Chapter 100.) Setting the Tone

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"Are you sure about doing this?" Von asked Laiya as she sat in the private room trembling and emotional.

"I want my life back..." she wiped the fallen tears from her chin before picking up the mug of hot tea, "I did not sign up to be abused."

Taking a deep breath, Von placed the pen down and leaned into his chair. Massaging the bridge of his nose, he inhaled and exhaled again as he pondered. He had no idea what he was supposed to do. Laiya went from backing up Jasper and accusations against the Stone family to now trying to set him up on Federal charges. Dajon warned Von about his troubled little sister, but just like any victim, they knew when they were tired.

"Are you serious about this, Laiya?" he queried in a firmer tone.

"Do you think I came to this big scary building for fun?" she frowned.

Nobody ever does... except your brother, he merely thought. "Alright," he slid the pen toward her, "just write down everything that you can remember and we'll create a safe plan from there."

"Will I get in trouble?" she stared at him, "y'know... since I'm dating him and whatnot?"

"He's a grown man, you're freshly out of high school... sit on that for a second and then think about asking me that again."

Taking a deep breath, Laiya tightened the warm blanket around her and began writing as fast as her mind could work.

An hour later Von was going over a plan with Carmen that would work in Laiya's best interest.

"I'll give it to the dude, he's smart at what he does to an extent but not that smart," Carmen said to Von after Laiya left.

Von shrugged, "Men like him become intelligent when it comes to doing Ponzi schemes and bank fraud, but they always forget the fact that they leave a trail."

"Do you think we can trust her tho? I mean she did lie on her own kin for this cornball."

"Dajon said let's see it through... will I bet my life on her tho? Nah... but do I believe she wants to get away from him? Mm-hmm."

"Who's to say she isn't lying about him like she did with her folks? Yeah, it's obvious he put his hands on her but how are we supposed to not think this isn't just some got-ya type of thing?" she queried.

"We'll find out come next month..." Von muttered, "I have faith in her, she's young. We were all young, dumb, and in love like that before."

Carmen chuckled, "I have never been in love to the point I'm allowing a guy to talk me into fraud or stealing social security numbers from old and dead people... we only have her word on that last part, no proof as of yet."

"You have never been dumb and in love?" Von smirked.

"Nope," she stood, smoothed her slacks down, and headed out.

Amused, Von shook his head, "Everybody wants to be so perfect."

Across the city, Lucky had just got home. "What you in here doing, princess?" he asked Zora as he joined her in the living room. Ace was fast asleep behind her but there was no sign of Angel.

"I pway, Daddy," she held up the sketch journal, "I try... I uh... I draw a dress," she grinned.

Lucky smiled, laying beside her, "I see... you did awesome. You're gonna take after your mom with dis fashion stuff, huh?" he smirked.

"I like dresses," she giggled.

"You gotta make daddy some dope fits when you're older, ard?"

Zora nodded.

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