Chapter 95.) Drifting...

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Thanksgiving is supposed to be one of the most comforting times of the year. It is the time when you are surrounded by family, friends, and good food while exchanging heartfelt conversations. The family collectively agreed to enjoy the holiday at Karen's house. The weather was chilly, the leaves were a variety of orange and red colors, businesses were closed, and the roads were empty. With half of the food done, the family was engrossed in conversations, watching television, and the kids were running around with the dogs.

"I heard of him... he's part of tha' family," King told Lucky as they stood outside on the porch talking.

"Do you think he's on tha' same bullshit as Frank?"

"Nah," King shook his head, "I don't know how he got yo contact but he was part of tha' group dat gave me tha' green light to give Frank a dirt nap."

Lucky folded his arms and leaned against the brick, "Nolan Luciano... I heard briefly about tha' Luciano family but it was never anything to scare me."

King chuckled, "don't nun scare you but tha' thought of losing your family."

"So is he certified?"

King shrugged, "depends on your definition but I ain't have ties with him like dat. I just respected tha' family 'cause they respected me... it's a mutual thing."

"So... should I see what he wants?"

"Maybe but you ain't talking with him alone," King answered, "I respect 'em, I never said I trusted 'em."

"Glad we're on tha' same page," Lucky replied.

"Ava's scared isn't she?" King stared at him knowingly.

"Yeah... she has a right to be."

"Talk to her again or do you need me to?"

"I told her my truth but she kept telling me to tell you, so maybe you should tell her."

King nodded, "I'll let her know... do you know how tha' phone got in?"

"First thing dat came to mind was my damn siblings being on some sneaky shit but they never stepped foot inside our room."

"Did you buy it and forget?"

"Nah," Lucky stared ahead, "I think it came from tha' fake nanny we hired. I found tha' bugs but most likely overlooked tha' phone."

King's brows creased in wonderment, "you sure? She's been gone for a minute."

"Das tha' only explanation dat makes sense. I got rid of all my burners after Frank. Tha' only one I have is a flip phone and das in my safe."

"Mmm," King said, "tha' phone got inside your home somehow but we'll see wassup with Nolan... I'll make some calls tomorrow."

"Appreciate dat."

"We're family," King casually replied. "Let's get back inside 'fore they start to get suspicious."


"Have you heard anything from Laiya today?" Karen asked Bryson as he helped her with the turkey.

"I sent a text."

"Any response?"

"Something simple and short," he leaned against the counter, "I just don't understand where I went wrong."

"You didn't do anything wrong except love her too much. Did you spoil her? Yes, but is that your fault? No. Did she take advantage of it? Yes... is it unfortunate that she messed around and tripped into the hands of a predator? Absolutely, but we can't do anything until she is ready. Stop beating yourself up about it, Bry... you did nothing wrong."

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