Chapter 96.) Certainly

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"What in the world were you doing fighting, Ra?!" A very upset Zoya queried after slamming the front door behind her. "And you had the nerve to use a damn weapon? Really?!"

"It was a food tray," Lucky grumbled, tossing his bookbag down before heading into the kitchen. "what you joe'n for?"

"Excuse me?" her expression hardened as she stalked toward him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, "what'd I tell you about talkin' to me like these badass lil boys on'a corner? Hmm?"

"You ain't 'een ask me what happened," he frowned, "you came in tha' office cussing me out."

"I was working!" she snapped, "ain't nobody taking care of the bills but me and you out here getting into fights! I did not raise you like that, Ramsee!"

"So I'm 'posed to keep letting these crafty ass niggas bully me?"

"This is your eighth fight, Ramsee! Do you want these white folks to kick you out? Is that what you want?"

"It ain't my fault people keep picking on me!" he yelled, "I'm sorry I can't help tha' fact dat I'm poor and these weirdos get a kick out of taawkin' shit."

"Watch your mouth!" she glared at him.

"Das' it?" he stared at her disappointed, "Not 'een gon' ask if I'm okay?"

"You won the damn fight, I know you're okay, the boy's in the damn hospital, Ra."

"Shouldn't have been yappin," he casually replied before heading into the kitchen.

Before Zoya could reply, Camille's father busted inside the home, "When are you gon' learn and send his ass to JDC or some shit? He is a fuckin' hothead! You missing work 'cause he wanna be out here acting like a fuckin' banger! I told you to send his ass away!"

"Bitch, fuck your alcoholic, posin' ass!" venom was laced heavily in Lucky's voice as he tried to exit the kitchen but Zoya blocked him.

"Boy, don't you know I'll whoop your ass? I don't give a damn what yo mama won't do, I'll tear your black ass up!"

"Try it!" Lucky lunged at him, "I wish your goofy ass would. Give me a reason to put makeup on yo face, bitch!"


"You crazy?" Zoya stared dubiously as him, "You lost your mind if you think you finna touch my damn son."

"What did I say?"

"Ma move," Lucky balled his lips, "let me put his ass to sleep real quick."

"He's gonna be your biggest downfall, mark my fuckin' words."

"Fuck your words," Zoya waved her hand dismissively, "you can escort yourself out."

"I'll be back," he directed his attention to Lucky.

"I ain't running," Lucky opened his arms, "say when, bitch."

When he left, Zoya turned to Lucky and narrowed her eyes at him, "I know you lost your mind somewhere outside. How many times do I have to tell you about your mouth?" she smacked him upside his head, "think I'ma let you slide with all that damn cussing?" she hit him again, "get your behind in that shower and when you're done, you better have a good apology letter waiting on your bed."

Lucky sucked his teeth, "You think I'ma keep letting his big ass bully me? What he taawkin' bout he told you to send me away? You wanna send me away?"

"No," she sighed frustratedly, "I never said that and I never put any thought into it, stop listening to everything he says, you know he ain't right in the head."

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