Secrets Unveiled |a.m.r|

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Prompt: a woman reveals to someone close to her that she has gotten everything she has ever wanted her still feels disappointed with life.

What does the person tell her?

Ally and I have been friends for a while now, longer than I can actually remember. Well that's not entirely true, I definitely remember. It's been 2 years, I would go into the weeks and days but that feels creepy. Everything about her excited me, and still does for that matter.

I remember first meeting her at her shop, Butchery on Main. It was a foggy January morning and I was trying to find somewhere to get a hot chocolate. As soon as I walked in I noticed her, her back facing me. Even just seeing her back I knew she was beautiful.

The bell rang, delayed it seemed, her shiny dark brown hair swayed side to side as she turned around. Her face immediately lit up and she gave me a smile that could blind you. I shyly walked up to the counter as she approached the register. "Hi... I would like a hot chocolate please" I said quietly. Which if you know me is a sure sign that I'm nervous because I'm loud as hell.

"Alright, sweetheart. Anything else?" She asked sweetly, sweetheart my heart was racing. If I think hard enough my heart rate will speed up to this day. Then again I get to experience that on the regular now. After that I started coming in more and more often and we became instant friends.

Now, two years later, I'm still just as enamored by her as I was then. She finally got the courage to divorce Ivy, after much deliberation. I never liked that bitch, she was always so harsh towards Ally. I was happy when she told me, mostly for her but... also for me. It means I may have a small chance.

Speak of the devil... *phone rings*

Ally: hi, honey
My heart!
Me: hey Al, what's up?
Ally: I was wondering if you could come over tonight? Oz is at a friends...
Me: sure thing. You know I can never decline spending more time with you
Ally: haha, ok. I'll see you later *blows kiss*

She hangs up the phone and my mind starts racing. Why did she feel the need to mention that oz wasn't home? Maybe she just wants to drink? She doesn't like to drink hard stuff when he's around so it's probably that. I brush away my unholy thoughts as quickly as they come and get up to get ready.

Once I'm ready I head straight to her house, she didn't say what time. That usually means I can come whenever I'm ready.


I knock on the door quickly, not being able to contain my excitement. She opens the door right after I stop knocking and opens her arms for me. I step inside and wrap my arms tightly around her, closing the door with my foot. I wait a few seconds and squeeze her a bit tighter before letting her go.

I turn around and lock the door because I know how she is about those sorts of things. She leads me over to the couch where there's tequila waiting on the coffee table. She already has a glass that's half empty so I know she's started without me. "What's up, Al" I ask her trying to hide the worry in my tone.

"I don't know, bunny" she sighs pouring me a glass before taking another sip of hers. I take a sip and wait for her to continue. "I know I should I be happy. I'm finally... free. I don't have to worry about her and be scared of her moods. But I still feel... empty, like I'm not doing something right. Like something is missing" she says finally taking her eyes of the glass and looking at me.

I finish my sip and put the glass down on the table and look back at her. "Maybe you're lonely? I know it might seem to soon... but you should put yourself out there. At least for friends. I know your life pretty much revolved around her and her friends were your friends. I think you might just be... dwelling on it a lot because you stay inside so much" I advise.

As much as it pains me to tell her to find someone else, I always want best for her. Even if that's not me. "I'm not sure I'm ready, y/n. Besides, I have you" she says resting her hand on my thigh. I look down at it and calmly place my hand over hers. "I know... and you'll always have me. I just think it might be good for you to get some exposure. It's been a few months now..." I say.

She looks at me nervously and I know exactly what she's thinking. "I'll even go with you, I know you get anxious in crowds" I offer and she smiles softly. "What if I already met someone?" She ask shyly biting her lip. Ouch. "Oh... who is she?" I ask trying to sound happy for her. Don't get me wrong I meant what I said earlier, I want everything good for her.

It just hurts knowing I was waiting for her to be ready and mentally stable before I told her about my feelings. Only to find out that she's 5 steps ahead of me. "Well... I've known her for a while now. She's so sweet and caring..." she smiles widely. "I'm scared to tell her how I feel" she admits anxiously. "Why?" I ask putting my feelings to the side for a moment.

"I don't know if she'll like me back... with the age gap and all. Also because I'm not even sure if she notices me flirting with her. And if she does she never advances it, I don't want her to feel pressured" she says. She's literally an angel. "I'm sure if you talk to her about it she'll be understanding. Even if she doesn't it's worth a shot, right?" I say encouragingly. Hypocrite.

"I guess. I really don't wanna lose her, she means so much to me. What if I try to initiate something and she stops talking to me? O-or what if she-" I stop her because I can sense a ramble coming on. "Ally, honey, relax. It's ok. I'm sure she likes you and just doesn't know you like her. You know how oblivious we are. Just talk to her, she'd be insane not to like you back" I say holding her face rub my hands.

She stares at me nervously for a while before taking a deep breath. "Y/n?" She says quietly, "yeah" I giggle at her shyness. "I like you" she whispers with her eyes closed. "I like you too" i giggle again as I assess her face up close. "I-it's you. The girl I really like... I've li- loved you, for a really long time. Please don't hate me" she whispers and I catch the tears that fall from her eyes.

"I could never hate you... I love you too Ally" I say and her eyes flutter open to search mine. "I told you... we're so oblivious" I chuckle and she laughs with me. Our laughter slowly dies down and we just stare at each other. My hands on her face, her hands wrapping around my waist. "You're so beautiful" I say rubbing my hands along her cheekbones. She blushes and looks down biting her lip.

"You're really beautiful too" she says looking back in my eyes. "I guess all it took was some tequila to get us here. We should've done this a long time ago" I joke making her giggle. "It's never too late, right?" She asks, "never" I say leaning in to plant a sweet kiss on her soft lips. I pull away and smile like an idiot as she does the same.

"Oz is gonna flip his shit when he finds out" I chuckle. "I-if you wanna tell him, of course" I add shyly. "Oh he already knows, I swear that kid knows more than I do sometimes. He told me that he knew you liked me a long time ago and that I should just 'put my big girl pants on and do it'" she says using air quotes.

"Sounds like him..." I say smiling softly at the thought of the little rascal. "So... would my girlfriend like to watch movies?" She asks grinning. "She would love to" I say as she turns on the tv, I snuggle up as she finds one and presses play. One of her arms wraps around my waist while the other plays gently with my hair.

This feels like the most wonderful dream.

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