with me. Even now you can't even look me in the eyes! Tell me what is going on. Right now" she commands. I feel my lip tremble and tears spring to my eyes.

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